1 January


Hi everyone, & Happy New Year to all my dear friends here. I hope 2005 is filled with joy for you all.

CAROLE...good luck! Or do I say "break a leg"? Nah!
We'll be thinking about you & sending good vibes your way...let us know!

I did S&H L&S on Thursday & CBA on Friday so will complete the series today with B&T but on Monday will switch over to the January rotation. As soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted to try it.

Did you see the Gym Style Legs notice? SLOW MOTION LUNGES!! Yikes!!!!! I knew she'd come up with something new to torture me with. Bless her heart!;-)

Have a great New Year's Day,
Ruth:) :)
Hi Ruth.Have you seen the update? I am so excited. January release Yupppi.Today is cardio of choice in my rotation.I will do KPC. HAve a great new year's day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Hi again.Now is 1:10 PM in my country and I have done KPC.Later I will do the hardcore kickbox circuit with Janis Saffell and Guillermo Gómez. Good morning everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi! Happy New Year!
I saw Ruth's post. Is this the check in for Cathe's Jan. rotation?
If so, I started it and did SJP and power yoga today.
Have a good one.:)
Good morning ladies...!

Thanks for the good vibes Ruth, and your "break a leg" is making me laugh...:D

Sandra...not trying for a personal record. Some of my little injuries kept me from getting in the training I'd need for a PR. I am hoping for somewhere near 4 hours. It depends on the weather. Yes, we do get a medal as soon as we finish. I have been blessed so far and have only needed the guys with the ladder once!! (That was cute)..:)

Mariángeles, yes I believe Cathe's workout have helped me in many runs!!

Sandy..thanks for the Karma and hugs. A hug is always best before the 26.2 miles though...}( :+

I'll be on my way soon. Thanks all of you for your support!!! I know it will help me alot on the run...when I hobble home...I'll let you know how things went....:)

Happy New's Years and have an awesome day...:)...Carole
Good Morning Everyone,

I don't know what workout I'm doing today. I need to go look at Cathe's January Rotation to see if I'll do that but I'm not sure as I was thinking ME. Besides, I thought my head cold was going away but I think it's back.

I finally found some weighted gloves for KPC-I got them for $8.99 so I was quite happy. Decided to start with 1 pound each-I'm sure that will seem like plenty.

Carole-Good Luck on your run!!!

Talk to you all soon, Wendy
Plan to do PLB later after my head stops pounding }(

I'm going to be ordering 2 more DVDs today :7 , and need advice:

Do I get IMAX2/CW and Bootcamp/ME OR

RS/IMAX/MIC and Power Hour/MIS/Body Max?

What a delicious conundrum! Appreciate your valued opinions, friends.

Have a fabulous 2005!
Good morning and happy new year to all,

Today I'll be doing 10.10.10 cardio and stretch (that will be some good long yoga)

My new years resolution is to try to clean up my diet!!! The only thing I'm not giving up yet are my COKES}(

anyone else working on the diet for the new year???

have a great day
Happy New Year!!! 2005! Can't believe it.

This morning I did CTX Kickbox; BootCamp Cardio premix; and Power Hour. That was an intense little workout, I gotta say. Really good, though. PH is such a terrific workout; reminds me of a shorter version of the CTX Upper Body Split.

The sleepover went very well last night. The two girls were up until almost 11:30, then up again at 7:30am. For such young kids, that's not nearly enough sleep. They've both complained this morning of stomach aches, so I have forced them to watch a movie. Yes, I made them lie down on the couch; I'm hoping they fall asleep for a bit longer. The brunch guests will be here in 2 hours and I would like the kids to have some energy. I personally only got 5 hours sleep last night, but my mother is not here to force me to take a nap :)

Foodie Sue- without knowing what workouts are already in your collection, or what types of workouts you want to add to your collection, I would recommend the RS+ and PH+ dvds (but this was a hard decision!!). That will give you Cathe's toughest cardio workouts, and three very challenging total body weight workouts. CW/IMAX2 and BC/ME are four very, very, very good workouts, but you'll get more bang for your bucks with the other two dvds, IMO. Frankly, you need them all :)

Ruth - slow motion lunges?? Aieee!

