12 Week Challenge 06/01


I am late once again.....I will just have to catch up this weekend I guess!!!

Beginning Stats
Weight 140 BF 29%
1st Week Weight 138.8 BF 28%
05/26/06 Weight 136.8 BF 27.4%[/b]
Tomorrow is stat day -- I will see what damage I did on my holiday this week

Workout for Today:
Jari Love - Ripped to the Core - HRM I messed it up and lost my info.....love this workout....kind of nauseated, will have to put off cardio until this evening!

Food For Yesterday:
M1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites
M2 - 4 oz turkey breast, 2.5 oz sweet potato, 2 almonds
M3 - 3.5 oz chicken breast, 1/3 cup brown rice (3/4 c prepared), 2 almonds
M4 - 3.5 oz grilled sirloin, 1 cup sugar peas, 11 almonds
M5 - 4 oz tuna, 1 cup cucumber and tomato with vinegar, 1 tbsp peanut butter

Kade is much better...he was a little fussy last night but that was all. I had a very haried day at work but --- I Love Jari's Ripped to the Core and I cannot wait for her other workouts of course I am ultimately waiting for Cathe's but this will keep me occupied for a while

Have a great day!
Morning Kathy!

So I went to deepdiscountdvd.com and found that they carry Jari's Ripped as well as a Byran Kest Yoga dvd that I wanted to try so I ordered them both. I figure if I like Ripped I will order Slim and Lean from Collage or somewhere another time. Maybe deepdiscount will get it in by then. I couldn't turn down the bargain! Do you have Ripped, Kathy? I know it's rated as intermediate/advanced in Collage where her other 2 are advanced. I wonder if there is a big difference? I'll let you know how I like it.:)

I had my own LowMax circuit on tap for today. I was going to do the step only premix and put one exercise between each step segment: squats, plie squats, lunges, pushups, single arm rows, bicep curls, tricpe kickbacks.

Now I have no clue if I will be doing ANYTHING as my back/shoulder/neck problem that was soooo going away just came back in a BIG way! I stretched this morning and felt like someone friggin' stabbed me! ARGH! I took 2 motrin immediately and will see what happens. Right now I can barely move enough to type this let alone work out! LOL
12-Week Check-in

Good morning! I am running late, so this will be a quick check-in for me again. I did Timesaver 3 this morning. Cathe’s June rotation looks like something I would love, but it will not work with my schedule this month. It is a keeper for the future. I love lower body workouts.

Have a blessed day.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hi everyone I have to be quick I have a house full of sick people me being one of them. I just have a cold but I think summer colds are the worst.Today I did gymstyle legs, abs and 45 on the toe push up for the push up challenge. I will catch up later.

Hello all

This morning was 30 min on TM 2 miles jogging, the rest walking. I had planne don 45 min, but I think Body Max really worn me out. Plan is ME tomorrow.

Kathy, can wait to see your new stats. Is the program you're following something on line or do you have to go to a fitness center?

Wendy, hope the neck/shoulder thing resolves soon.

Heather, I haven't tried Time saver. Do you like it?

Karen, hope you're feeling better. I agree summer colds can be the worst.

Hope everyone has a great day

good morning challengers!
today's workout: my 45mins exercise class at the fitness center.

I might do something later today as well...feeling pretty good!

Wendy: you did a great job yesterday on your WO!!

Jean: sorry you are feeling bodymax. I haven't done that one in ages...it's on my "to do"list! lol

Karen: hope you feel better from your summer cold!

cruisers: I would love to go on a cruise someday. any particular ship or company better than another???? thanks!

ALSO: have you guys checked out barrysbootcamp.com??? if you like to run, this might be something you would be interested in. the workouts are not coming out until october, but it sounds like a good one!! I'm excited about it. go check it out and let me know your thoughts on it, ok??? thanks:)

take care:)

Cruises: We really enjoyed Royal Caribbean. If you have children, Disney is absolutely Wonderful(kind of pricy$$$). I had so much fun on Disney I would go without my DD if I could afford it. We were not impressed at all with Carnival. Some people like Carnival. They are a little cheaper, but I feel the service is lacking.

Hello challengers!!

where's Gayle??

