Hello Cathe:
Well, I did it. I broke down and bought the x-press set. I viewed 10-10-10 today and I am confident I lost a few calories just watching it!!
Anyway, this is my question. Whenever I do your step videos, I am always in the 85% zone. I really want to stay in my fat burning zone. It is clear to me by watching this tape that I would be over the top in the first 10 minutes. I hate to sound ignorant here, but what benefit am I going to receive by being out of my zone. I thought we were to strive for that in order to burn fat? Is it strictly for cardio endurance. Please explain as this has always been a grey area to me.
By the way, I love your step videos so much that I have been doing them 5x a week for months now and I STILL am not bored. You truly are great!!!
Thanks and God Bless,
Well, I did it. I broke down and bought the x-press set. I viewed 10-10-10 today and I am confident I lost a few calories just watching it!!
By the way, I love your step videos so much that I have been doing them 5x a week for months now and I STILL am not bored. You truly are great!!!
Thanks and God Bless,