Wendy - you're giving KPC a try with weighted gloves, hey? Very brave! Let me know how it goes; you're tempting me to go buy a pair!

Lisa - good luck on cleaning up the diet. Any plans to eventually wean yourself off the Coke, or is that non-negotiable?

Jes - how did ME go y-day, with your new weights? Don't let Donna's post worry you overly much. Yes, it's a very tough combo, but just modify! The entire workout is a lot of fun; I think you'll like the music. And as is the case with the entire BB Series, the premixes are exceptional.

Sandy - I went to the NYC Buddies pic, and if you are the woman in the red top, you have nothing to be embarrassed about!! Everyone in that picture is captivating. You don't look like you "need" to workout one bit (but it's so fun, who can resist?). You do need Sara to post a better pic of you, though, because in that particular pic Xena Warrior Princess is blocking too much of you from view :) And thank you for inspiring me, too! I really enjoy this community!

Here's to a decent 2005!
Ciao Tutti!


You all continually amaze me with your daily workouts! WOW!

Today for me was CTX: Step & Intervals with abs from Power Circuit and All Step. I just received CTX a few days ago and plunged in today. If all of the rest of the workouts are as good as Step & Intervals, then I can't wait.

I really enjoyed Step & Intervals and I am looking forward to trying all of the CTX series. I wish I had ordered this series sooner. Better late than never, eh?

Enjoy all of your workouts....

Til tomorrow,

Hi all,

Today I just did the Add ons from BS/BF. Upper body = 20 min Lower body = 20 min. I have to ease myself back into weight lifting -- because I haven't done any for about 3 weeks. Shame on me, it's just harder for me to stay motivated to weight lift on a regular basis...I just enjoy cardio a lot more BUT Wow!! This is the first time I have used resistance bands!! Holy smokes that's tough stuff!

NeedsMotivation -- I'm really working on cleaning up my diet and keeping things in moderation. I will be working on having more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.

Chocolate is my worst enemy. }( I may not be able to give up my chocolate. We'll have to see about that. ;-)
Thanks, Sandra, for the input on the DVD purchase. I was leaning exactly the way you suggested, but wanted confirmation from an expert. I know I need them all, but I have to pace myself or I'll be in divorce court!

I currently have CTX, Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max, Cardio Hits, Timesaver and the Pyramids. I also have all 11 Hardcores ordered.

I'm almost bummed (not really) that HC will be possibly arriving in January. My excuse to keep ordering more was that those weren't going to show up for awhile!

I did do PLB today. Major killer on the hamstrings, my favorite lower body muscle.
Happy New Year to all my wonderful friends on this forum:7 :7 !! I everyone had nice New Year's celebrations!

Ok, so yesterday was truly crazy and I never got to do MEx( :-( .....so I did it today and I feel sooo much better! I went to a friends house for New Year's eve and I don't really think I ate a lot but what I did eat I normally don't ....chicket cutlets, fried of course, buffalo chicken pieces, also fried, drank a decent number of apple martinis (no dessert however, my only saving grace!) so by the end of the evening I was feeling sooo bloated I had to unbutton my jeans, ughhhh! I hated feeling like that! So starting tomorrow I want to start a detox of sorts......absolutely no alcohol for at least a few weeks and go back to eating lots of fresh veggies and fruits.

So yes Lisa, I will definitely be watching my diet for a while!! Hey maybe we can all keep each other posted on our progress in that area?? I really need help sticking to thisx( :eek: !!!

Sandra, oh my, bless your absolutely wonderful heart:7 :)! Thanks so much, I appreciate that... I think it's a heck of a compliment coming from the queen of awesome rotations!!:7 Oh god, you really cracked me up with that comment about Xena warrior princess, LOL!!! I still think that picture is just not a good one at all of me but I really thank you for your kind remarks:+
BTW, how did the brunch go???? I am dying to know!! Glad the girls had a good time, did those tummy aches go away??

