12 Week Challenge/05-07/week3


Good Morning Girls,

Am I the only one up on this quiet sunday morning?:) We went to a friends house last night for Lobsters to celebrate his b-day and there were loads of people there.I managed to stay there until 11 which is good for me these days. And I slept until 7:45...which is also good for me, so I had a good nights sleep.
I am counting down the days until this 3 monthes is up! I can't handle being lazy and sick all the time.LOL You know how you want to get pregnant but you totally forget what it does to you? Well, thats me:) 41 days to go and I will be back to myself.
Actually, I felt the best ever on Friday and I ate breakfast as soon as my two feet touched the floor so I am trying that again today.I just had a bagel and a glass of water so hopefully I will have a good day.

SO whats on everyone agenda today? Im not doing much.I think we are going to go pick up DD at some point today.She went to my parents house for the weekend .I am also going to get a workout in after my bagel digest. I was thinking about doing KPC,GS C&T...I really need to get legs in to but I don't know if I will have time today.And if I do to much it will probably just send me back to bed! hahaha

Have a good day!
12-Week Check-in

Good morning, Lori and the rest of the challengers! Happy Sunday! I am up early this morning. I slept like a baby last night after not getting much sleep last week. I was planning to have a restful Friday night, but a tornado had other ideas. :eek: I did not sleep at all Friday night between the tornado sirens sounding, fierce wind, and hail slamming against the windows. I do not usually get too disturbed by a tornado warning as it goes with the territory when you live in Tornado Alley, but I had a bad feeling in my spirit before the storm hit that is hard to describe. Thankfully, no one in the area was hurt. There are still about 20,000 homes without power. It is unbelievable to drive around and see massive trees that were uprooted and slammed into buildings! It is expected to take a few days to clean up and restore the power.

I rested yesterday and took a long nap. I did not even make it to the grocery store, so I will have to take care of that today after church. I did Rhythmic Step last night and did the abs and planks from Power Hour as well as the second segment of Total Body Stretching late last night.

Summary for Easter to 4th of July Challenge Week 3:

04-30-06 Cardio and Weights/Total Body Stretching 2
05-01-06 Cardio Kicks + Ab Hits (CTX Kickbox)/Total Body Stretching 2
05-02-06 rest/Leaner Legs + cardio gliding (homemade circuit) + Total Body Stretching 2
05-03-06 rest/IMAX2 + Total Body Stretching 2
05-04-06 rest/Boot Camp + Total Body Stretching 2
05-05-06 rest/rest
05-06-06 rest/Rhythmic Step + Ab Hits (Power Hour) + Total Body Stretching 2

My weight is holding steady at 180 pounds even after a stressful week. I am planning a lighter week of workouts to restore my body and establish the habit of getting to bed at a decent hour. After sleeping a few hours a night last week, my body needs a break. I am determined to do this! This is what I am planning for this week:

Sunday - Low Impact Step + Total Body Sculpting (cardio and weight circuit premix)
Monday - jogging in the pool
Tuesday - Supersets + rebounding (homemade circuit)
Wednesday - jogging in the pool
Thursday - Push Pull + rebounding (homemade circuit)
Friday - rest
Saturday - Low Impact Step + Ab Hits (All Step)

Have a blessed Sunday!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Morning - Missed checking in yesterday.

Lori - Hope you had a fabulous time!!! I think back to bed on a Sunday morning sounds delicous - but I have little GS up and around already!!

Yesterday I did not eat well nor did I exercise. Friday afternoon I took GS for shots and he was fussy all day yesterday - by the time he was calm I was too tired!!! BUT I am up early and did Muscle Endurance and he woke up just when I was going to begin my cardio for the day....maybe I can get it in during nap time.

Today will be a nice day with family - we live in the boonies so today we are going "BIG" shopping. That is where we go to a larger neighboring city and buy things we can't readily get here....like seafood and whole wheat pitas......we will probably meander through Lowe's also and then go out to lunch - probably Applebees as they can satisfy us both! and the best part....while I am gone my twice a month cleaning lady will be cleaning my house!!!!!

