"24" - now THAT'S a really bad day!

L Sass

Missed it Monday (but taped it) and watched it last night. WOW - it's a really bad day when you can be a prisoner of both the Chinese government and the Russian government all in the same day. When WILL that boy learn not to violate consulates?


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6

You know, I love "24" - but it is pretty dumb sometimes. I find myself sometimes wondering when I'm going to get tired of it. I wish they'd drop the whole "24 hours" theme because it just doesn't make sense. I was very upset that Assad was killed in the explosion. Yes, he was a cold-blooded killer....but he was also Dr. Bashir from Deep Space Nine, so I had a very soft spot for him. He was so sweet in DS9.

I thought it was a great episode. I've been getting bored with it a little bit this season and this week's episode woke me up! When Jack cut off the Russian Consulate's finger with the cigar cutter I thought I was gonna puke right then and there! I'm sad that Assad is dead too though. I was excited to see where his role was going to go in this season...

I wasn't too thrilled with last weeks episode. Jack seems too smart to do something like that. And then he didn't even call CTU before trying to get out so that they would have the information. And he just tried to walk out the door???? I figured he had some wild plan about how he was going to escape the office. Just seemed kind of out of character.

He was still fun to look at though...}(


Yes! I definitely thought it was ridiculous that he thought he'd walk out the door. Did he really think they wouldn't be there waiting for him? Duh
Re: bad day

Maybe the whole season is a hallucination while he's still in the Chinese prison - I'm not terribly enamoured with this season either. Though I do agree - he is still nice to look at.


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
RE: Re: bad day

I'm so glad other 24 fans are feeling this way. For some reason this season just feels 'tired' for me. Monday, I literally said out loud, "not this again" with the whole consulate business. And I agree could Jack have been more stupid. First, just announcing that he is holding Markov hostage and then just thinking he is going to walk right out of there.

I'm also sick of the whole 'people working to undermine the president' thing. Except for last year and season 1 I think this has been a mainstay of the show. I understand opposition to the president is probably normal but why do they always have to have people using any means necessary to subvert the president's policies?

I also agree that the time aspect has gotten worn out. In season 1, Jack literally had 24 hours to save David Palmer and his family. Now, Jack has 2 hours to do this, 25 minutes to do that, etc. I don't even think about the 'time' anymore.

I sill love this show and would never even consider not watching, it's just getter harder to really stay amped about it...especially when it is following Prison Break which has just been soooo good.:)

Oh my gosh! I have felt the same way about this season and this last episode. Did Jack really think he was going to just walk out the door? Ummm... duh! And what's with the Russian guard who went into the other room to call CTU but left the door open with his back to it? I've found myself practically predicting what is going to happen.

I still like the show and want to know what happens.. It just seems like the characters are doing things that seem really silly.


I just don't know about this show. After hearing so many great things I finally committed to it this season. I have bought into the suspension of disbelief theory in order to enjoy it, but after watching the first 4 episodes I just can't do it anymore. I don't find any of this believable, even in the most remote way. I also don't understand why there is so much torture in every episode, but to each his own on the violence thing.
I really wanted to like this show, the concept is really neat, but the only thing I can say I enjoyed during the brief stint I watched was that Jack looked really hot in that shirt this season...}(

I hope it gets better, for your sakes, but I think my time is done.

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