12 Week Challenge 06/02


Well, I am not happy today on a couple of counts...my stats are bad but in all fairness TOM is any minute and I usually gain 3 to 5 lbs so no progress this week - chin up ---- I will be good all week with no cheat and hopefully something good will come of it!!

12 Weeks with Karen Sessions
Week 3, Day 6

Beginning Stats Weight 140 BF 29%
1st Week Weight 138.8 BF 28%
05/26/06 Weight 136.8 BF 27.4%
06/02/06 Weight 141.3 BF 28%

My workout for today will not happen unless it happens tonight which is doubtful. Little one is sick AGAIN or he never was all the way well....he has been throwing up all night *sigh* He and his PawPaw are in the middle of my workout floor finally asleep....I am tired and still have to go to work.

Food For Yesterday
M1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites
M2 - 4 oz turkey breast, 2.5 oz sweet potato, 2 almonds
M3 - 3 oz lean flank steak, 1/3 cup brown rice (3/4 c prepared), slice of avocado
M4 - 3.5 oz lean flank steak, 1 cup green beans, 11 almonds
M5 - 3 oz Chicken breast, 1 cup cucumber and tomato with vinegar, 1 tbsp peanut butter

Goal Review
Today - I just need to look straight ahead, do not fret about how big I feel....I am a size 6 but today I feel like a 2 that is a 12......
This Week - Concentrate on my eating - never forget that I REALLY want to transform - why did I forget this over the holiday and throw things to the wind?
This Month - Lose 4 lbs - didn't make this last month but I came really close -- it is now a new month!
This Year - incorporate some outdoor running - this is on schedule for this weekend
Ultimate Summer Shape Up Goals - comfortable size 4, increased cardio capacity, leg definition

Yes, my little one is sick again....I think it must be just one big virus since he was fussy the night before. Poor thing and I have to go to work - DH says he will stay home with him (lol) He is a wonderful PawPaw.....he just calls me every second!!!

I don't know if you got to see my personals last night so I am copying them over -

Wendy - I wonder what the deal is with your shoulder area? I have Ripped -- it is a good workout - light on abs and, it is her easiest - I would say it is moderate but I use much heavier weights than she does and it makes it pretty tough - the next two are awesome to me!

Heather - I was late today too -- hope you catch - I never did, late to work, late leaving, late to class, late home, late putting little one to bed....hate late days! You are sounding pretty chipper!

Karen - I am so sorry you are sick -- you and everyone else that is...hope you guys are better soon! OK....did I see for real 45 on the toe pushups????? That is my absolute worst exercise - I think it is mainly because I have trouble with my wrists but once I quit doing P90X my pushups got a bit lazy!

Jean - I signed up for 12 weeks with Karen Session. I am afraid that I was bad 4 days this week mostly due to the holiday and traveling I am afraid that I probably lost some of the ground I gained - I hate it when I do that, I could just cry.....

Gloria - I have been looking at the Barry's Boot camp longingly....they say have cardio options for non runners but I wish I knew what they were. I wish like heck I had a treadmill but I am not sure where I could put one????

Sunny - Your workout looks great! I have two rotations I want to do but can't until my workouts from Ms. Sessions change - I want to do fitnessfreaks Summer rotation and the new June rotation from CAthe but I guess I will save them for a later time. I think that all of Jari's workouts are good - as far as advanced let me see - for me it is. I am used to lifting with Cathe regularly, almost exclusively. I can do her toughest workouts and lift heavier than her sometimes and Jaris Ripped to the Core fried me in 3 places - the shoulder work is killer at least it was today. I have been having trouble exhausting my chest, I have been trying to go heavier but the heavier weight hurts my hands a LOT but my chest was fried today with only 10 lb dumbells?????? She does some step offs from the step to the side like a squat lunge while doing delt lifts - I thought I was going to throw up - I went too heavy and had to drop to 5s....I rarely use 5s and did not think I would need them today...I had to stop and go find them! I love the leg work and I have DOMS everywhere and never picked up anything heavier that a 15 lb dumbell once for triceps using both hands over the head. Since I find it challenging I would say it is advanced....I find Slim Series pretty easy. Sorry so wordy but I don't want to mislead anyone - I truly like her workouts - I will buy anything she puts out, the only other instructor I do that with is Cathe. I don't know if it is because it is a different style of workout that made it hard for me or how long it will take it to get easy but right now it kicked my bootie.

Where IS Gayle????? and have we heard any more from Lori?

Have a great day ladies!
Good Morning.

Kathy, Jeez, I hope you little one feels better soon!:-( Keep up the positive attitude as TTOM as can REALLY throw a monkey wrench in to things for a time but it's not permanent!!

So I am trying to decide between giving a shot at step today or trying to get to the gym earlier than usual for a run. I feel like I can manage cardio today. I have to go grocery shopping as well before I head out to the doc and know that step at home will save time but I really want to run..WAAAH!:p

I was very unhappy alot of the day yesterday. Around 7:30 pm I had an OKAY moment so I went for a quick 20 min power walk just to move. Last night when I got in bed I was a mess. I could not get comfortable. I was in pain no matter what I did. I was up every 10 mins. I think I finally fell asleep for that night around 1am. Now this morning I'm not so bad....GO FIGURE!? :eek:

Off to get my coffee now...TGIF!:7

Kathy- sorry to hear your gs is still sick. i know what you are going thru as ds #2 is still sick also.:( your heart just breaks for them and i just keep wishing i could take his sickness away. I never step on the scale at TTOM. i don't want to see the scale go up. lol. now you've got me interested in ripped to the core.

