1RM test results too heavy?


Has anyone else had this problem? The weights that I managed during my 1RM tests, calculated out to target weights during the actual workouts that are sometimes WAY too heavy. Sometimes I can tell at the first lift that the weight is just too much for me to manage.

I know sometimes it's lack of sleep, too much stress, or health issues that are affecting my workout. But grabbing 80% (Meso 2) of my 1RM during the last third of a workout, just blows that body part right out of the water. I have to pause the DVD and give myself an extended break just to bring myself to LOOK at that heavy dumbbell! LOL! Sometimes the extended break works, other times, it doesn't and I am unable to complete all the reps in the sets.

I have a theory. I think that I lift heavier during 1RM testing because I'm FRESH. Not wiped out from working hard, one exercise after another, during an STS workout. Either way, I am having to adjust or modify my workouts,...which is fine I guess. I am definitely gaining muscle! :)


I've only just finished Meso 1, but I noticed even in those workouts that the last third or so of the workout I have to slightly drop down my weights because my muscles are so tired. I completely agree that the 1RM tests get the true numbers, but they can skew a little heavy for an hour long workout because, like you said, you were fresh for each one when you tested. But it's way better to have to drop down a little than to spend an hour lifting weights and realize you should have gone heavier! Have fun gaining more muscle :)


I'm only in my 2nd week of STS Meso 1 and I have noticed that as well. I look at what my % is supposed to be at and I start out trying it and I have to lower it because I know I won't be able to complete the reps. Then there were times I noticed I had a heavier weight then Cathe did and I thought to myself that's just not right. I know she has to be way stronger then me.

I'm really enjoying STS though and have noticed changes. Was proud when I was able to do all the push-ups. :)

1 RM sometimes too heavy

I, too, have found that the suggested weights for my workouts based on my 1RM are sometimes too heavy (and sometimes way too heavy). I also chalked it up to being fresh for the 1RM, but that can't always be the case since sometimes it's the first exercise. Maybe I just pushed myself too hard during the 1RM (I was often pretty sore a couple days later), or maybe there's simply a big difference between what you can do 6-12 times for 1 set and what you can do 10-15 times for 2 or 3 sets. Anyway, I've even recalculated my 1RM for several exercises during Meso 1 so that the program would churn out numbers I could actually use in the later cycles. I did that by seeing what I could do for my 60% weight--something that would really push me and maybe even cause me to fail during the last rep--and then I worked backwards. So if I decided that (for example) 25 lbs was a good 60% weight, I figured out a new 100% mathematically (if 60% of x=25lbs, then x is 41.6lbs). I then plugged that in as my 100% weight or 1 RM (on the 1 RM test I just put in 41.6 lbs and 1 rep, which gives you a 1 RM of 41.6). I've found this is producing numbers much closer to what I can do, which means what I can finish but struggling on the last rep or 2. I'm on Meso 2, wk 1 right now, so we'll see how it plays out. Bottom line: you're not alone!
Hi Kelly. That's the way I'm looking at it too. Even if I'm not getting in all the reps, I am pushing myself to the max. That super challenge makes it MY workout and makes muscles grow. However, there are times doing a barbell chest press (flat or incline) that I panic a bit (no spotter) because I'm really struggling and for a split second, am not sure I'm going to get that bar back onto the rack. I also worry about injuring my shoulder (I have problem shoulders) or other body parts. I have had bilateral total hip replacements, bilateral total knee replacements, and a triple level spinal (lumbar) fusion. I was told I needed surgery on my left shoulder, that I had rotator cuff tears, but I rehabbed it and work around the problem (I've actually been able to strengthen the shoulder!).

If I can manage the weight with proper form, I go to failure each set (regardless of how many fewer reps in each set that might be). When the weight is so heavy my form is shot, I reduce the weight, because to continue with that weight I would be risking injury.



I've only just finished Meso 1, but I noticed even in those workouts that the last third or so of the workout I have to slightly drop down my weights because my muscles are so tired. I completely agree that the 1RM tests get the true numbers, but they can skew a little heavy for an hour long workout because, like you said, you were fresh for each one when you tested. But it's way better to have to drop down a little than to spend an hour lifting weights and realize you should have gone heavier! Have fun gaining more muscle :)

Hi Brenda.

I noticed that too, that sometimes Cathe was using a lighter weight than I was. I noticed that sometimes even one of the guys (don't know his name) uses a very light weight too. There must be a reason for that. Sometimes, I think it's because it's not a building exercise, but a shaping one. Cathe distinguishes between them, and she tends to use lighter weights on the shaping ones. Then again, it might just be because they do LOTS of takes making a video, and the lighter weight might be necessary in order to get through the taping!

Maybe we should ask Cathe! :)


I'm only in my 2nd week of STS Meso 1 and I have noticed that as well. I look at what my % is supposed to be at and I start out trying it and I have to lower it because I know I won't be able to complete the reps. Then there were times I noticed I had a heavier weight then Cathe did and I thought to myself that's just not right. I know she has to be way stronger then me.

I'm really enjoying STS though and have noticed changes. Was proud when I was able to do all the push-ups. :)

Hi Eldeecee.
You're right... there are workouts, like the legs in Meso 2, that start out hitting the legs hard with heavy squats. I remember my eyes about bulged out of my head when I read the weights I was supposed to be using. But I gave it a try anyway. My HANDS gave out before my legs did, and that frustrated me to no end! I was screaming because I couldn't hold onto the dumbbells any longer so wasn't able to finish the reps on sets 2 and 3. (I immediately ordered lifting hooks which helped tremendously.) I also managed to sustain a groin injury... there was a very sharp, intense pain in my hip during those squats (50# DBs). I had my ortho surgeon check out the hip, and he said my implant looks just fine, so it's a soft tissue groin injury. He told me it will take 6 to 8 weeks to recover. :( He also told me that at my age (turning 55 on 6/4), I need to increase my weight load a little slower to allow my tendons and ligaments time to build up strength and endurance, to adapt.

I've gone through and had the system recalculate many of my 1RM numbers using the edit exercise button. When the target number is telling me I should be using 25# for an exercise and I KNOW I can't do it, I try with 20# and see if my form is good and how many reps I can complete. Then I enter those numbers in and tell it to recalculate my 1RM per those numbers. So it looks like we're both making the necessary adjustments to our 1RM! :)

Thanks for the input! :)

I, too, have found that the suggested weights for my workouts based on my 1RM are sometimes too heavy (and sometimes way too heavy). I also chalked it up to being fresh for the 1RM, but that can't always be the case since sometimes it's the first exercise. Maybe I just pushed myself too hard during the 1RM (I was often pretty sore a couple days later), or maybe there's simply a big difference between what you can do 6-12 times for 1 set and what you can do 10-15 times for 2 or 3 sets. Anyway, I've even recalculated my 1RM for several exercises during Meso 1 so that the program would churn out numbers I could actually use in the later cycles. I did that by seeing what I could do for my 60% weight--something that would really push me and maybe even cause me to fail during the last rep--and then I worked backwards. So if I decided that (for example) 25 lbs was a good 60% weight, I figured out a new 100% mathematically (if 60% of x=25lbs, then x is 41.6lbs). I then plugged that in as my 100% weight or 1 RM (on the 1 RM test I just put in 41.6 lbs and 1 rep, which gives you a 1 RM of 41.6). I've found this is producing numbers much closer to what I can do, which means what I can finish but struggling on the last rep or 2. I'm on Meso 2, wk 1 right now, so we'll see how it plays out. Bottom line: you're not alone!

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