12 Week Challenge Check In 06/07


You ladies are too sweet!

Well, as usual - Iam very late and last night I did something I never do and I feel it this morning....I fell asleep with my makeup on...

Today's workout
Ripped to the Core, TJ Remix - 80 minutes, 398 calories burned, HR 105 ave/150 max

Food For Yesterday
M1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites
M2 - 3.5 oz grilled chicken breast, 2 slices home made whole wheat bread
M3 - 3 oz grilled chicken breast, 3 oz baked white potato
M4 - 3 oz salmon in a packet, 1 cup cucumber, 2 slices tomato in red wine vinegar and water
M5 - 3 oz grilled fish, 1 cup of cucumber and two slices of tomato

Geez - I HOPE, I HOPE, I HOPE I have a change in weight (down) or BF (down) this week.............I feel like I sound like the cowardly lion.

Karen - I do want to know how your grandmother is.......

Have a great day everyone - I have to head to the shower - that direction anyway!
I was pondering on how much I like you ladies' company and how I will miss you when the challenge is over. Maybe after the challenge, those that still want to hand and don't have another check in that would be too much that we could just keep on posting.........:)
Good Morning Ladies. Today on tap for me I think will be PLB aand some type of ab work. My sister is coming for a visit with her kids so I have to get this done soon. You never know when she is coming. She says one thing and does another.

Kathy- I agree, I think we should contiue this check in. I was thinking the same thing. I am so use to this it would feel weird to just suddenly stop. I'm totally for it.

Anyway need to get a move on. I had a great girl scout meeting last night. We did go to Denny's and they have this Fit Fare menu and I got a veggie ometlet. Excellent. I would highly recommed it. It was somthing like 350 calories and 5g of fat. Also my grandmother is doing so far so good. She needed a blood transusion yesterday and they were going to try and get her up while my mom was there. they are moving her to another unit tomorrow. I'm going down Friday. her deimenia ( sp) is worse. All in all it's as well as can be expected.

Good morning to all who follow. Heidi,WEndy, Jean, Gloria, Heather B, Gaye, SunnyD and all others who are on there way.

Good Morning Kathy and Karen.

I think continuing this a regular check in would be fun! Count me in girls!:+

Kathy, You deserve the praise. You are a wonderful person!

Karen, I am glad that your grandmother is doing as well as she can be doing right now. Have a fun visit with your sister. What are you planning to do with her today?

I technically have a circuit on tap for today but am feeling the urge to IMAX so I may do weights seperately and then do an IMAX 2 premix. }(

It's rainy and cool out today around here. Good day to stay inside....I don't want to though. I wanted to go back to home depot. When I was flower shopping over the weekend I was tempted to pick up a flower box for my front porch railing but I didn't know if DH would know how to attach it. He ended up saying he could figure it out so now I want to get one!!! Plus more flowers ofcourse!;-) I just hate running around in nasty weather with DS so we'll see....
Good morning Kathy, Karen, Wendy, and the rest of the gang.

I totally agree about starting another challenge after this one is over, life just wouldn't be the same without it! Maybe a summer challenge would be appropriate, one where our goal is to keep on track during that season.

Karen I'm glad that your grandmother is doing okay, hopefully she'll come through this alright.

I'm supposed to do any all step workout today and I was going to do Step Fit for the first time but I'm exhausted. Last night the phone rang at midnight, Jon's 92 year old grandfather was waiting for an ambulance to come to the house because he was having heart trouble so Jon rushed right over to their house. Turns out he's getting a pacemaker put in today so he should be okay. But I tried to stay up and wait for Jon to come home but I fell asleep close to 2am.

I got up at my usual time which hasn't been that early lately! :p

I think I'll do a shorter step workout, because the only workout I feel like doing is SleepMax! ;-)

I don't dare take a nap because I've been wide awake at 1am lately (a nighthawk I am) so I'm hoping tonight that I'll be asleep be 12am which is ideal for me since I only need 7 hours sleep.

Heidi :)
good morning challengers!!!

today's workout: ran 4miles!:)

Kathy: praying you see some different on your weight on body fat!!!

Wendy: raining???

Heidi: how's the 92 grandfather today??? I understand your sleeping..I'm having trouble too!! couldn't sleep for the past 2 nights!

Karen: glad the grandmother is doing well!! yeah!!

Everyone: I would like to continue the challenge too....gotta keep some type of goals to keep motivated and you guys are VERY MOTIVATING!!!!!!!

have a super day!!
take care:) and hello to everyone else that follows!
Good (almost) Afternoon ladies,

Kathy- I am sure your weight and/or bf% have gone down. You've done so well with your eating. I would love to continue with a check-in. We would have to think of a name for ourselves...hmmmm

Wendy- have you decided on your workout yet? BTW- i ordered ripped to the core this a.m.}(

Karen-glad to hear your grandmother is doing well. continued prayers being sent your way.

heidi- go on take a nap:D , you deserve it.

Well ladies today i am not sure what if any workout i will be able to do today. I am supposed to do legs at the gym. not sure if i will have a chance to make it. we will see what happens. hopefully i will be able to squeeze in something.
Hi Gloria and Sunnyd! I managed to do CTX All Step, it was just perfect - intense but not too long. In fact I was surprised it was over so quick. Got nice and sweaty in my cool basement, so I figure I done good! ;-)

I might try to get out for a walk this afternoon, maybe an hour or so after my next meal.

Sending up prayers for the grandparents!

I have decided on my work out, which will be done shortly...

It's home-made so to speak:

warm up

back: one arm db row~dead lifts

chest: push ups~chest press

shoulders: more push ups }(~military press

triceps: kickbacks~presses

biceps: traditional curls~hammer curls

legs: leg press~walking lunges~plie' squats

cardio: IMAX 2 blast only premix

cool down/stretch

Must get moving if I want to complete this!

I was out shopping this morning (not at Home Depot though.)! I went to Kohl's with a 15% off coupon I had that was gonna expire today and bought too much stuff! LOL I bought 2 pair Nike running shorts, 2 shirts to go with them, 3 pair undies and 1 pair regular jean shorts (I think I'm taking the jean shorts back-they were more $ than I realized...I can find a better deal EASILY right in the same store!:))
Okay...being the freak that I am, I ended up doing Muscle Max in full and NO cardio! LOL

I pulled out MM for it's warm up and that was that! LOL I wanted to get in a short cardio w/o but there really wasn't enough time w/o feeling rushed so I nixxed it for today. I'll live. It felt great to lift heavy again after my 2 weeks off due to my neck. I lifted light a couple of times in those 2 weeks but that's it and I was really missing it! Feels good to be back!!!}(
LOL! Great workout Wendy, and yay for being able to do it after your set back! What fun in getting some new clothes too.

Wendy- i am happy you were feeling well enough to get in a weight workout.

i never got in my workout today ladies. so tomorrow i have to do something extra:)
Hi everyone:

I'm finally getting a minute to drop in and say hi. Sounds like everyone is staying very active. My workouts this week have been a little weak. Suffering from some nasal drainage that is settling into a cough. If I get my cardio going (or laugh) I go into a coughing fit.

I like the ideal of continueing the thread after the challenge ends. We could call it "The Next 12 weeks". If people want to post pictures at the end to show off accomplishments then they can do that. I know I'm always a work in process, so I could keep going(probably for ever, as slow as I seem to change LOL). Otherwise we can just continue to support and share with each other.

Gotta run. Prayers to those with sick familiy members.

Jean I love the "The Next 12 Weeks" challenge idea because it takes it through to the end of the summer! Makes sense! I know I could sure use the accountability.


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