10 Things I Love About DH


1. When he wants to have a conversation he turns off the TV so that we don't have an irritating obligato in the background;

2. His word is his bond; if he tells you he'll do something you can pretty much bet the farm it'll get done;

3. He's extremely responsible with money, but not stingy (except with himself);

4. He's incredibly punctual and reliable, and SMART;

5. He doesn't have a double standard of conduct for himself versus the world; what he expects from others he also expects from himself - and me;

6. He is incredibly encouraging and supportive of anything I try to do;

7. He is extremely neat and a talented housekeeper; he does ALL the housework, and far better than I ever could;

8. He is very courteous and friendly to service people in stores, restaurants, buses and other businesses;

9. He is a devoted reader; he'd rather read a book than watch TV; and

10 He can fix anything, ANYTHING, and won't stop until the job is done.

Anyone else want to contribute their love list for their loved ones?

THE Luckiest Duck on the Planet
I would love to!!!

1. DH loved me at 267, and he'll love me at 150!!!!

2. He truly does support my fitness program. Not like a lot of people who say it's great, but really feel threatened by it. He truly is happy I'm making changes!!

3. He eats incredibly healthy and that makes it easier for me to do so!

4. He is the original Renaissance man. He knows a lot on every topic. And he's bilingual. He's the smartest person I've ever known!!

5. He encouraged me to go to college and get a degree, even though it's costing us about $11,000 per year!!

6. He's so sweet and kind to others. I get mad sometimes because he lets other people take advantage of him, but I love his caring nature!

7. He's completely secure in his masculinity. He does not feel threatened watching Will and Grace. :)

8. Even though he came from a rather narrow-minded background, he is openminded and thinks through his opinions carefully. He always gathers info and then forms an opinion or idealogy.

9. He's the man of my dreams from a physical standpoint (not to mention the other standpoints as well).

10. A repeat of #1 - he loved me at a big fat 267 pounds, and he'll love me at a normal healthy 150 pounds too!!
I would love to contribute to this post in honor of my "angelface!" :)

1. He made me feel like the most beautilful woman in the world at 375lbs, and that same sparkle is in his eye when he looks at me today at 167lbs.

2. He totally supports me in my fitness endeavors, never questions a purchase, never complains when I "rearrange" the bills to buy a video or piece of equipment.

3. Keeps a smile on his face as he "taste tests" some new low fat version of a favorite meal.

4. I love that he loves me so much he has even given up eating certain "goodies" because they were too tempting for me! (chocolate, ice cream, cakes, etc.) And he's only 150# soak and wet, so he could afford to eat it all! :)

5. Holds his head up proudly as he tells others, I give my wife weights, and gloves and fitness accessories as presents rather than roses and chocolates and expensive dinners. "I know what she wants!" And even though other husbands make remarks that he's cheap, he doesn't feel the need to defend his position, he just whips my pictures out. (before and now)

6. I love that he has allowed me to take this time from working to devote selfishly to myself and improving my health. He could have easily insisted I return to work at least part time, but he breaks his back providing for us, and staying on a strict budget in order for me to stay home and work on me.

7. I love that no matter where I end up physically, I know that he was happy with "me" and that whatever size the package is doesn't matter to anyone but me.

8. I love that he respects what I want to do with myself. He doesn't "poo-poo" it like it's a whim, but respects that the changes I want to make with myself are real and important to me.

9. I love that he doesn't let me take myself too seriously, and will "talk me in to" a piece of cheesecake with a remark like, "come on girlfriend, you know those thighs can take it, I see you squat 60#" :) (clearly it takes nothing more to convince me to eat cheesecake!)

10. I love that after 10 years, he's still my best friend, and I can count on him in ways I have never been able to count on anyone else! He truly is the love of my life!

Thanks Annette for giving me the opportunity to remember and reflect just how important he is to me!

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Awesome thread A-Jock!

1. You know the "in sickness and in health" and "for richer and for poorer" stuff? He meant it.
2. He doesn't always understand me, but he ALWAYS appreciates and respects me.
3. After 13 years, he still calls me pretty.
4. He's hot.
5. He's smart.
6. When I put myself down fro not being able to do certain things (swim, ski, simple addition, etc.) he comes back with a list of things I can do better than him.
7. He never interrupts my workouts.
8. He always kisses me when he gets home. Always.
9. He goes to the scrapbook store and endures chick-flicks with me.
10. He cooks and cleans.
OK. Now I feel like a heel for starting the other thread. Maybe I can atone:

10 Great Things about my Hubby

1. Boyish charm - he's 40, but people usually think he's late 20s or early 30s

2. Extemely intelligent with an incredible memory

3. Fascinating and diverse interests - including thoroughbred horse trainer, Mac and PC computer systems, self-taught (and excellent) guitar player, history buff, etc.