My plan for this week:
S - Muscle Endurance - Done
M - Imax, short Yoga Practice from my book
T - Get Ripped, TJ Fat Blaster
W - KPC, Short Yoga
T - Get Ripped Slima and Lean, TJ Live
F - Step Blast, Short Yoga
S - Yoga - Shiva Rea Chant

Have a great day!
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Heather - we cross posted -- Good Morning!! You guys must have really got some storms! We spent most of the evening outdoors yesterday and it felt really good....no storms - I am glad you are OK.

Your week looks great!!!!!
Good Morning Kathy, Heather and Lori, I'm so glad your safe Heather. Wow, what awful weather.

Today, actually in a little bit, we are going on our family outing of biking and roller blading. I think I'm going to run either 6 or 9 miles depenging on how far the family wants to go. So I'll let you all know what I did later. Hope you all have a great day. I'm being pushed out the door.

Good Morning Fit Women!

Well, I somehow managed to catch another bug after being sick for a week just a few of weeks ago!x( x( x( I have a huge phlegm ball in my throat along with a slight cough...BLECH! I want to work out today though!!!!*stamps feet and whines like a brat* I'm gonna try it and see how I feel. It's HSCh...couldn't have picked a better one, huh? LOL :p

Yesterday was an AWFUL day for eating. I went out with my mom to go shopping for Joey's party and usually when I spend the day with her my eating gets totally messed up. She doesn't even eat 3 meals a day normally, let alone want to eat 5-6 times a day so I end up eating breakfast before I leave and then by the time we stop for lunch I am STARVING and it's NOT good! I scarfed down a tuna sandwich yesterday and then ate an entire chocolate bar!!! UGH!:eek: x( :eek: While I admit it was YUMMY, I only intended to eat ONE piece and before I knew it, the whole thing was gone! ARGGGGHHH!

I'll stop complaining now though...Today is a new day ,right? :p

Lori, I found myself counting the days until the next trimester as well. Trust me, it won't stop after the first one is over!:p

Heather, I'm glad to see that your motivation is back up there! Good for you! Keep it up! You are doing GREAT! I'm glad your area faired ok in the storm.

Kathy, Sounds like a good day planned. When your cleaning lady is done with your place, please send her here!!!:p

Karen, I read your race post this morning. I am THRILLED for you! I would love to do that some day but at this point I am thinking some day won't be for another 10 years! LOL How do you find the races that are in your area so easily? I was looking to sign up for a run/walk to for fun and had the hardest time find any info! I can't believe you are going to do it again in 2 weeks! That is sooo cool! BTW, how many miles is 5K?
Good morning Lori, Heather, Kathy, Karen, Wendy, and everyone else!

Lori that's great you got in a good night's sleep!

Heather you have a good week of workouts planned, that's a smart strategy. Good thing no one was hurt in that storm!

Kathy enjoy your "BIG" shopping, what fun! You've got a good rotation planned for this week. I have to plan mine, I've been doing the CTX series but I'm in the mood to change things up a little. Still follow the same focus on leaning out, but maybe use different workouts.

Karen I can't believe you're going to run today after yesterday! You must be pumped! :)

Wendy, you poor thing on being done in by a bug!! You're right, today is a new day! My personal plan of attack against colds and such is garlic capsules.

Today is my rest day and I'm going to rest but not from "work". We're having an open house this afternoon, I hope a buyer walks through our door! We haven't allowed ourselves to hunt for a "new" house until we have a buyer for this place. Gotta go get cleaning!!

morning today's workout will be
pyramid shoulders bicep tricep as done yesterday and a steady state run.I really want to add legs so hopefully I can get that in to.Eating I have no clue-hopefully good.Last night we went to applebee's I had steak and shrimp with fries and brocolli a bahama mama and a blondie brownie}( soooogoood.
>Wendy, you poor thing on being done in by a bug!! You're
>right, today is a new day! My personal plan of attack against
>colds and such is garlic capsules.


