12 Week Challenge Check-In 06/22


Good morning all. I got to start the thread this morning which means I actually got up this morning and got in some exercise. I haven't been able to do that since we got back from vacation. I wouldn't have done it this morning either if it hadn't been for dh waking me up to tell me my alarm was going off. Once up I went for a jog that turned into a walk, but at least I was up and out there. Now maybe I can get back to my morning routine. I prefer to workout in the mornings.

Well I thought I would be sore from the personal training session, but so far I only have a little twinge in my shoulders. I don't know if that's good or bad. Good meaning I'm in pretty good shape, Bad meaning I didn't work out aws hard asw i thought I did. Oh well. gotta run. Hope everyone has a great day.

Good Morning Jean and others to follow. Today I"m doing PH. It seems like I am going through all of Cathe's total body workouts this week. Tomorrow is my annual so when I get home I may do SS. I think I will be a late poster tomorrow. Enjoy your day. karen

12-Week Check-in

Good morning! All your sweet messages warmed my heart yesterday. There was a ladybug on my front door too. That always makes me smile. :)

I had an asthma reaction and started itching all over yesterday. Everything was itching from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. That always happens when I have an allergic reaction to food. Apparently, I ate something with MSG or soy in it. At least I know what the problem is now.

My friend treated me to dinner last night. I chose Cotton Patch, which is a Texas restaurant. I ordered the garden patch salad with grilled chicken and dressing on the side. I only ate a few bites of the chicken, but I really enjoyed the veggies (especially the cucumbers). It is amazing how good living food makes me feel. I need to focus on fruits and veggies for a few days. Of course, I will drink plenty of spring water to flush this stuff out.

Thank you for the support and encouragement.

Jean, your response reminded me that I am most successful when I plan menus in advance and pack my meals and snacks every night for the next day. Keeping a journal helps, but planning a week of menus in advance is even better. That ensures more balance and variety.

Jean and Heidi, you are tempting me to order BFFM. I actually have the supplemental materials that a personal trainer friend gave to me. I thought about ordering the e-book last summer but talked myself out of it. Tell me more. What exactly does Tom teach in this e-book? Is it anything revolutionary or just a review of the basics?

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good Morning - Late as usual lately!
I so love to talk and want to comment but I just sat down at work for a quick post.....try to do personals tonight after GS goes to bed:

Workout for today:
Cardio Coach 4 on Rebounder, 50 minutes, 413 Calories burned, HR 78% ave/98% max - felt good!

Food From Yesterday:
M1 - oatmeal, egg whites, almonds
M2 - chicken breast, whole wheat sugar free bread
M3 - sirloin, irish potato
M4 - chicken breast, cucumbers and tomatoes in vinegar
M5 - 96/4 hamburger patty and a sliced tomato

OK, I check in tomorrow morning and I am not expecting to see any results -- I don't think there will be much change and I still rather bloated ....... but OK

Have a wonderful day!
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good morning ladies,

I meant to ask you all to pray for me last night because this morning i was finally gonna attempt BC, LOL.
I've had this workout for awhile and have been very afraid to try it.
I did it this morning!! I am so proud of myself. I will admit, i have to modify the core work. My core is not that strong yet. It didn't kill me but came close:D . What a great workout. Just makes me love Cathe even more.;-)

I hope everyone has a great day. Now i am off to attempt cleanmax}(

I too must jump on the BFFM bandwagon. Great book. I am not going to say the stuff is "evoluntionary", although i have learned alot. He gives alot of great information and ways to break past plateaus. One of the main things i got from the book- if it ain't working, try something different:)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hello all!!!

today's workout: cathe's bootcamp! yeah!!!

Jean: laughing about your PT session comment. I would rather think that you are in GREAT shape and that's why you are NOT as sore! LOL

Karen: good luck w/ PH!!

Heather: I got the BFFM book...love it! it's like sunndelight said...nothing new, very basic, but GREAT review of what we already know. Just kinda puts a new prospective on your way of thinking...mental thing for me anyway...gotta go back and read it again. I would GET IT!!!

Sunnydelite: I did bootcamp today and I'm glad I have a fellow challenger doing it too!! LOVE it...gotta try the bootcamp/ME premix...really good and hard!!!

take care:)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hi everyone! I was in the middle of checking in this morning and the got side tracked by a friend who asked to come for a visit...CleanMax was suddenly on my schedule!

Jean, good for you for getting your workout done and out of the way. I could stand to start doing that because life tends to get in the way the later you leave your workout to do.

Karen, like I already said, you're a glutton for punishment for doing total body workouts day after day! You're tough! :)

Heather, BFFM is not revolutionary but it's not just a review either. Honestly, it's the BEST resource I have for getting fit. Cathe + BFFM is a winning combination. BFFM was one of my wisest investments.

Kathy, I think you're doing great, even if you don't technically see any "results". You are getting results in the "sticking with it" department.

Sunnyd, Bootcamp?!!!!!!! Woo hoo for you! Really, that's a great accomplishment.

Hi Gloria, another Bootcamp recruit! :)

I still haven't done my workout yet, my friend just left and I'm starved. I have to fit S&H Chest somewhere today.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Sunnydelite, I am snickering from embarassment. I saw your post (praying because you were going to attempt BC). I thought to myself, well she has 2 children, if she wants to use Birth Control, that's her choice. Why do we need to pray for her. LOL

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Jean!!!!!!!!! I'm eating supper and I almost sprayed the keyboard with crispbread crumbs because of what you wrote above!!! LOL!!


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