2 S&H bodyparts per week???


Hello everybody. Oh it's been so long since the last time I did S&H and I'm planning either a 2 week or 3 week rotation in a couple of months following a PS rotation. I don't even remember how I used this series. I just know they're about 1 hour long. When I'm doing rotations to gain muscle mass I workout 2 bodyparts per day and try to add 3 or 4 30 min cardio workouts per week (with one full day of rest for recovery). With the PS series this is easy because I do SL&A alone without cardio and CS&T and BBA with one CTX cardio. But with S&H is not quite as easy to do this because that would be at least 1 1/2 hrs per day. I'm curious about how everybody adds S&H to their rotations.
Hi Rose,

Try doing just one S & H bodypart/week and then tack on a CTX cardio after that. That gives you about an hour a day, plus you can really focus on that specific muscle worked.

I do this w/ S & H quite a bit..its my favorite rotation and I always seem to get the best results for muscular gains.

Also, try not to put your chest day and shoulder day on consecutive days.. S & H chest works alot of your front shoulder on the incline bench work..better to have a day between (ie and do S and H legs, or biceps the following day after chest) to let the shoulder recover.

Take care, Lynn M.
Funny you should ask, because I just started doing a rotation that uses S&H. It's Cathe's June 2003 rotation and can be found here (I hope I paste this link correctly):

Cathe mixes 1 S&H body part per workout with various cardio routines (some CTX, some parts of other videos, some things you do on your own, like running) and ab work.

Since I am trying to get ready for Hard Core, I am trying to go heavier than I ever have for at least one of the three sets in each exercise.

Deborah R.
Your suggestions make sense. Thank you very much. However I think that doing 6 cardios per week would be too much for me while doing S & H. I'm thinking maybe doing L & S twice without cardio and doing the rest of the workouts once a week with one CTX cardio since my legs are one of my "problem" areas.
I recommend doing cardio and weights on separate days when doing S&H. That should give you more recovery time, which you will need. So, for example, you could do:
Monday: S&H chest and back
Tuesday: cardio
Wednesday: S&H legs and shoulders
Thursday: rest
Friday: S&H Triceps and Biceps (you could add cardio this day, as triceps and biceps are smaller muscle groups. You could also reduce the number of sets for triceps/biceps).
Saturday: cardio
Sunday: rest or stretch
Hi Rose-

If you end up wanting to work your legs twice in a week, you might want to consider doing something else other than S & H legs later in the week. With S and H legs being heavy weights and standing work, it might work better to "shock" your body by doing something else and totally different for that second leg workout.

Not sure what Cathe workouts you have in your collection, but maybe Legs and glutes, or the floor work for PLB or PS Legs might be a good alternative to that second S&H legworkout.

Take care, Lynn M.
I have all of Cathe's lower body workouts. Your suggestion is great because the leg workout in L&S is about 30 mins and maybe an additional workout that's longer and not as slow would be great to shock my muscles. Thank you.

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