Today I had my 39th week check up (even though it's the end of the week). Not dilated. Told my doctor that I had had some pinkish tinged "stuff" when I wiped. Since I'd had no ultra sound yet, she ordered one to be had today to rule out placenta previa. I cried twice on the way to the ultra sound appointment because I felt unprepared for the possibility of having to have a c-section.
Well, all is well - may just be part of my "plug". Nonetheless, I'm going to spend some time preparing for how to handle my homebirth if I wind up in a hospital or needing a c-section.
The exciting part was getting to see mister-sister (told the ultra sound doctor not to tell us the sex!!). I'm kinda glad it happened because there is a space in the baby book that is for the ultra sound picture and we weren't going to have we have three! All are of the head. I can see it's eyes, mouth and hands between the three.
I'm just so excited! My mother-in-law arrived on Wed, 9/4 and leaves on 9/27. I hope the baby comes soon so she can spend time with it, but since I'm with a homebirth practice that tries not to interfere, inducement wouldn't be an option until week 45 unless there are concerns about baby and/or me.
Just got edema in my ankles and feet but I'm not gonna complain. Worse - I have gained 9 lbs. in the last two weeks! I discovered chocolate oreo cookies and IBC Cream soda. DO NOT TRY THESE PRODUCTS - they are addictive!
Next appointment is Friday, 9/13 but I'm due 9/9. Hopefully the next e-mail is the news of a new arrival!
Well, all is well - may just be part of my "plug". Nonetheless, I'm going to spend some time preparing for how to handle my homebirth if I wind up in a hospital or needing a c-section.
The exciting part was getting to see mister-sister (told the ultra sound doctor not to tell us the sex!!). I'm kinda glad it happened because there is a space in the baby book that is for the ultra sound picture and we weren't going to have we have three! All are of the head. I can see it's eyes, mouth and hands between the three.
I'm just so excited! My mother-in-law arrived on Wed, 9/4 and leaves on 9/27. I hope the baby comes soon so she can spend time with it, but since I'm with a homebirth practice that tries not to interfere, inducement wouldn't be an option until week 45 unless there are concerns about baby and/or me.
Just got edema in my ankles and feet but I'm not gonna complain. Worse - I have gained 9 lbs. in the last two weeks! I discovered chocolate oreo cookies and IBC Cream soda. DO NOT TRY THESE PRODUCTS - they are addictive!
Next appointment is Friday, 9/13 but I'm due 9/9. Hopefully the next e-mail is the news of a new arrival!