4. Loves animals, never balks at cleaning up even the worst doggie accidents, administers meds and shots to dogs and horses like a pro

5. Always gives me a good-bye and hello kiss and I like the way his voice drops to almost a whisper when he tells me he loves me

6. Always holds my chair for me at on our weekly "date night" at the restaurant

7. Watches Southpark and gory war movies on nights I'm planning to be out of the house

8. Self-sufficient - does his own cooking and laundry (comes from being a bachelor for many years)

9. If I'm upset and angry, I can count on him to be calm and objective

10. When I was critcally ill, he would crawl into bed with me and hold me in the "spoon" position to comfort me

He may be a procrastinator, but I think I'll keep him.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-02 AT 06:13PM (Est)[/font][p]That's wonderful. I too have a DH that has all the same qualities as yours, and more. It's so nice to hear women say nice things about their DH, because all I seem to hear are complants. It seems every woman I meet is a man hater.
1.) sensitive
2.) kind
3.) puts me first (and others)
4.) Isn't concerned about his own comforts
5.) Gives me back rubs all the time for no reason not expecting anything in return.
6.) Protects me
7.) comforts me when I'm down
8.) listens, and talks
9.) humble
10.) smart
11.) knows most of my Cathe roations
There's so much more, but that's my 10.
Lori ann Hart
1. He NEVER gets mad with me.If I went out and bought $5000 worth of clothes ,he would just say oh well.
2.He buys my cathe tapes for me:)
3.He treats my daughter as his own.
4.Always thinks of ours before himself.
5.He tells me he loves me everyday.
6.Understands my work out addiction.
7.Whatever I need done , he will do it for me.
8.He thinks we should treat each other just like we treat our friends.Which is true, without this out look on it, you can easily fall into the trap of taking each other for granted.
9.His skinny legs.
10.He loves to take me anywhere he goes.Most men like to get out ALOT without their wives but he haves just as much fun with me as what he haves with his friends.
11.I can also rely on him for my dirty work.Like telling a babysitter I don't need them anymore,he has the back bone that I wish I could have.
12.And if I am tired he doesn't badger me to have sex.he lets me sleep.:-sleepy
If anything ever happened to him , I truly don't know what I would do.I don't think I could ever find anyone like him.He is one of a kind.
Here's my list:
1. He makes me laugh every day. Uproariously, most often!
2. He supports my home exercise program without a question. He even talks with me about it, and asks about Cathe and Christi out of the blue. He's offered to take me to Cottonwood to take a class with Christi! (Arizona, Taylor)
3. He rubs my feet/back/neck without me asking, and without expecting the same. (But I usually return the favor :) )
4. He is interested in everything! He is constantly looking things up on the internet, while I tend to go to the same two sites!
5. He is so smart and well-read.
6. He tells me I'm pretty when I look awful, and he means it!
7. He leaves me unexpected notes, buys me flowers and surprises me romatically when I least expect it, and for no apparent reason!
8. He works with disabled children.
9. He changes the oil in my car every three months, cooks dinner whenever he gets home early, and generally helps around the house as much as I do.
10. He never worries--has a great outlook on life.
Oh, I want to keep going, but I'll spare you!
10. Wendy
Only 10? That is going to be tough!
1- He is extremely kind, considerate, smart, great listener, and advisor-
2- An amazing and well respected leader.
3- He is wonderful to people without any exception.
4- Loves his family to infinity.
5- Encourages one's goals and ideas
6- Makes great $$ and is extremely generous too.
7- Put me through medical school, and supported me fully all the way.
8- Man of my dream, a true genuine human being.
9- The most wonderful, romantic, respectful husband
10- The most wonderful father.
I can go on and on. He is WONDERFUL!:)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-02 AT 12:10PM (Est)[/font][p] Ok, Ok, I'll bite..

My DH is a wonderful man. I came from a very dysfunctional family and had lost all hope in finding a man that was worthwhile. It is an understatement to say I was very jaded. But in July of 2000, he walked into my life, at a nightclub no less. So for all of you women that think that you can't find a good man in a bar....you are wrong.....

