12 Week Challenge 05/26



Wendy -- That is what I did...I mean I started out super heavy with Pyramid Down and oh my, do I have DOMS today!!!!!

Gayle - What a fabulous idea with the GS addition! Good luck with your 5k - I think I would actually die if I ran in a race -- I am a bit of a nervous type!!!

Karen - Your workout sounds great - I haven't got Kest out in a long while!

Heidi - So sorry about your ankle! Hope you are better today!

Heather - You plan sounds good! Kudos on your menus too!

SunnyD - Great workout - I love to hit 500!!!!!

Kali - I am so glad it wasn't bad like you thought ---- 1 lb is probably water!

Beginning Stats Weight 140 BF 29%
1st Week Weight 138.8 BF 28%
05/26/06 Weight 136.8 BF 27.4%

Workout for today:
Today was 25 minutes HIIT - I did the cardio conditioning in KPC - 37 minutes (that s about 25 plus warm up and stretch) 240 calories burned HR 119 average/156 maximum - not too bad - feeling good!

Food For Yesterday - Treat day - did not make it to Memorial Day and will have to be good all weekend!!!
M1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 4 egg whites, 1 whole egg
M2 - 3.5 oz grilled chicken breast, 2.5 oz sweet potato, 5 almonds
M3 - 3 oz tuna, 3 oz baked potato, 1 tbs peanut butter
M4 - 2.5 oz grilled chicken, 1/3 c brown rice, 5 almonds
M5 - a Snickers (Craving one madly all day), some almonds, 2 graham crackers (Kade did not eat them and they did not make it to the trash -- shame, shame) but I had a great productive week with results!

Ok, I will be gone until Monday - I will be lazing by SIL's pool, playing with GS -- I am taking my own food and I have this suit for little one that makes him float and some water toys....I am also going garage sale pilfering in the big city -- hoping to find all kinds of goodies!!!

Have a great holiday!
Hey Kathy and all who follow.

I have Leaner Legs, ab work and my first outdoor run planned for today....IF my pain goes away with the Motrin I took when I got up. :-( Yes, it's back. The same pain in my neck/shldr/back that I had the other day! It never truly left as a matter of fact...It's come and gone since the first incidence. I'm losing patience for it...x(

So Kathy, if you don't mind my asking, do you know what the "science" is behind what you are doing? Working out less, eating more and having it be more effective?? It's intriguing to me because I had made a rotation for myself that had less cardio (most of it was intense though) in it but was AFRAID I would gain weight or just not see any results from it.

Hope everyone has a FANTABULOUS Friday!

What is everyone doing for the holiday?

I have to get packed for my weekend at some point before or after my work out. Maybe I'll work on that while my neck is still sore...be efficient for once! LOL :7
Wendy -- I really don't know the "science" exactly behind it except this -- When originally on my plan to lose 80 something pounds I ate 1200 - 1300 calories a day. I started at over 50% body fat so I had a lot to lose. I had very little lean muscle mass when I began also. I alternated total body workouts with cardio for 5 days a week - like one week 2 days cardio and one week 3 and I used Firms. The whole time I never changed my calories. OK.....lost the weight....maintained for several years - quit smoking....still eating 1200 - 1300 calories....worried because of weight gain.....upped my cardio from 3 days to 6 doing 2 or 3 Imaxes a week, 2 or 3 Intense steady states with blasts at the end, and 1 moderate cardio.....anyway - - I upped my workout time from 1 hour to 90 minutes - 2 hours - hitting muscle groups 2 - 3 times per week.....I was burning 300 to 600 calories a workout and still eating 1200 - 1300 --- K. Sessions said my metobolism said "Whoa"! I am not letting anything go because she is not giving me enough to eat!!!! So I have made this into a long story.....she upped my carbs, calories and decreased my exercise and is giving my body time to adjust and I tell you I feel really GOOD - I have much more energy (but I never thought I didn't have any until I see how I feel now - kind of snuck up on me). So I guess all this to say that the science is -- if I feed my body properly for what I am doing then it won't mind letting things go because it knows it is going to get what it needs. Now, I am to gradually increase my cardio week by week but she says to never be afraid to take it down when at a standstill???? If I didn't have her to rely on and I was going to give it a try I would journal really well and give it 3 weeks, if my weight went up each of the three and I ate well I would either take my calories back down or my cardio up????? Hope this is not too wordy and that it helps -- maybe someone else can say it better --- actually, I have no idea why it is working?????
Good morning Kathy! Have fun yard saleing, hope you find some cool stuff. I'll be away for the weekend too, so I'm packing some of my own food also.

Hi Wendy, I'm sorry to hear about your pain not being gone, gosh that's frustrating. I HATE it when that happens.

Today is Power Hour which I'm going to do soon so I can finish up packing.

I hope everyone has a great workout or rest day today!

Heidi :)
Hi, ladies...just a quick minute to check in and post my workout...have to get DS ready for school.

This morning's workout was Body Max upper body and abs, then Stretch Max 3. Felt good...took a rest for the lower body because I've got a 5K tomorrow. Mom is doing it with me and Dad is taking my boys to cheer us on. Mom said she doesn't mind if I run it, so I am going to run FAST, cross the finish line, turn around and run the opposite way so I can catch up with her and walk the rest of it with her.

Monday, I'm having a potluck picnic at my house. Neighbors, friends, family. Looking forward to it.


That's a great approach Kathy. For the last 2 weeks I was losing a bit of lean mass and so I upped my calories and as a result have lost some body fat and gained back some lean mass. It's really showed me that if you fuel your body well and work out consistently, it'll take care of the rest.

Hi Gayle! Sounds like you have a great weekend planned!! Looking forward to hearing how your 5K goes.

