1RM Testing: how much rest between each exercise?


I want to re-do my STS 1RM tests, and I seem to recall a post by SNM where it was suggested we test for one exercise, wait 5 minutes, then test for the next exercise. Is that correct? Does anyone else remember this post? I've done a search, but didn't find it.

I want to do this as efficiently as possible. Can I take only about minute's rest between exercises, if I'm doing a different muscle group? I'll probably divide it into a push/pull kind of thing, much like Meso 3.

Thank you for your quick reply!

So, can I do the tests such that I circuit different muscle groups, with one minute's rest in between? That way, I'll be back to the same muscle group about 5-7 minutes later. Or do I need to wait a full five minutes between each exercise, regardless of whether I'm testing the same muscle or different ones?
One Rep Max testing - time between test

The test will be much more accurate if you only just do a few tests on the same day with 5 minutes rest between them. This is how the mathematical algorithm that is used to estimate your 1RM was developed. The test was not developed around circuit training.

The further you get away from the proper way to do the test the less likely your results will be accurate. A lot will depend on how fast you recover and how you sequence your exercises.
Wow, now that's what I call service, and on a Sunday no less! This answer is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. Thanks! I have 3 weeks before starting, so should be able to do a few a day.


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