Carole, just trying to help out as best as I can all the way from the east coast, lol!! Hope those hugs help:7 !! Can't wait to hear back from you!!

Mariangeles, great workout! Just have to tell you how inspiring I think you are, keep up the great work!! Feliz ano nuevo y te mando un abrazo de tu amiga americana!!

Tammy, I am so glad you mentioned how much you like what you've done so far of the CTX series as I am about to order that in a little while! Please let me know how you like the rest of the workouts as you do them!

Great workouts everyone! Looking forward to getting to know you all a little better this year!!

Have a wonderful rest of the day:7 :7 !
Hi everybody. Sandy thank you. Everybody help me to work hard everyday. My best wishes of your spanish friend.Feliz año nuevo para ti y toda tu familia Con mucho cariño. Foddie Sue I recommend to you the C & W/IMAX 2 and BC/ME dvd. The others are great too. Lisa I have the same resolution: clean eating.Wendy you can use the globes in the January rotation. I am thinking to do the rotation but I have started another rotation :( :( .Carole you are going to be in a perfect shape for the hardcore.Good luck.bfj it is not the check ofthe january rotation. I suppose that on monday lot of persons are going to start the january rotation.autum the sweets are my enemy too.Tammy enjoy your CTx. Sandra Hard workout.I have to try it. I hope not forget to write a message to everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. Feliz año nuevo desde España. :) :)
Sandra- I forgot to mention earlier that the Crunch Candlelight Yoga is about 45 minutes long and is definitely beginner level. However, when it comes to my flexibility, that is definitely where I standx( Trying hard to improve in 2005.

Sandy- I had to go back and catch up so I could locate your pic-it was like a scavenger hunt but I found it:) (I didn't get on the forums much last week). I wish I had "bad" pictures that look like that. You look great and you have a beautiful smile.

Foodie Sue- I want to give you advice on what to order but I think it's a toss up- they are all great workouts. I think the Intensity series workouts with IMAX2/C&W and BC/ME are ABSOLUTE must haves but there are more workouts on the RS and PH DVD's so sorry if I'm not much help. So basically, you can't go wrong.

Hi again! Well, the "brunch" guests left at 5pm, so the house is a disaster area, the kitchen is a hazard zone, and I have retreated to my office for some respite before tackling it all. And if I sit here long enough, DH will have most of the toys picked up :)

Sandy - It sounds like you had a really fun celebration. I hate that bloated feeling, too. Hopefully some of the food "repeats" on you for the day, so you can at least relive the pleasurable experience that caused all the discomfort :7. The mimosas were terrific!!! It's a good thing the champagne was non-alcoholic, because otherwise I'd be typing sideways by now. Non-alcoholic means no-calories, right?? The brunch went really, really well. The kids even got to do some sledding in the park across the street, which gave me a small window of opportunity to clean up the living room before the second wave started. The girls' tummy aches suddenly disappeared when the cinnabons appeared. There was also chocolate chip or blueberry pancakes, toast, turkey sausage strata, bacon, coffee, tea, juice, hot chocolate, eggnog, cantalope, grapes, and mandarin oranges. But my poor daughter is completely tuckered out tonight. And I'm casting covert glances at the remaining cinnabons.........(danger! danger!).

Foodie Sue - you'd seriously pick your husband over a complete Cathe collection? Bizarre......:) As you can see from the responses to your question, it's a tough call. Either way, you can't go wrong.

Wendy - thanks for the info on the yoga. I'm looking for more intermediate, short-ish yoga workouts that emphasize flexibility and stress relief, rather than strength or toning. I'm champing at the bit to get StretchMax.

Well, it sounds like DH is done cleaning, so I can go now :)

Talk to you tomorrow!

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