12-Week Check-in

Good morning! I am changing my rest day to Saturday this week and will likely keep it that way for the next few weeks. My weekends will be full.

I did Timesaver 5 this morning for the first time and love it. Legs and Glutes is my least favorite Cathe lower body workout, but I love this one. Cathe leaves out all the explosive lunges and adds kick-butt lunges that are really fun. I also like this one with the “normal mix” because it is easier for me to focus on executing the moves with good form. I love loud music but find that it distracts me.

Have a blessed Friday and holiday weekend!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hello again.

Kathy: Thanks sooo much for taking the time to bring me up to speed! What you said makes sense. I may go back to my less cardio idea after all! I think I will need to start tracking my food again though just so that I know my calorie intake. I stopped doing that after I lost the pregnancy weight.

Heidi: Good for you on getting that lean mass back! Woo! I just did PH the other day! It's a goodie! Have fun with it! Where are you headed this weekend that you are packing? Forgive me if you must repeat yourself...I have a bad memory!:p

Heather: Good job on the work out today. I take most of my rest days on the weekends. I like to not have the pressure to work out on days when my schedule isn't so...well...SCHEDULED! LOL :7

Gayle: Have fun at the picnic! Eat lots of yummy food for us! Can I come? I LOOOOVE picnics! ;) :9

So I completed my FIRST outdoor run this morning!!! WOO HOO! It was tougher than I ever imagined! OMG! It was approximately a 2 mile course (not including w/u and c/d). I ran for 6 mins, walked for 1, ran for 6, walked for 1 and ran for 6 which is a total of 20 mins/2 miles. Hmmm...maybe the course WASN'T 2 miles!!! I don't think I was running faster than I do on the treadmill and according to what I just typed I would have HAD to be to finish 2 miles (w/walking) in 20 mins! OMG! I have to re-drive it now to be sure!!!!:D
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Sounds like a great workout Heather!

Just got finished doing Power Hour. I've had the DVD for more than a year, maybe 2 years, but I can't remember ever doing it before??? Anyways, it was a great workout and I have a feeling I'll be feeling it in my biceps tomorrow. It was a good way to finish off a week of workouts before taking a couple days off.

I usually do my workout mid-morning, but today I had my preworkout meal and then did the workout. It's nice having the workout done by mid-morning instead of finishing up just before lunch. Maybe I'll do this from now on, especially in the summer.

Gotta get packing for my weekend away.
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hi Wendy. A bunch of women/friends from my church are going away for the weekend for a getaway. I'm in Canada and it's an island off the coast (I live in the province "beside" Maine). There are no malls, no quaint shops, no fancy restaurants (not that I could afford one!), but atleast we're staying in cabins and not tenting (ick!). So there will be lots of evil food around and therefore I'm bringing as much healthy food as I can! :p

It also means being forced to take 2 days off from workouts, but I'll be starting a GS/S&H rotation on Monday so I should probably rest up! LOL! :7

WAY TO GO on your first outdoor run!!! I've never done that, maybe some day I'll try it but I'll have to get myself a pair of running shoes. I like keeping my cross trainers nice and clean for indoors. Anways, I'm impressed you did it!

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hello everyone.

Today for me was an outdoor jog. 1hr & 10 min. and then walked the last 1/2 mile home. the plan was to get in 5.5+miles jogging, but I just had to walk that last 1/2 mile. I'm still as slow as a turtle, but my heart rate gets up there, so I know I'm getting a good work out.

Question for those of you who jog/run with HRM. What does your heart rate stay at? Mine seems really high. Of course I know that everyone's will be different due to age, weight and fitness level. Mine today stayed between 150 and 166 unless I really slowed down to practically crawling (that was near the time I started to walk)LOL And on the hills it gets up into the 170's. I'm 43 so that means I'm working out at 85%-90% of my max. Is this good or bad?

Everyone's weekend plans sound nice. DH comes home today so I don't know what is on the agenda. Hopefully lots of workouts for me, because I kind of slacked off this week.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Catch you all Sunday evening or Monday morning! I'll be away for the weekend but will try to keep the unhealthy food to a minimum!! :)

Have an awesome weekend!

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hi everyone. My dh is home for the next 4 days for the holiday so things have been differnt this morning. Plus the fact he needed the computer most of the morning. I will have to catch up on everything later but I did see Heidi is on her way for a getaway, Wendy got in her run, and Kathy is doing great. I know there are many more. I will get you later.

Today I did gymstyle legs and then the abs from SJP. Computer time is up agian. See you tonight

Oh and Gayle has a 5k and Heather did a timesaver and is changing things up. I think that covers it. Be good on the eats this weekend.

Wait a minute, edited one more time for nice run Jean.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hello ladies,

I am just so psyched!!! yesterday at ds # 1's "graduation" from preschool. one of the other mother's ( i hadn't seen in months) just kept gushing over my weightloss. she said you don't just look like you've lost weight, you look toned. woohooo!!! you know it's funny how others can notice things about you that you don't/can't. today they had a picnic as it was the kids last day and she told me (she just had a baby 3 mos. ago) i inspired her to start working out. i can't believe i actually inspired someone to workout. what a nice compliment!

today i did GS chest and triceps (never got a chance to fit it in yesterday), ABripper X ( i have never done harder ab work in my life)and the first timesaver from lowmax. i feel really good for a friday. i am usually dragging on friday's but for some reason this morning i woke up with alot of energy. maybe it was the compliments;)

Gayle- good luck with your marothon this weekend.

for those that are going away this weekend, i really hope you truly enjoy yourselves!

have a great remainder of the day all:D
RE: 12-Week Check-in


That is really awesome. Isn't it great when someone not only takes notices of the changes you've accomplished, but takes the time to compliment you and say that you inspired them. Keep up the good work.


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