1RM order recommendation?


Hi Everyone,

I was initially going to do ALL 1RM workouts in 1-2 days and count it as my workout but then read that isn't a good idea since I don't want to fatigue my muscles when trying to figure my maximum weights.

So, my question is does anyone have a recommendation of how many exercises to do per day and/or which order to do them? I would like to do this as fast (yet productive) as possible but don't want to do 1 leg + 1 arm workout per day. That would take way too long.

I was thinking of even doing my normal workouts in the morning then at night do 5 or so 1RM workouts (trying to not use the same muscle). But that would still take a long time since I plan on doing all the 1RM workouts.

Hi! I posted a similar question about using the 1 RM test as my workout and it was suggested that I don't....so I didn't.

I began by doing only upper body (still haven't done any lower body 1RM's). On days that I'd do my upper body workout, I'd do 2 of the 1RM tests for each body part before I began my regular workout. So I'd do 2 tests of each: chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps, and then I'd begin my regular workout. Since I only do upper body 2x per week, I found this taking way too long to complete.

Beginning this morning, I've decided to do more 1RM's and using them as my workout. I really hated going against the awesome advice that was given to me, but I was afraid that it would take me 2 months just to get through my 1RM's.

Also, I know my body, so I'd try to pick 1RM's that I feel might not have too much effect on a different test for the same body part. So, for instance, I know that I do not have strong triceps, and I know that for a tricep workout I have an easier time using a dumbell workout. So, I decided what worked best for me is if I did a 1RM test using a barbell first (since I know that I'm not as strong doing this and didn't want to do it with already fatigued muscles) and did a dumbell test second. I also have an idea of what workouts might be a little easier for me, and if I'm not sure of one, I will do that one first.

I know this response is all over the place :eek: .... sorry about that, but I hope it helps somewhat!

Good luck!

I have never done STS before but will be starting May 2. :eek:

I plan on doing all the 1RM tests over the course of 19 days and treating it as part of my workout. I only have time to work out in the morning, so my plan is to do 30-40 minutes of cardio and then do 5 1RM tests (6 on days 18 and 19). According to SNM, only a couple 1RM tests should be performed a day and you need to wait 5 minutes in between each test regardless of whether it is the same muscle group or not.

My plan is to split up the testing to work the 3-5 star rated exercises first (over the first 12 days) and grouping them into Back, Biceps, and Triceps for one day and Shoulders, Legs, and Chest another day. Once I get past the most important exercises and get into the 1-2 star rated exercises, I will still segment it the same way for a few days but there are a lot more leg exercises that fall into the 1-2 star category so there are several days toward the end that are only legs.

I have an Excel file that I created that lists each exercise I will be doing each day with a picture of what the exercise looks like. PM me if you are interested and will send it to you.

Since I have never done this before, I am not sure how it will work but I feel better with a plan now.
I have never done STS before but will be starting May 2. :eek:

I plan on doing all the 1RM tests over the course of 19 days and treating it as part of my workout. I only have time to work out in the morning, so my plan is to do 30-40 minutes of cardio and then do 5 1RM tests (6 on days 18 and 19). According to SNM, only a couple 1RM tests should be performed a day and you need to wait 5 minutes in between each test regardless of whether it is the same muscle group or not.

My plan is to split up the testing to work the 3-5 star rated exercises first (over the first 12 days) and grouping them into Back, Biceps, and Triceps for one day and Shoulders, Legs, and Chest another day. Once I get past the most important exercises and get into the 1-2 star rated exercises, I will still segment it the same way for a few days but there are a lot more leg exercises that fall into the 1-2 star category so there are several days toward the end that are only legs.


I WISH I would have thought of that! That sounds like a great plan! If I didn't already do the ones that I've done, I would have much rather done it your way. Good luck with it! Let us know how it goes :D

Thanks! Both replies helped me out. I will do what you two did/are going to do and just split it up into a handful every day. I really was planning on doing it as one or two total workouts and count it as my daily workout to finish as soon as possible.

I don't have a desired start date so I guess I can somewhat take my time. Although I really wanted to start by May 1st.

I would absolutely love that spreadsheet if you will share it with me. I can't find where to PM you. Am I missing the PM icon??? Otherwise I will post my email to you.

To PM me (or anyone else), click on my name in my post above, in the box that opens up, the second line should say "Send a private message" (or something along that lines). Click on that and you can send me your email address and I can email you the Excel file.

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