1 rep max


New Member
I don't have my STS program yet and want to do my 1 rep max testing before it gets here so I can begin the first mesocycle right away. Three questions: 1) In some cases, I don't know what exercise is called for in the downloadable 1 rep max chart, like the #641 incline front raise on stability ball. Is there a place besides the thumbnail picture that describes or demos the movement? 2) I am a female that has lifted before but I only have 3, 5, 8, 15, 20 and 25 pound dumbells. The 8s are way to light for many of the exercises but the jump seems to be too much between weights after that. Any suggestions? 3) do you have a copy of a completed sample 1 rep max chart so we can see what exercises we might want to select a higher or lower weight for initially relative to other exercises to narrow down the target more quickly? That way if we get 1 measurement down, we can look at the sample and see whether an average person went up or down in weight for another exercise in the same muscle group. (I realize everyone is different and this would be an approximation.) My initial estimates appear to be too light but as I said, my weight increment options are limited and I am afraid of injuring myself by selecting something too heavy. Thanks.

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