1965 Slumber Party Barbie...


...came with a scale permanently set at 110 lbs, and a book on "How to Lose Weight." Cue the eating disorders and poor body image kids! BTW, if that version of Barbie was to scale she would have an 18 inch waist and be 35 lbs under weight.

I think I will pass on getting this for a friend who collects dolls...
I remember being told that if Barbie were human that she would not even be able to stand upright because her figure is so unrealistic. :rolleyes:
My daughter has never really been in Barbie, but she has (had) a couple. The dog ate her feet. HA! Take THAT Ms. 18" waist! Is it even possible to have an 18" waist?
Is it even possible to have an 18" waist?

Yes, if you're Scarlet O'Hara and Nanny is tugging with all her might on the corset strings. But even she couldn't get back to 18" after having a baby.:p I remember reading that book as a girl--how she thought her sister was so fat because she had a 24" (if I remember correctly) waist.:eek:

I think the dog has the right idea!
There are countries where girls/women are forced to live in corsets 24/7 for a very long time so that their waistline is molded to the shape/size of the corset! How gross is that!?!? :eek:
There are countries where girls/women are forced to live in corsets 24/7 for a very long time so that their waistline is molded to the shape/size of the corset! How gross is that!?!? :eek:

Like the ladies in China with the feet binding. Don't know if they still do that, but ugh.
Like the ladies in China with the feet binding. Don't know if they still do that, but ugh.

When I was reading Snowflower and the Secret Fan, it involved foot binding so I googled it out of curiosity. OMG...it was awful. The photo's made me sick! The excruciating pain and crippling procedure these girls endured just so men could be turned on by "tiny" sexy feet was disgusting!
I bet there's not one documented incident of men trying to shrink anything to turn us on (lol)...and aren't those XL Sumo Wrestlers sought after in some cultures?? Makes you go, hummm...

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