2 Book recommendations


I read Carroll O Connell Bone by Bone. Great Mystery Suspense.

O boy and Steven James "The Pawn" this is the first in a series and I could not put it down. Suspense/Thriller. The back of the book just did not do the book justice in describing it. I can not wait for the next book "The Rook". and scheduled after that I believe is "The Knight"

Anyone read Keith Gilman "Fathers Day?" I would like to see comments on what you thought of it.
Why did I open and read this post? LOL Every single time somebody rec's books, my to-read list just grows and grows! LOL

Steven James....how current/recent is his series? I'm wondering, because I have a used book store in town and they usually have the older books and are limited (at most times) on the current sellers.

Thanks for adding to my growing list again! :p

Steven James....how current/recent is his series? I'm wondering, because I have a used book store in town and they usually have the older books and are limited (at most times) on the current sellers.

Thanks for adding to my growing list again! :p


Hello Gayle The Pawn shows a copyright of 2007. The Rook is second in the series and the Knight is the third. He is not on Fantastic Fiction site. But i did find that he is a christian author, speaker and his site is not very helpful.

I read the Pawn in 2 days and just went to my library and reserved the next 2 I cant wait to find them to purchase. I really hope the second is as good as the first.

Let me know.
I just finished reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and could not put it down. I already have the second one. It was a mystery and I really enjoyed it!
Thankgoodness a book thread!!!!

Im finishing up with a book right now that is SO BORING...but i have to know what happens:rolleyes:

I will request the books mentioned at my local library! Thanks for the suggestions:)
Hi, Amelia.

Here's another suggestion/rec: The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society! Weird title, great book. This is what I started last night and am already 1/3 of the way done. It's the current book selection for my Book Club and I'm loving it! Easy and quick, and interesting.


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