"30 Day Veg Pledge"


I was wondering how many are still vegetarian after taking on the” 30 Day Veg Pledge”?
I have been doing really good since Aug. last year, I didn’t had any meat in any form! Except two weeks ago I went out with my sister for Chinese food; I didn’t read the sign so I ended up with a little chicken on my plate! I was curious and eat it! Not only did my stomach started to upset me, but I didn’t like the taste of it! I guess I am really giving up meat once and for all!
I do have to say I do like my tofu, benas and vegetables! I am so glad I took that pledge! I am doing the BFL diet/ program(heavy weight training) is there anything I should or shouldn’t do? Any recommendations for suggestions are welcome!




I turned vegetarian as a child. I am married to a person who has always been vegetarian. I dont remember what non-vegetarian food tastes like and my mind does not think "food" when I see meat, chicken or fish.

Welcome to the Club!

I do not think I eat as much protein as people who are not vegetarian, yet I lift as heavy as I can with good form. I have the occasional whey protein shake, especially when I am training hard consistently. On most days I eat just regular, vegetarian food. My diet is mainly whole grains, lentils, beans and lots of fruit and veggies. I love tofu. I do take dairy. (I am lacto-vegetarian. I do not consume eggs or any foods that contain eggs.)

I dont think being vegetraian impacts my ability to exercise in any way.

My diet is probably deficient in Omega-3 because my HDL and LDL cholestrol are both showing up as low. My other tests are normal so far. I plan to start eating powdered flax seed.

At 39, my bone density scan said I have the bone density of a woman in her mid twenties. I am 40 now. But that could be because of the skim milk that I drink every day.


Hi Belinda! I have remained 99.9% vegetarian ;). I caved a little over the holidays and will OCCATIONALLY have chicken if DH makes a chicken dish for dinner. He is the main cook since he gets home early and while he is pretty good about it most of the time, he still forces the issue a lot and rather than have a huge fight, I eat the chicken. He has however been buying organic, free range chicken and he is now addicted to veggie burgers, so there may be hope for him.

Hi Belinda~ I am pretty much still a veggie. I have chicken about once every other month or so if I go out to dinner. I still have cravings for bacon but have not given in to it yet!!!

Vrinda > "At 39, my bone density scan said I have the bone density of a woman in her mid twenties. I am 40 now. But that could be because of the skim milk that I drink every day."

Vrinda - Did your insurance cover your bone density scan? My mother and my grandmother both have very serious osteoperosis and I can't convince my doctor to allow my insurance to cover a test since I am not 50 years old. I am curious to know what my bone density is. Any suggestions?


I live in India so insurance here is probably different. My scan was not covered by insurance. I paid, but could claim that money as tax-free, so I suppose the Goverment paid i/3 of it.

Also I think most medical procedures are far less expensive here than in the US. Medical tourism is an emerging market in India. Westerners come to India for elective surgery like plastic surgery or gastric bypass. Some people who are under/uninsured also come for more serious surgery like cardiac surgery.

I hope you can find a way to get your bone density scan cost covered.


Hi ladies,

Honestly, when I signed up for that pledge, I didn’t think I was going to last 2 weeks! Look at me now! I am still in!

Vrinda** all my blood test show up normal! Even my B12 is normal! I do eat dairy products and fish! Do you still get that nice muscle tone? I also drink protein shakes on heavy days, put not more than one a day! If I drink more than one, I am afraid to gain weight!

Liann** good for you that you are still a vegetarian! My DH is pretty supportive with my decision! I still cook meat and chicken for him! I love veggie burgers! Do you lift heavy weights? What do you eat on heavy weight days”

Teri** I am glad you still in! I am glad you are not giving in that bacon! I don’t have cravings, which is a good thing! I thought it would change since I moved back to Germany! With all that Schnitzel and Bratwursts! I found same soy Bratwurst, they taste just like the real thing!

On BFL you lift heavy 3 times a week! Two upper body and one lower body one week, the next week you lift 1 UB and 2 lower body the next week! Is there anything I can do to improve my muscle tone more?

My meals for today!

M1 – 2 small protein pancakes
M2 - ½ banana w/ bb
M3 - 1 c. 15 beans soup
M4 – mango and peaches
M5 – 1 ww tortillas
Spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms
¼ c. shredded cheese
M6 – fat free yogurt

Thanks for all your advice!



> Even my B12 is normal!

That's no surprise, since your body can store enough B12 for 2-5 years (depending on whose estimates you go by), so even if someone went vegan today, they would have fine B12 levels for a while even without taking supplements (though since the safety margin isn't really known, it's best to go on supplements right away).

>I do eat dairy products and fish! (umm...fish isn't vegetarian, but congrats on sticking to a plant-based diet!)

>Hi ladies,
>Honestly, when I signed up for that pledge, I didn’t think I
>was going to last 2 weeks! Look at me now! I am still in!

Congratulations Belinda!

>Vrinda** all my blood test show up normal! Even my B12 is
>normal! I do eat dairy products and fish! Do you still get
that nice muscle tone?
I also drink protein shakes on heavy
>days, put not more than one a day! If I drink more than one,
>I am afraid to gain weight!


My muscle tone is not good at all! Vegetarianism is not at fault. Partly it is genetics. Mostly it is because I eat considerably more than you. :) I eat clean 90% of the time but a lot of clean! I feel very hungry (aka crochety) if I restrict portion sizes too much. Also I "need" atleast one treat a week that is junk food - a slice of veggie pizza or the Indian snack of masala dosa.

I try to stay unpudgy and unjiggly.

Here are pics of what I mostly manage:


Below is what 6 months of going crazy (eating too much junk and working out irregularly) did to me.


I got way up to 7 kg higher than my "normal" weight and I am 100% sure all of that was fat. I am back on track with eating and getting into my ususal exercise routine and have lost some of that excess baggage (I dont mean the teddy) already.

I have rather modest ambitions. My resolution for my 40s is to first reach my goal weight/dimensions and then maintain it plus or minus 2 kgs (no large yo-yos). I never get too restrictive on eating because I know I cannot sustain that long term. I love exercise of all kinds which is a good thing.

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