2002 Body For Life Winners on EAS Website

I was wondering that too!!!! I just started a Challenge on Monday. I am using Cathe vids, but I am following his pattern too. I did this about 3 years ago exactly by the book, and had awesome results. I hope I can do it again.
Lori S.
Hi Lori! Why didn't you stay on BFL if I'm not too forward by asking. Did you have to take all their supplements? or can you do the program w/o supplements? I'm doing BodyRX & love it. Best, Kathy:)
I just kept gaining weight. I think my portions were too big, and I just got very frustrated. Instead of eating fist size portions, I concentrated on eating so many protein grams per meal, and I was eating too much. So, I am going to try it again. I bought the BodyRX book, but that Cycle 3 scares me with hardly any carbs. I am not a big fan of cardio. I may give it a shot when I finish this.
You have to at least use one thing from EAS during the Challenge. I love MyoLite. so it is no problem to me.
Lori I think you'll have a better experience w/BodyRX. Cycle 3 is tough & boring but I didn't really see a significant difference until Cycle 4. I'm still into Cycle 4 & I like this eating program. You switch it up every 6 wks. as well as the training program. You don't have to do any supplements if you don't want to. I haven't & lost 9" off of my body. I was just curious about BFL because these people look SO great! Kathy
I might try that next time. BFL is faster, and I do like the free day. I have a little bet going with my brother on weight loss, and I can conquer alot on BFL, especially if I monitor my free days closely. He is doing Atkins, yes I know, and I am doing BFL. He has 20 to lose, and I have 11. We have 12 weeks to do it in. Of course, he is losing at a fast rate. I will not weigh yet anyway. He won't work out because he doesn't want to gain muscle weight. I am just sitting back and watching. I am offering no help. He is a smart man, and he knows what to do, he is just ignoring sound logic. Even if I don't reach my weight goal, just to gain muscle and lose bodyfat will be worth it to me.

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