$4.99 workout DVD's


Hello everyone! I just got back from a Ross store where I just bought $25 worth of work out DVD's. I've bought kids DVD's from Ross before but I was surprised to see,...

Jari Love's Get Ripped! to the Core
Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000
Jari Love's Ripped! Slim & Lean
Tamilee Webb's Tight on Time Hot Spots
CIA 9907: Kick It with Janis Saffell
Amy Bento's Kickbox Xtreme

All of these I paid either $3.99 or $4.99 for. I couldn't beleive what a deal! So I just thought I'd give a heads up to everyone when shopping at Ross don't pass up the DVD section.
Thanks for the heads up. I have a Ross in my area but I usually do not look through the DVD section because I have not had much luck in the past. I will start looking every time I go if they get in Amy Bento.
*Sniff, sniff*! I wish I had a Ross store. :( Boy, you got amazing deals! Thanks for letting us know. I always am thrilled when I get good deals. It just makes you want to exercise even more. :7
yes I see Jari's everytime I go to Ross. :) I haven't seen any of Amys there though? too bad I already have all the ones I want of hers anyway. I love a good deal! :)
I've seen Jari and Janis Saffel but I've never found an Amy Bento worout at Ross...what a STEAL!!! Of course, I preorder from Amy on a regular basis so even if her workouts started to show up at Ross regularly, it won't do me any good b/c I just can't wait that long for her workouts...LOL!
Isn't it funny how excited one gets when you get a good deal? I felt like a kid in a candy store. I came home and was showing my hubbie and he thought I was crazy of something. I told him it was equivilent to getting the best tickets to every sporting event of his choice for $50. I wonder if rich people ever feel this way??? I always hear that voice in my head saying "Well if I ever won the lottery, I would, ....blah, blah,..." but there is something to be said about truly being able to accept the small affordable pleasures of life. :)
Marcy, I'm sorry your right I'm not sure if it was the 9907 it was the DVD with the dude on front with her kickbox circuts or something, it had a black backgroud cover. I actually didn't buy the Jannis DVD but I saw it there. :) I might go back for it. I've heard of her but have never done her workouts.
Kathryn, Ross is sorta like a TJ Max or a Lohmans. They sell name brand stuff for cheap. In California they are all over the place in strip malls and stuff.

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