
This is something you will need to test on your own. You simply need to find a weight for the exercise you're testing for that you can only do about 10 times with good form. For example: Let’s say you want to try to determine what your 1RM is for a barbell curl. You think you can do about 40lb’s for 10 reps. You load up your barbell and find that you actually could only do 9 reps. That is close enough for our purposes and our calculator will be able to determine your approximate 1RM. If you could do 15 or more reps we would want you to retest after resting at least 5 minutes.

But getting back to our barbell curl example you would simply go to our website ( this will be ready in February or March) and select the exercise you just performed from our drop down list. You would then enter the weight you lifted (in this case 40 lbs) and then enter the number of reps performed (in this case 9 reps). Then just press the 1RM calculator button and our script will automatically calculate and store your 1RM for this exercise. This will make determining the correct weight you need for STS and other workouts very easy.
This sounds Amazing!!! Can't Wait!! I usually chose a lighter weight then I am sure I should be using. This is just what I need.

According to a recent study done at the University of Michigan you’re not alone. The study showed that most exercisers usually selected a weight for an exercise that was way to light for their ability. When left to make the decision on their own most exercisers chose a weight that was between 42% and 57% of their 1RM. This is about 20% to 30% less than what they should have chosen. We hope STS gets people thinking about the weights they’re using in their workouts and helps them select the proper weight for each exercise.
What if the heaviest weight I currently own I can lift more than 10 times? How do I find the heaviest weight I can lift? Do I have to go out and buy different size weights to figure this out?
Yes, but not only do you need to purchase heavier weights to do the test, you more importantly need them for your workouts.
When we do the test should we do a warm-up first? Also, should we do different tests for different muscles at the same time or over several days?
Yes, you should always do a light warm up set at about 50% of your 1RM....and yes the tests should be done over several days so that fatigue does not come into play. If you do multiple tests on the same day always allow at least 5 minutes rest between test.

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