12 Week Challenge - 05/25


Morning -- Dang-- not time for personals late....

Workout for today:
Well, after splitting my work up to a body part per day I realized that I will be going out of town Friday for my weekend and I would not be able to get it done so to save time I did something new and I liked it. It is a strenght week and I do not have time to finish out with GS so I used PUB and did all but chest Pyramiding down only -- like drop sets. I started out a little heavier than possible then went down - I found this to be quite challening. Today I worked Tris, Bis,Delts, and Back, then my 25 minutes of HIIT using Blast Mania from Imax 2 - intervals 1-8. 67 minutes, 373 calories burned, 111 av HR/158 Max. Notice that my max HR for Blast Mania is 4 points down from TJ Fat Blaster!!!!!

Food For Yesterday
M1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 4 egg whites, 1 whole egg
M2 - 3.5 oz turkey breast, 2.5 oz sweet potato, 5 almonds
M3 - 3 oz lean flank steak, 3 oz baked potato, 1 tbs peanut butter
M4 - can of tuna, 1/3 c brown rice, 5 almonds
M5 - grilled salmon, 1 c cucumbers topped with a little vinegar, 3 almonds, 1/2 tb peanut butter

Goal Review
Today - Water intake consistent DAILY - getting a little better here!
This Week - Concentrate on my eating - never forget that I REALLY want to transform
This Month - Lose 4 lbs
This Year - incorporate some outdoor running - I will run this weekend, I will be out of town on vacation so this will be great!
Ultimate Summer Shape Up Goals - comfortable size 4, increased cardio capacity, leg definition

See you guys tonight!
Hi girls.

Rest day for me today. :)

Kathy, I've done PUB down and I love it. I'm not a fan of the full work out. I find it boring but the down premix is fun for me. I go super heavy at the start and by the time I am using the lightest weight it feels like the heavy one! LOL }(
Hi, ladies.

Kathy-I just recently started using those up and down premixes from the Pyramids and really like them. I then usually add on a body part from the GS.

Hi, Wendy!

Last night, I got a second workout in again. The kids came with me to the basement while I ran. 5.5 miles, with 7 intervals. Then Stretch Max segment #3. This morning, was lower body. I used Muscle Endurance....leg press premix, then lower body premix, then extras like plie squats, calf raises, leg extensions. Added on abs from ME as well. FEEL GOOD! Getting psyched for Saturday's 5k.


Good morning Kathy, Gayle, Wendy and fellow challengers to follow. Today is a speed interval run for me followed by Bryan Kest Energize.

Thursday is busy mom's day in this house so I won't be able to check back until tonight. Have a great day and good morning to all who follow. Drink your water girls!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning Kathy, Wendy, Gayle, and Karen, and everyone else! Sounds like you all are getting in some great workouts, even Wendy's rest day - that's important.

Today is supposed to be Cardio Kicks and althought I SO WISH I could do it, I want to take care of my offended ankle (as per MIC). I could probably do it because my ankle is feeling better, but when I point my toes I can feel a little bit of a strain. So I'm going to opt to do the stationary bike. I'll probably do The Bar Method's Fat Free workout too, for my legs. Yoga would be a smart thing to throw in, though I don't know if I'll have the time.

I hope everyone has a fabulous day!

Heidi :)
12-Week Check-in

Good morning! I did Timesaver 3 last night. It is very intense with the first 2 combinations from Step Blast followed by tough bicep and core work. I can do all of Step Blast now! It is definitely more intense than Rhythmic Step.

I am finally getting back on track with my morning workouts. I did Timesaver 4 this morning and love it. Kick, Punch, & Crunch is my favorite kickboxing workout, and the shoulder work is really tough.

I planned menus for the next 10 days and went to the grocery store last night. My meals and snacks are packed for today, and I am determined and focused on my goals.

I decided to return to the CTX Series next week after I finish this first week of Timesaver workouts. I am planning to do 2 weeks of the CTX Series followed by a week of Timesaver workouts when I return home from my trip followed by another 2 weeks of the CTX Series. This week is a fresh start for me. All in all, this will be a 6-week rotation (counting this week) that will get me through the end of June. Adding the Timesaver workouts to my rotation every few weeks will give me a break from the super high impact.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

You're a woman on a mission Heather!! :D

Way to go on planning your meals in advance, I've got to do that some day soon.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Heidi-what did I miss about your ankle? I don't remember you saying you hurt it...was it during MIC???

Heather...way to GO!!!!!!!! I like pre-planning menus as well. It helps me AND my boys!

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good Morning Ladies,

I was up early and did a 3.50 mile run on the treadmill, i can't believe it, my hr monitor said i burned 500 calories, wooohooo!! good thing too, because we are having a dinner party tonight in honor of ds # 1 graduating from preschool!! i am so excited for him. he will start kindergarten this aug.

I am also gonna do the timesaver premix of gymstyles chest and triceps today. i am praying i can fit it in with all the stuff i must get done today.

Gayle- another marathon, WOW!!

talk with you ladies later,
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hi Gayle, maybe I didn't mention my ankle here. I found that hours after I did MIC my right ankle was sort of cranky. I'm just babying it to play it safe. Actually it feels quite good today, enough that I was so tempted to do a step workout but I controlled myself! LOL! :p

I did The Bar Method "Designer Sculpting", and then the stationary bike for 25 minutes. Looks like I burned about 350 calories.

Time to eat something!:9

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hi Guys! Hope everyone is well!

Well I weighed myself and only gained a pound! I was sooo thrilled! I didn't measure but I will this Sunday. That's when I always did it.

My 8 year old had Field Day today at school and I didn't have time to work out this morning and have work tonight and thought "crap" I have to take a rest day. But today is an OFF day on my rotation so I don't feel so bad! I've never seen the rest day on a Thursday on a rotation!

So my 6 year old has his Field Day tomorrow so off I go again! I have PowerHour on my schedule so if I can't wake up early and do it I'll do it in the evening.

Well off to work. Have a good night Ladies! Talk to you all tomorrow sometime!


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