3 months postpartum and frustrated


Active Member
I'm 3 months postpartum and getting frustrated by lack of time and diminishing fitness. I did really well throughout my pregnancy...I got certified in pre natal fitness and worked out as intensely as I could almost daily. Immediately following I began walking w the stroller 4-6 miles a day which got the w eight off (I was at pre preg weight 1 week after birth) but now it is so hard to get in the kind of workouts I really need to get my muscle back. My DS doesn't nap much or w any regularity. I actually find myself getting so frustrated and sometimes resentful bc all I wany is an hour or 90 min to myself to get it done. Obviously this makes me feel bad. Anyway, all tat hard earned muscle and definiyion I had reached is diminishing. any tips out there or others who are going through the same thing? I just feel so loose and out of shape!
Have you tried just working out with him in the swing or bouncer in the same room? I know it isn't the same 'quietness" you are looking for, but I used to do it and hope to do it with my 3rd coming up here - because I would not let anything stand in my way. When I am in shape and feel better about myself, I am a better and more patient mother too. I used to lay my babies on the floor and do pushups - safely - above them and make it a goal to kiss them every time I came down for a pushup. You can put the baby on your chest and do crunches and hold him and do squats and etc. That is what I did, all in safety.
He may fuss a little bit in the swing or bouncer or whatever item you put him in, but he will be okay for a little bit. Eventually he will get used to it. Keep trying!
THe PP makes a good point- bring baby with you to your workout room so you won't drive yourself crazy running to his room.

Also, go get yourself a good sleep book; the moms here will have lots of suggestions.

I have two quick points-

a 60-90 block of time is ambitious. Split your workout in 2 and you'll be much less frustrated.

Find a gym with a nursery service. It is a total PITA to drag my kids to the gym, but it lets me get in some treadmill running and alone time. TOtally worth it.
Yep, that's what I did too.
I had a little Bobby lounger that I would put him down on. A lot of the time he would just fall asleep on it. As he got older, he was less happy to be plopped down on it for an hour, so I would alternate between that and a bouncer that I also brought down into my workout room.

Like yours, my DS was not a regular napper at that time (he's 4.5 mos now). Some days he napped or was content to just sit there the whole time. Some days I had to stop the workout every 10 minutes to soothe him before going back to it. But regardless of how long it took, I got that workout in!

And like another poster said, using the baby as a "weight" for crunches and sqauats is pretty handy, and they have fun with it too!
Thanks for the suggestions! I have tried the bouncy but he won't last in it. I can cover some time w a short video for him to watch but need to figure out how to cover the rest of time. It works out sometimes if my husband gives him a botle and occupies him for a little while and then sets him in front of the video. But I can't count on thst sll the time. I guess I'll just keep tying different things! I do ab exercises w him when he cooperats ;-) And the gym near me won't take him yet but that wil be a grreat option! Thanks again!!!

I'm in the same spot as you... Just posted a thread without realizing you had the same type of problem and post.

The bouncer also doesn't work for me because the only way she stays in it without crying is with a pacifier which she repeatedly spits out and I have to stop and put back in all the while interrupting the workout.

I know it is extremely frustrating and I also end up feeling guilty which I know is natural. Just wanted to let you know you're definitely not alone! I guess we just have to keep trying.
I've been tninking about that but logistically it just won't work yet. James doesn't make it the whole night in his crib yet and usualy ends up in our room in the middle of the night and right now my workout stuff is in the bedroom. ;-( But I can see that workng in the future!
The other thing I did with my baby in the warm weather was to create a circuit workout as follows: walk/jog once around the block in the stroller, go back to my driveway where 1 set of 10 pound dumbbells were waiting and where I would immediatey perform some sort of exercise until my baby was either stirring to wake up (bc we stopped moving for too long) or started fussing to keep moving. Repeat. You could do a total body circuit or choose to just focus on one muscle hoping that you might hit it hard enough to feel satisfied.

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