My DH..
1. Has ALWAYS made me the most important thing in his life. I ALWAYS come first.

2. He always cares about what I want or how I feel about something. Right down to dinner..."What do YOU want?"

3. He ALWAYS kisses me when he gets home, when he leaves the house, when we go to bed and when we get up. If he doesn't, I ALWAYS give him a hard time about it!!!:)

4. He has been extremely supportive of my fitness pursuits and never complains when I spend $$ on these pursuits (when I tell him:)

5. He empties dishwashers, makes beds, does laundry..the whole works (he hasn't graduated to bathrooms yet, that is still my job, but I am working on it)

6. He pays the lions share of the bills and never complains about it.

7. He never yells at me (but has plenty of reason to get mad at me)

8. He gives me the remote (Ok, I have my own and he has his) and the TV control WHENEVER I want it, no questions asked. If he says "Do we have to watch this?" I simply say, "Yep."

9. He works out with me now and doesn't complain. He has gotten in better shape since meeting me and being on the police force and now can sometimes kick my butt!!!

10. And probably the best thing I love about my DH is his awesome smile. The one he gets when he is REALLY laughing. It is SO cute.

Ok, I am on a roll.....

11. He is articulate, gets along with everyone, is very responsible, mature, moral... AND...

When I call myself FAT (yes, I hate to admit it), he always says, "Yeah, FAT, P-H-A-T, phat..".

He is SO COOL that sometimes I wonder how someone so dysfunctional had the ability to find someone so normal and opposite of what she was SUPPOSED to pick. I guess that makes me a winner, too...:)

Hey Annette..

The TV is a major source of fury between me and my husband. I get insanely jealous of it sometimes. If I had my way, I would throw it away forever. I bet even I could lose 20lbs that way!! I laughed at your comment about the "irratating obligato" (cool word by the way:). Yeah, but does he do it when YOU want to have a conversation. My hubby is pretty good with it but sometimes I have to say, "Do I have to talk over this?". And then he turns it down or off, preferably off, cuz even without volume, somehow he still keeps that roving-eyes thing, you know, where they half look at you and half at the TV. If he does that he really gets it...

Funny how little things like this are so annoying...

Okay .. I'll chime in, but mine is "10 Things I Love About DBF (dear boyfriend) ..

1) He ALWAYS puts me first, before anything he needs, or anyone else needs.

2) He has never ever raised his voice to me, through disagreements, debates, etc.

3) He has a STUNNING smile and wears it often which I love!

4) He supports me in anything that I want to pursue and always thinks my ideas/passions/goals are wonderful.

5) He's very close to his family, which has always been of major importance to me.

6) He's kind and generous, and is always doing something for me, or trying to think of something to do for me.

7) He's incredibly romantic, and is always telling me how much he loves me/adores me/ or how beautiful I am to him.

8) He understands and respects my need to have my workout time, and my "me time", and never tries to infringe on either.

9) He takes me out for 'date night' every Saturday night without fail, and always lets me pick the restaurant.

10) He loves me for who I am, and I love him for a million reasons, but also for the person that I am because of him.

~ Nicole
1. Best father to our son. Goes out of his way to spend time with son every day. In super shape so can do things with son that the other boy scout dads can't - bike on all the long rides, hike the long hikes, etc.

2. Stand's up to his mother. Let her know in uncertain terms that I am the # woman in his life.

3. Lets me sleep late on the weekends, lets the dog out, has coffee ready for me.

4. Puts up with my purchases - all the Cathe dvd's, smith machine and kitchen gadgets without complaint.

5. Takes care of himself, watches what he eats, exercises regularly and gets regular checkups. He is in excellent shape, no potbelly, muscular, same size as in high school. For some reason some of my friends dh's never ever go to the doctor and they look like walking heart attacks.

6. Family comes before work, he could have a job working for 80 hrs. a week, willing to give up high pay and "glamour" for family time.

7. Sense of humor. Doesn't let things get him down. Puts up with my rants against him. No matter how mad I at him he doesn't get mad back.

8. Ready to jump in when needed, I'm assigned a special project that means extra hours so he does the cooking, shopping, laundry, etc. Actually he always does the laundry.

9. Is polite even when I wouldn't be. Sees the good side of people. For some reason woman tend to develop crushes on him, he is polite to them but never misleading.

10. Cut off his extended family (they're white) because they let it be known that since I'm Asian I am not a welcome member.

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