How funny that you mentioned garlic capsules as I am going to start taking them when I can get to the store to pick up a bottle! I was starting for heart health. I had no idea they helped to battle ills too! That's great news! Thanks for mentioning that. I currently take VIT. C every day for the cold thing...OBVIOUSLY it hasn't worked this month! LOL

I am also going to start taking glucosamine...I have been doing lots of high impact exercise for over a year now and it's just starting to take somewhat of a toll on my joints...it's not bad yet so I'm hoping the supplement will help!:)
Hello fitness ladies,

I never got a chance to see check-in yesterday. I didn't get up as early as i needed to get in my workout and once i did get up i had to hit the ground running. Actually had to go into the office yesterday to get a project done. we also got invited to our neighbors bbq and fight party last night.

Lori-I know what you mean- I counted everyday until the end of the pregnancy. Just couldn't wait to hold my baby:)

Heather-scary weather:( you have a great rotation scheduled

Kathy-enjoy your day with family and shopping! isn't it great to cme home to a clean house and you didn't have to do anything:D

Karen- congratulations on your run!!

Wendy-I too had HSC on deck for yesterday but never got a chance to fit it in. If i don't workout early on saturdays then i usually can't find the time to fit it in.

Heidi- Good luck with the selling of your home. fingers are crossed for you today:)

well today was supposed to be my rest day but since it happened yesterday then today i will have to workout. just need to decide if i will do HSC or go for a run.

have a great and wonderful day ladies......
Sunnyd, thanks for the well wishes for selling our house....I hope today is the day! I have some pink tulips in a glass vase on the kitchen table, something I should do more often just for us.

Wendy, that's funny that you were going to start taking garlic. I find it's the best line of defense against a cold, it's like it burns it out of your system! I always make sure to take some right after a meal or else I feel nausous. I take about 3-4 capsules three times a day when I'm sick, the stuff is great. I take vit. C daily too, it sure does help keep colds to a minimum.

Hope it works well!

Hello everyone!

Today was a four mile run with a neighbor. It felt great!

At church there was a baptism which means cake (the most delicious cake...very light frosting with a creamy middle layer of frosting...very yummy from our local bakery)...and I didn't have any! It's funny, though. I wasn't even tempted! I even have Little Debbie Nutty Bars in the house right now, which I can never resist, but I haven't even opened the box. At 320 calories for one, though, I just can't see myself indulging in one until I meet our challenge!

I just keep picturing my post-challenge pictures and I stay motivated.

My plan is to run every day this week, about 2-3 miles per day, plus a few other functional fitness activities thrown in. I plan to do 2 full body workouts, as well (MM and something else..not sure yet).

Enjoy the day!
Hi everyone. I'm back from my run. It turned out to be six miles of running and two miles of walking briskly holding up two of my little roller bladers. I think holding them up was harder than the run. Now off to make some dinner.

Wendy - 5K= 3.1 miles

Thanks for the info Karen...now I know what my goal will be!}(

I think I'll go look and see if I can find any info on races in my area...for future reference ofcourse...unless it's described as a walk/run!;)

So today DH, DS and I went and walked around a large outdoor fleamarket in our area. My dad used to have a booth at this market when I was really little and I spent many a weekend day w/him there...in the heat, in the cold...YIKES! :eek: LOL Anyway, I love walkin' around those places...don't often buy anything but it's fun to look.:)

No work out today...I thought I would try but I am just too darn tired from whatever it is I have. I get up at 7 and am ready for bed at 2pm! UGH. x( I guess I'll have to get up and move on my work out FAST tomorrow morning or it probably won't happen again.

We stopped at Walgreens today and I picked up the glucosamine but I forgot about the garlic pills. I'll have to do that this week.

Okay, I think I'm done rambling now.:p

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