2nd DVD feeback request...

SNM Videos

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-01 AT 03:56PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for your helpful feedback. We see that the general consensus is that you do not want Leaner Legs repeated on DVD, however, the popular demand seems to be in favor of bringing MIC somewhere into the line up. Taking all of your requests into consideration, along with what we are able to do minutes wise, we have two packages that we are considering. What
do you think?

DVD Option One:

1) Rhythmic Step & Power Hour

2) The Slow & Heavy Series

3) The Pure Strength Series

4) MIC, MIS & Body Max

5) Interval Max

DVD Option Two:

1) Rhythmic Step, IntervalMax, and MIC

2) The Slow & Heavy Series

3) The Pure Strength Series

4) Power Hour, MIS & Body Max

Please let us know your thoughts on these options. Feel free to also let us know if perhaps you feel that another package would be more appealing, based on the workouts presented above.

Thank You Kindly :)

PS. For those of you who have requested the older workouts on DVD, we intend to release a Cathe Classics DVD sometime in the future.
Hi Cathe,

Let me thank you again for soliciting people's suggestions *and* for really taking them into account!

I am voting for Option Two. I think putting the strength workouts together in one DVD and the cardio workouts together in another DVD is great! (I admit I also don't feel like buying 5 DVDs when I will get the same workouts with 4!)

I'm already excited about the Classics DVD too!!


I love it!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-01 AT 02:41PM (Est)[/font][p]Option 2 would be my personal preference. It's absolutely everything I hoped for. :) I don't have any problem with have a mix of old and new videos on the same DVDs. It seems like it would be cheaper and easier to just have the 4 DVDs, rather than 5, wouldn't it? I also like having the cardio and strength on separate DVDs the way they are in DVD Option 2. It seems like an awful waste of DVD space to have IMax all by its lonesome. :)

I am in Heaven with these options you're considering!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Thanks so much for making us and our concerns a part of this process! It's just another of the many reasons why you're the best there is! :) Thanks so much for making my week!! :)

This is a tough one! I probably would not buy Interval Max as a stand-alone DVD, but if it were added to the first or fourth tape in the first option I would then prefer Option 1. I also like that MIC and MIS are together in option 1. So I guess I'm leaning towards a modified option 1, without the stand-alone Interval Max.

Thanks for asking for our input! To be honest, I'm most excited about the Cathe Classics DVD!! I hope it has Step Jam!

Looking forward to whatever combo you decide on -
I'll take what's behind door #2

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-01 AT 02:48PM (Est)[/font][p]Option #2 sounds wonderful. Thanks so much for asking our opinion! When do we sign up?? ;-)
Slight preference for option 2


Thank you! They both sound great. Just a slight preference for option 2 because I like to have the strength sections together.

I can't wait for the Cathe Classics DVD!

- Sally
Definitely leaning toward option 2. I probably would not buy Interval Max on its own since I already have it on VHS. Thanks so much for listening to us Cathe. You are the best!! Michelle
Put me down for Option 2

I don't mind mixing the old and new CDs together and less CDs take up less space.
Thanks again for listening to us!!!!!

Dawn W
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-01 AT 03:35PM (Est)[/font][p]I would prefer option two.

Thanks for your commitment to the DVD format.
Option #2 PLEASE!

Option #2 gets my vote. Also, can't wait for the Cathe Classics DVD.
Thank you for asking and listening!!!
Thanks so much, Cathe, for listening to us by taking out Leaner Legs and adding MIC.

I would be okay with either option, but have a slight preference for option number 2 due to the separate groupings of cardio and strength.

Thanks again for providing all these workouts on DVD.
Heavily for Option 1

I vote heavily for Option 1 with the 2 new workouts (Rhythmic Step & Power Hour)on 1 DVD. The bottom line is I won't buy them if they're mixed with old workouts that I already have or don't want.
How about the first option with MIS and MIC on one, then IMAX and BodyMax together? I can see why some people would want both new ones on one DVD, and of course PS and Slow and Heavy make sense too. That just leaves the other 4 to figure out. Well, MIC and MIS make sense together- and IMax and BodyMax together are OK. That way, no workout is left all alone!
If IMAX is included into one of the other DVD's, my vote is for #1 as I wouldn't buy IMAX by itself on DVD (have the video). Otherwise my vote is for option 2. Either way, I'm completely jazzed and will have the credit card ready on May 1st!

BTW, Cathe, thanks for answering my post from about a week ago (re: left outer knee pain). I really appreciate you taking the time for all of us!

Number Two!!

Hi Cathe! Number Two sounds great!! For me, I would like to mix sections of IntervalMax with sections of MIC, or the step section of MIC with sections of IntervalMax. Likewise, I want to mix sections of MIS with BodyMax and PowerHour - so number two is ideal!

Thanks, again!!

Chris T.
Option 2 please! I also prefer separating the cardio and the strength portions. Every title is perfect- I want 'em all!

Jennifer V
Option 2 sounds great, love the separation of strength from cardio. I will be buying a DVD player now. Yahoo
Thanks Mari :-jumpy

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