12 Week Challenge Check In, Week 9 06/14


Ok, quick again....I don't feel well at all - rest day. Going to work - hopefully to the doctor. Symptoms are - itchy eyes, throbbing head, sore throat, nauseas stomach. Hope you guys have a great day!
I am sure it is but I don't know why... I haven't had any trouble with allergies in a LONG time - I am pretty miserable this morning though....thank you for asking! Good Morning!
Happy Hump Day, Challengers!:7

Kathy: I hope you get something from the doc to kick the sick right out of you!;) Feel better!

Sunny: What's up girl? What's your work out plan for today?

I still have a bit of surviving DOMS from my killer circuit the other day but it's not too bad so I'll be doing Jari's Ripped this morning. I just ordered another endurance based work out last night from deepdiscount with a 20% off "coupon" I had. It's an instructor I have never heard of but I previewed it on Collage and it looked pretty good...and for the price, I couldn't pass it up!:p

I have a 5:30pm haircut appointment tonight so I think I am going to head straight for the gym afterwards for a short, easy run. I'm not worried about my hair...I usually don't care the way they style it anyway. :p Plus, this could very well be my only chance to hit the gym this week with DS having that cough. :-(

ETA: OH PHOOEY! :p I just got an email confirmation of my order from deepdiscount and the dvd I want is on backorder. GRRRR! ;(

Have a good day!:+
12-Week Check-in

Good morning! I am delighted to report that I maintained my weight during my vacation for the first time in my life! :) My game plan for this trip was to eat clean for breakfast and lunch, skip my usual snacks (or just eat fresh fruit), and enjoy a treat with my family once a day. It worked! Even with no formal workouts, I did not gain an ounce. I even ate a piece of Mom’s butter pecan cake Sunday and another piece yesterday. :9 I also enjoyed sweet tea with my evening meals. I drank plenty of spring water to balance it out. I am so excited! I am having Cathe withdrawals and craving the simplicity of clean eating, but it is nice to know that I can relax and enjoy a few treats every now and then without undoing all my hard work. I did not have time to check-in here before I left for the airport Saturday morning, but I gained 2 pounds last week because I hurt my ankle and was unable to do my beloved cardio workouts (and did not adjust my calories to compensate). I am still very excited that I did not do any damage while I was out of town. I have a history of gaining at least 5 pounds during a vacation, so this is a huge victory for me. I am rejoicing and celebrating! :7 Above all else, I feel good about what I have accomplished and confident about what I will accomplish. :)

My hot water heater blew up while I was out of town. I came home to a big mess. My workout area was full of furniture and stuff that I had to move last night so the guys could replace the hot water heater and clean up the mess. :eek: I cleared out a small space for my morning workout. I am missing Cathe like crazy, so I am off to try Power Max for the second time. I tried it once before and did not enjoy it as much as her newer workouts, but I am hoping to like it more this time. I think I will if I can get through the warmup. The Christi Taylor workouts I ordered arrived yesterday, so I am planning to try them this week too.

I missed everyone. It is good to be back online again.

Kathy, I hope you are feeling better soon.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good morning ladies,

are we the only early risers?:)

Kathy- that happens to me alot. some seasons my allergies don't bother me at all and others they rage out of control:( . i hope you feel better soon.

Wendy-i am undecided about my workout today:( . i am supposed to do legs at the gym today. however my legs are still killing me from monday's workout. i increased all my weights monday so i think that's the culprit. Plus my twin neice and nephew are coming over to spend some time with ds#1. so i am thinking maybe my cardio kickbox w/kimberly spreen (haven't tried yet) or kickbutt bootcamp with mindy (haven't tried yet, either) one of those since they both include some leg exercises. I am also thinking of plyoX from p90x-leg burner for sure. to answer your ? from last night- i will take charge in remembering our potential get together for nov. as i am the one traveling and definitely won't forget;) . Have fun at the gym today. I went last night and just absolutely love the instructor that taught turbokick!!

I know, I know-always buying something.:p I am thinking of two new CIA videos All Body Cardio & Criss Cross Cardio-any have these? tried them? if so, what do you think? They look/sound very good. I was reading on the hardcore fitness check-in all body cardio is as intense as cathe...shhhh:D
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good Morning gals!!!

How is everyone? What week is this now? 8 or 9 ? Soon gonna be picture time:eek: :eek: :eek:

Well, I worked out yesterday for the first time in about 6 weeks and boy am I sore today! hahahaha I did a 30 min run and 1/2 of MM and I had intentions of doing another 30 min run today and the other half of the workout but I may have to wait.