Wendy- glad to hear you are feeling better so far today. let's hope it continues. sleeplessness & pain just suck.

i am hoping to get to the gym today. don't know if it will happen. ds #2 is still sick. dh is home today but we planned today as a family fun day. taking ds #1 to movies, out to eat}( , etc.

hello to all that follow!
Hi, ladies. I am here, sorry to make you worry. It's nice to be missed! LOL

I have just been getting overwhelmed with stuff and posting on the boards just kind of fell to the side. Sorry. No offense.

Workouts have been great, the food has been decent, with the exception of Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

This morning's workout was PLB and about 20 minutes from my new Christi Taylor step DVD.

12-Week Check-in

Good morning! I am so glad Friday has arrived! No rest day for me this week. I have planned 10 days of workouts in a row before my trip to visit my family. I am also planning to hit the ground running after that trip. I did Timesaver 4 this morning.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good Morning Everyone. Today i feel 70% better. i still have a stuffy nose and sinus issues but the tired draining feeling is gone. I'm happy about that. I got some good sleep last night so I think that helped. Today I did a 4.5 mile speed interval run followed by 30 min of yoga. My nose was a runnin. Tomorrow is a rest day for me before Sunday's 5k.

Kathy- I so know how you feel. It's that time of the month for me and so dummy me got on the scale and it was up 5lbs. Logically I know what it is but when you feel like crap like I have with this cold logic gets in the way. I'm not do to check anything unitl around the 13th or so. I have time to get my head together and eat as clean as possible. I really want to be at the same weight this month as last with less body fat. I have no idea why I got on the scale, I know I feel crappy and bloated. Oh well!!! I'm not going to give into it or anything I just want you to know I'm staying the course with you.

Wendy- I hope you are feeling better today. DD is much better as well as me. My dh is even 100%. I have no clue what he had. Like a 24 hour thing.

Sunny D- Your house sounds like mine the past two day. You would think this was winter or something.

Gayle, Heather- Nice workouts girls. Your doing great

Gloria, Jean, and Heidi- Missed all of you yesterday. Thank you for your well wishes. I got them.

Anyone else I missed hello. Lori how is the baby belly doing. We want pic's

Kathy, I hope your little one is over the worst of it!!! And don't fret over not being as far in your goals as you'd planned to be, like you said it's a NEW month!!! The past is in the past.

Wendy you poor baby with your soreness and such....I hope you feel much better today!

Sunnyd, I hope your little guy is better soon. Enjoy your family day, that can be a workout in itself!

Gayle, good workout!!!!! Don't you hate it when life seems to take over.

Heather, you'll feel good about taking time off from workouts after working out for 10 days. When I went away last weekend, on the Saturday I woke up with sore triceps so that was a nice feeling while being away. It reminded me of my goals.

Karen I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, you have hope for feeling much better tomorrow and then 100% by Sunday!

Good morning to the rest of you!!!

Heidi :)
Hi everyone. This morning was ME. Then since the weather was so pretty, I took the dogs for a 30 min jog/walk. It rained yesterday so this morning just seemed clean and fresh outside. I just couldn't pass it up. It's like the sky and air were washed clean.

I sure hope everyone starts to feel better. For any of the adults that are sick and you think it is a cold, have you tried Cold Eaze. They are lozengers and them seem to help cut down the length of the cold for me any ways.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. The next couple of days are going to be pretty busy for me. I'll check in when I can.


ps. thought for the day. Just remember even though at times we stumble and fall, it is much better to get up and start again then to just lay there and get trampled on.

So everyone try and focus through the weekend. That seems to be the problem days for most us, but we can make it through it.
good morning challengers!:)
today's workout: running speed intervals!!! tired, but feel very accomplish!!

Kathy: sorry about the scale and such. You are doing ok. Just stick w/ it, ok, girl???

Hope everyone else feels better. Hate to read that ya'll are feeling sick. It makes me sad.

take care:)
>ps. thought for the day. Just remember even though at times
>we stumble and fall, it is much better to get up and start
>again then to just lay there and get trampled on.

Jean!! What a great thought for the day!! That rocks and can apply to life in so many ways.

Heidi :)
Hi girls.

Sorry I don't have time for personals. DS is spending the night at my mom's tonight as DH and I are going into NYC tomorrow to see a show! I have the doc appointment at 3pm and then I'm going to my mom's from there so I have to get busy packing DS up while he's napping so that once he's up, we can eat and then beat feet!

I'll report back on my diagnosis as soon as I can!

As for my work out today...I decided on the run at the gym for 2 reasons...

#1) The a/c unit is still not in my w/o room and it was already too hot/humid in the house at 7am to even ATTEMPT cardio w/o it!

#2) I knew I could run safely even with my shoulder issue and just as it did before, my shoulder feels sooo much better afterwards!

My run was about a 2 mill hill interval. I used a steady pace of 5.5 and ran flat for 1-2 minutes and then took the incline up for 2-3 mins and alternated like that. I took the incline up farther and farther as I went along. During the last 2 minutes of the run I ran flat but kicked up my speed to 6.5 for 2 mins. It was a blast! Great work out!:+

Hope everyone is having a great friday!:)
Just checking in to say I did GS BSB, I went heavier than I usually do so that was nice.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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