2 Years Postpartum!!!


New Member
Hi, Cathe!
I've enjoyed your videos for a very long time. I've been an instructor for almost 14 yrs. My son will be 2 next month and I have a postpartum 'body' question! My pregnancy weight dropped off within days of delivery and it's been a battle to lose that extra 'skin' off my abs. I'm a small build, 5'1" (105lbs) and my abs are definitely much stronger now than they ever were pre-pregnancy. The question is my whole waist-line is thicker due to this 'skin' that no matter what I do- just won't seem to want to go away! Did you experience any of this? (it certainly doesn't look like it!) - or any advice? I'm scared that with the second child - it will only get worse!
Thanks so much - your videos have inspired me and have given me ideas and education for many years!
I am not Cathe but I also am 2 years postpartum, 5'1" and 115 lbs. I have a lot of muscle and finally have a four pack (even DH says I do) but my lower abs have a little more over them and I can't see the 6th pack but I can feel it. My skin looks like I had a baby and not like a woman who hasn't, but in saying that I don't have belly over hang and feel very good about myself. I also had a c-section so my skin may have been stretched a little differently vs a vaginal birth. I say don't worry about it. It's obvious that at 105 you are back to a healthy weight for your body and so I would just keep that in mind and don't sweat it. I am hoping for #2 and figure if I did this well on my own the first time, it will go good again the second. I know that doesn't help you, but know your not alone.
Congratulation on your baby turning two! And good job on the postpartum fitness. I'm sure you look awesome!

I've got two babies - one is 2.5 years and my youngest one is 8 months. My abs are in the best shape ever, (thank you Cathe) but yes, I do have the skin issue too. I think that it will continue to improve, but I know that my tummy could never hide the fact that I have had two babies. I do believe Cathe is a rare genetic exception.

Personally, it doesn't matter much, because I'd chew off my right arm to have my boys, so a little extra tummy skin is fine. I try not to let it discourage me and I concentrate on other areas, like sculpting my shoulders, building up my back and leaning out my legs. I'm not going to wear a bikini (at least not anytime soon), so no one is really going to see my belly except for me and my husband and I know my husband thinks I look amazing.

And, by the way, I bought a beautiful, sexy black tankini for the summer and I have never gotten so many compliments on my body. Especially as I'm carrying around my baby and holding my toddler's hand. I feel strong, healthy and happy. What more could you ask for?
Just curious here.

I am currently pregnant with my first, and I wonder what you mean by extra skin? Is it flab or actual loose skin? I think if it is loose skin you can only remove it surgically.

Not something I am looking forward to! I really hope my body goes back to the way it was, but I'm sure it will all be worth it no matter what.
I honestly think it's loose skin.........I know - Yikes. WIth doing Pilates 2/3 times a week on top of a hard workout schedule the abs have really gotten strong. But believe me - it's not like if I tightnen up my abs and walk around that it jiggles! So don't worry about that. I think what the other women replied hit the nail on the head. It's honestly knowing a body who has given birth vs. a body which hasn't. Doesn't look bad - but you peronally will always know and feel a difference.
I'm slowly becoming ok with it. I look at it like my badge of reward. Before baby - women would comment that I looked great but that ever famous 'wait till she has babies!' - Now I have to believe them when they say I still look great. It's hardest to convince yourself.
Abd believe me - when you get your baby in your arms - NOTHING ELSE WILL MATTER!
Congratulations - enjoy every minute of it!
Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of extra skin is through plastic surgery. You can do all the situps and cardio you want, but it won't affect your skin. The skin stretches due to weight gain or pregnancy, but when the weight is lost the integrity of the elasticity of your skin is lost as well. This leads to the extra skin. Congratulations on the fitness of your body and your healthy baby and know that there is something you can do about your skin if you wish to pursue surgery.

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