12 Week Challenge Check In 06/11 Week 8


I think this is week 8 correct me if I am wrong and I will change it! I think it changes to week 9 on the 15th.

Good Morning!

Did the family reunion thing - I wasn't good - I tried really hard. Ms. Sessions told me to take a treat day if I wanted to...I really didn't want to ruin my stats but I think I can fix it before my check this Thursday. My cardio is upped to 40 min of HIIT and my carb intake stays the same as last week. I am finally getting comfortable with the eating plans so I think I can begin to spruce them up a bit with a little variety on the veggies and spicing things up a bit! I am, however, getting really tired of oatmeal.....and I really miss my fruit and dairy -- instead of wasting my treats on sugary messes I think I should enjoy my fruit and dairy on that day!

Here is my plan for this week -- I may not stick to the exact cardio because of boredom but here goes:

S - TJ Cardio Party 3
M - ME, BC Premix
T - Cardio Coach with rebounder, step, jump rope
W - Ripped to the Core, half Imax 2 or 3/4 - to make 40 min
T - Upper Body only from Ripped original and S&L, half of Imax2 for 40 minutes
F - Lower Body only from Ripped original and S&L, TJ Fat Blaster
S - Long Yoga - Rest

I am off to start my day....instead of the video workout today if I can I really want to go for a long bike ride but we will see how it goes!

Have a lovely day!
Hi Kathy and all who follow!

Kathy: Did you have a good time at the reunion and enjoy the food that you ate? If you did then that is all that matters! I ate cr@ppy food myself yesterday...right on the heels of reporting a BF drop no less as well as just 1.5 weeks away from having to wear A BIKINI! But ya know what? WHO CARES! Don't they say that what you do MOST of the time is what matters and not what you do SOME of the time? You'll be okay! You work hard! Don't let it bring you down!:)

So today is my rest day. I may do like last week though where I did some ab work and stretching on my rest day. I enjoyed that. It wasn't a "real" work out but I was able to do something good for body anyway. :)

My mom is coming down today to "deliver" Joey's last Birthday present. She bought him a kiddie pool but I couldn't fit it in my car to get it home. Mom's bf has an SUV so she is going to borrow that to get it down here....I feel a summer of sun coming my way!:)
We are also going to hit a garden store as I now want a flower box for my porch...I know I mentioned this about a THOUSAND TIMES but I'm exicited about it! LOL :p

My poor Joey seems to be coming down with something...he has developed this nasty sounding cough-phlegmy sounding. He does not cough constantly but enough and it sounds awful! I am going to call the doc tomorrow the first time I hear it!

So my little guy got to go on his first rides yesterday when I went on the boardwalk! He went on a ferris wheel, a merry go round, a little train and a few other assorted kiddie rides. I was so proud! :+ :7 LOL


Okay I just read the last few posts I had missed from yesterday...

Kathy, DH and I are going on an 8 day carribean cruise out of NY with his sister and her family.

Jean, I'm sorry but I can't recall where you went on vacation???

Okay, I'm done rambling!:p
Good morning ladies,

I didn't get a chance to check-in yesterday but i see everyone had great workouts, as usual:D
Yesterday, i went to the gym and took a treading class. It was like a cardio coach or itread workout. It was alot of fun and i was a sweaty mess by the time it was over. Last night was the first time i left jaden with a babysitter. We had a wedding to attend. I was soooooooo nervous but everything worked out fine, ;o)

today is a rest day for me but i am gonna do a seg. of coremax and also a seg. of stretchmax. i really need a good stretch.

Wendy-great advice. when do you leave for your vacation? and can i go with you,lol

Kathy-don't worry you will not mess up your stats with one day of added treats. you are really doing tremendous!

Hello to all else that follows today.
good morning all!!
today's workout: REST! woohoo!!

sounds like it's gonna be a rest day for a bunch of us. we need it as much and as hard as we've been working out, right???

Wendy: that's so cute about your little one and his first rides!!!!

Kathy: stick w/ the plan girl!!!

I did really good on my eating yesterday. HOPEFULLY, today will be good as well. I am gonna think positive thoughts all day!!


take care:)
Good Morning Girls. I haven't had a chance to read to many post this weekend. I went shopping yesterday and today I have laundry max. My workout today was a 9.5 mile run and it took 100 minutes. Wow!!!! I usually run outdoors on Sunday but my dh is at a golf tournament so it was all treadmill for me. Then I did 30 min of a flexibily workout for runners. Have a great day girl.

Kathy, hopefully 1 day of treating yourself won’t change too much of your progress.

Wendy, hope Joey gets better. My dd had allergies as a baby(still does) and it seemed she always had a runny nose or cough. Did you get pictures on him on the rides? As for the vacation, we went to Japan. My brother is in the Navy and is retiring soon (30 years), so we wanted to go before they move. Since I would probably never go on my own, we knew it would be our only chance. They are moving to Bangkok. Not sure if I will visit him over there. It takes like 25 hours to get there.

Sunnydelite, the treading class sounds neat. I had never heard of one before.

Karen, 100 min run. Wow. I was planning on getting up early and going for a jog, but my body still hasn’t adjusted to normal time. It’s going to be 100 degrees or so today, so I don’t know what I’ll get in. I got a 2 week free gym membership in the mail with 2 personal trainging sessions so I will be checking out the club today or tomorrow.

Gloria, good morning. Enjoy your rest day.

Hello to everyone who checks in later.

Gotta run.

Thank you all - I need to update my plan....I keep being undecided!

S - Rest
M - Imax - 40 min plus warm up and cool down
T - Bootcamp - TJ Fat Blaster
W - Cardio Coach 5 with (I think) jump rope, rebounder, step
T - Ripped Core - SJP Hi LO for 40 min plus warm and cool down
F - All lower body segments of Ripped and Ripped S&L
S - All upper body segments of Ripped and Ripped S&L, KPC first part and repeat intervals for 40 minutes or if possible a steady state -- Step Blast ( I need to check with Ms. Sessions - I really miss my steady state workouts!)

Hope your evening is great - DH is grilling all my protein for this week!!!!!

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