Last night I went to the hospital with my friend who works there and we found the babys heart beat! It was very exciting! We had to be patient b/c she would find it and then he/she would disappear somewhere else. At the end of it, he/she stayed still for about 10 sec so we got to hear it well. She said the heartbeat was about 178 per min and it was a really good sign.

I seem to be coming around this week. Week 12 is just around the corner! I had a awful night on Sun night but I really haven't been sick since, I am hoping it went out with a bang!

Anyway, jsut wanted to check in! Have a good day!
Kathy, you poor baby, I hope your icky feelings are short-lived!!

Wendy, enjoy your run at the gym. I hope you get a great hair cut!

Sunnyd, those are a lot to workouts to choose from, good luck. ;-)

Heather, way to go on maintaining your weight, woo hoo!! Too bad about your water heater though! :eek:

LORI!! Great to see you here....that's so EXCITING about the baby's heartbeat!! Fantastic! Way to go on your workout too, I hope you're feeling better these days.

Today is my cardio day, not sure what I'll do yet.

Good morning to everyone else who I actually beat in getting here! ;)

good morning challengers!
today's workout: TurboJam's Kick,Punch and Jam! Like this one. I taught 2 exercises classes yesterday...each 45mins long and then did ME-premix 1 and 2. So, I'm a little tired. TJ's KPJ was just the right intensity!

Kathy: hope you get to the dr and get better!

Heather: WTG on maintaining your weight...good idea to have a plan, right??

Wendy: what's the name of the tape you got??? good luck w/ the run!

Hello to sunndelite and Heidi and everyone else to follow!

take care:)
wanted to come back and say...

Lori: nice to hear about the baby's heartbeat...how exciting for ya!

Jean: checked out your pics...you looked great and Japan too!! LOL

take care:)
Hi everyone:

Last night I went to the gym on my free 14 day pass. I did upper body. I planned on going this morning and doing lower body, but I stayed up late last night so I wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night. It worked, but I also didn't wake up in time to get a work out in. I plan on going back to the gym tonight after work.

Kathy, hope you feel better soon.

Wendy, hope you like the haircut and hop eyou get in the gym workout too.

Sunnydelite, I hate it when the soreness lingers and it derails the week's plan.

Heather, congrats on the maintain. I was able to do the same while in Japan. sorry you had such a mess to come to home to.

Lori, glad to hear everything is going well. Was that the first time you got to hear the heart beat?

Question, what day are we considering the final reveal/weight in? Is it July 14? I know several of us at the beginning had mentioned we weigh on Friday's, but I know some started on Wednesday and other's on Thursday. I tried to find the beginning thread, but I couldn't. Either way it is a month away and boy do I have some work to do. LOL.

Hi everyone I know I'm very behind today so I will just say Hello to all my fellow Challengers. Today was a 2.5 mile run and then gymstyle chest and triceps followed by the abs from MIS. My own little mish mosh today. I'm out the door to the library with the girls.

I just realized my mom is going to be down here visiting us for a week or maybe 2 RIGHT before this challenge is up!! Ahhh! Now my mom is a healthy eater but when she's here she enjoys herself and indulges here and there. It also usually means a glass or 2 of wine every evening....gracious me I think that last 2 weeks of this challenge are going to be the hardest! :eek:

I'd better think about doing a CTX rotation for the 1 or 2 weeks that she's here. }( And I usually have fallen off the wagon by each July and I don't plan to ever do that again, so it'll mean early morning workouts. I'm used to my 11am workouts.

Maybe I should start collecting lots of Clif Bars and delicious healthy unusual treats for myself.

Just figures! :p

Hi again ladies,

Well i just did turbo jam cp1. Wasn't one the first round of considerations but i have neice and nephew here. so after playing 10 rounds of uno and monopoly and then connect four. i decided to top off our "fun" with a workout challenge. last one standing wins a prize. you know what it worked they had a blast!!!

Heidi- a glass of wine here and there isn't too bad. i have yet to do a ctx rotation.

Lori- nice to "see" you again, LOL. isn't it wonderful to hear your baby's heartbeat....ahhhhh

Hello to everyone else i missed.
I agree Sunnyd, but a couple glasses of wine every night for a week or two is bad! :p

I'll just have to have a lot of self-control and track every single calorie.

For today, I ended up going for a 30 minute walk around the neighbourhood and then doing the cardio only portion of Bootcamp. For a girl who really had no desire for cardio today, I was sweating! My face was red. Now I can relax.


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