2 questions


hi everybody.
well i have to confece im hooked the first thing i do when i enter the net is to enter this forum its very intresting educating and fun.
my first question is what to buy next im on very low budget because of the expensive delivery so im down to 5 options:gum stile(5 dvd only)/the body blast series including the timesaver/slow & heavy/ power hour+mis+body max/rythmic step+interval max+mic.i think i can spend around 150$ so what do you advice???
my second question is how on earth can i "tell" my dvd player to mix and mach i try and try but nothing happens
what buttons do i have to push

thank you
you r all great :) :) :*
For your first question, I would pick the Gym Styles (these are 3 DVDs not five) and Rhythmic Step+. The Gym Styles have a good mix of building muscle and increasing endurance whereas Slow & Heavy is basically just for muscle mass and Power Hour, etc. is mostly for endurance. I love the Rhythmic Step DVD. Rhythmic Step is a great step workout and lots of fun if you don't mind challenging choreography. Interval Max is an interval workout with more athletic choreography and Maximum Intensity Cardio is IMO, Cathe's most intense cardio workout (also has more athletic choreography). If Rhythmic Step is too much to start out with, you could work your way up to it with the other two. This would bring you to $125 plus shipping.

For your second question, if you press the button called "DVD Menu" the mix and match and premix options should come up.

thanks for the advice . about the 2nd question after i reach the manu where the mix&match & the premix comes up what do i do next what buttom to press so the dvd will remember what workout i want in other words how do i mark the individual workouts i want to use
YOu can't tell your DVD player to remember the workout or mark one for future use. You have to make your choice each time you workout.

On the "mix and match," you choose one segment at at time, the segment plays, then you are taken back to the mix-and-match menu to choose another segment if you want (not as nice a feature as the 'workout blender' that was only on the Body Blast series, which allows you to choose 5 (?) segmets in order before having them play).

As for 'premixes,' they are already programmed mixes of a workout (or workouts) and you just choose them and hit play for the program to play all the way through.
What workouts do you own now? That might help others make suggestions for you. Good luck!
kick max
core max
low impact step
i max2+cardio and weights
basic step+body fusuin

im trying to write me my own ration based on what i have.do i need to know something coming to write this,5 times a week worlouts can i do everyday something else or do i have to do what i chooes for that week twice.
help im confuesd

thank u:* :* :*
Based on what you currently own, I might not jump to the Gym Styles as my first purchase (unless you start out with really light weights). Your best option may be the PH/MIS/BMax DVD for $49.99 and the RS/IMax/MIC DVD for $49.99. That would give you two total body weight workouts along Body Max which is great for overall endurance and can easily be split up into 2 or 3 different workouts if one is just starting out and some nice cardio options. Another idea to consider is purchasing the CTX series for $89.00. You get 6 workouts in that series. 4 days are WU, cardio, followed by weight work for one upper body part, 1 is WU, cardio, leg circuit followed by weight work for one upper body part, and 1 is a lower body weight/endurance workout. There are 4 days of ab work at the end of 4 workouts also. What is great about this series is you can use as is...no rotation to worry about until you read up in the rotation forums and get a better idea of how those go or you could string together the cardio's to make a long cardio session, do the upper body only, do the lower body leg workout adding on the KM leg drills, etc. I'm going on and on, but the CTX series is in your budget and you get lots of options and wouldn't have to worry about a rotation to begin with. Good luck and let us know what you decide. Sorry so long...:eek:
P.S. CTX is Cross Train Express...I didn't know if you were familiar with all the abbreviations.
hi again

i so the clips of the ctx and i dont like it. i saw almost the whole 6 clips and i think (based on what i saw)that the moves are old fashion and not much intresting.i liked the slow and heavy building muscle and the ph+ dvd. what do u think :eek:
I think your choices are good. You will get muscle endurance with PH+ and muscle building with Slow & Heavy. PH+ was one of my first DVDs. Body Max is great because you'll get cardio plus upper body conditioning plus leg work in the power circuit section. I am doing Slow & Heavy this week. I have a hard time building muscle so this helps plus its getting me stronger.


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