Gloria- i did check out that website and would love to purchase those once they become available. they sound fantastic!

today i did gs chest and tri's superset premix. it was great!! i went to the gym later in the morning and did the elliptical for 45 mins.

Wendy-i love my homeworkouts. however i feel myself becoming a gymrat. i am loving the option of having both at my disposal. breaks up the monotomy. i am trying to get to the gym a little more often so ds # 2 can get used to the daycare.

Kathy- do you think jari's ripped to the core is an advanced workout?

i would love to go on the disney cruise. i heard numerous compliments re: their cruiseline and customer service.

anyone gonna attempt cathe's june rotation?
Jean: thanks for your input on the cruises. gonna go check out those websites!

I wanna do cathe's june rotation, but right now, I am doing her sept 2003 rotation. lots of cardio and muscle endurance. I might do her june rotation in july....maybe!

take care:)
Heads up for anyone interested in Jari Love's dvd's...

I was just checkin' out deepdiscountdvd.com again today after ordering Get Ripped last night and they are now accepting preorders for her Slim and Lean and Ripped to the Core work outs and they don't charge you until they ship them so I preordered them. }( They are set for release in mid July I think so it's worth the wait when I will be getting them for ALMOST half price and not having to pay for shipping either! GO ME!:+
Hi everyone, I'm checking in late, but that's better than not at all! ;-)

A friend e-mailed me wanting to come for a visit in the afternoon so due to my laziness lately, I had to do a couple hours of CleanMax instead of my workout. I did CTX All Step later on but had to stop 3 minutes short of the cooldown, I guess I was probably a little goofed up mealwise and didn't have adequate energy. My face was red by the end so I know my body was working hard.

Boy all this talk of Jari Love every where I go....I'm just gonna have to check her out soon!

Heidi :)
FinaLLY!!! A few extra minutes!!

Wendy - I wonder what the deal is with your shoulder area? I have Ripped -- it is a good workout - light on abs and, it is her easiest - I would say it is moderate but I use much heavier weights than she does and it makes it pretty tough - the next two are awesome to me!

Heather - I was late today too -- hope you catch - I never did, late to work, late leaving, late to class, late home, late putting little one to bed....hate late days! You are sounding pretty chipper!

Karen - I am so sorry you are sick -- you and everyone else that is...hope you guys are better soon! OK....did I see for real 45 on the toe pushups????? That is my absolute worst exercise - I think it is mainly because I have trouble with my wrists but once I quit doing P90X my pushups got a bit lazy!

Jean - I signed up for 12 weeks with Karen Session. I am afraid that I was bad 4 days this week mostly due to the holiday and traveling I am afraid that I probably lost some of the ground I gained - I hate it when I do that, I could just cry.....

Gloria - I have been looking at the Barry's Boot camp longingly....they say have cardio options for non runners but I wish I knew what they were. I wish like heck I had a treadmill but I am not sure where I could put one????

Sunny - Your workout looks great! I have two rotations I want to do but can't until my workouts from Ms. Sessions change - I want to do fitnessfreaks Summer rotation and the new June rotation from CAthe but I guess I will save them for a later time. I think that all of Jari's workouts are good - as far as advanced let me see - for me it is. I am used to lifting with Cathe regularly, almost exclusively. I can do her toughest workouts and lift heavier than her sometimes and Jaris Ripped to the Core fried me in 3 places - the shoulder work is killer at least it was today. I have been having trouble exhausting my chest, I have been trying to go heavier but the heavier weight hurts my hands a LOT but my chest was fried today with only 10 lb dumbells?????? She does some step offs from the step to the side like a squat lunge while doing delt lifts - I thought I was going to throw up - I went too heavy and had to drop to 5s....I rarely use 5s and did not think I would need them today...I had to stop and go find them! I love the leg work and I have DOMS everywhere and never picked up anything heavier that a 15 lb dumbell once for triceps using both hands over the head. Since I find it challenging I would say it is advanced....I find Slim Series pretty easy. Sorry so wordy but I don't want to mislead anyone - I truly like her workouts - I will buy anything she puts out, the only other instructor I do that with is Cathe. I don't know if it is because it is a different style of workout that made it hard for me or how long it will take it to get easy but right now it kicked my bootie.

Where IS Gayle????? and have we heard any more from Lori?

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