1. When he wants to have a conversation he turns off the TV so that we don't have an irritating obligato in the background;
2. His word is his bond; if he tells you he'll do something you can pretty much bet the farm it'll get done;
3. He's extremely responsible with money, but not stingy (except with himself);
4. He's incredibly punctual and reliable, and SMART;
5. He doesn't have a double standard of conduct for himself versus the world; what he expects from others he also expects from himself - and me;
6. He is incredibly encouraging and supportive of anything I try to do;
7. He is extremely neat and a talented housekeeper; he does ALL the housework, and far better than I ever could;
8. He is very courteous and friendly to service people in stores, restaurants, buses and other businesses;
9. He is a devoted reader; he'd rather read a book than watch TV; and
10 He can fix anything, ANYTHING, and won't stop until the job is done.
Anyone else want to contribute their love list for their loved ones?
THE Luckiest Duck on the Planet
2. His word is his bond; if he tells you he'll do something you can pretty much bet the farm it'll get done;
3. He's extremely responsible with money, but not stingy (except with himself);
4. He's incredibly punctual and reliable, and SMART;
5. He doesn't have a double standard of conduct for himself versus the world; what he expects from others he also expects from himself - and me;
6. He is incredibly encouraging and supportive of anything I try to do;
7. He is extremely neat and a talented housekeeper; he does ALL the housework, and far better than I ever could;
8. He is very courteous and friendly to service people in stores, restaurants, buses and other businesses;
9. He is a devoted reader; he'd rather read a book than watch TV; and
10 He can fix anything, ANYTHING, and won't stop until the job is done.
Anyone else want to contribute their love list for their loved ones?
THE Luckiest Duck on the Planet