hey guys...what a past couple of days. Yesterday was just massive in the stuff to do (which included some massive competitive shopping on my part -- six gallons of paint for $24!) and it tired us out. I tried to work out in the evening, wasn't feeling it, and then the DVD player was acting up on me. I tried to kill it before it damaged the disc (We'll see). I took Evee out for a walk while I was all clammy too. Then today, ate like a pig but then got into one of those arguments where we're screaming at each other and then when I think about it later its like, we got into that massive a drama fight because of "X" -- god we're stupid! We're both still reeling from it I think though. I had to drive back to lab (where I am now, yay, alone in the ghetto at night -- I mean, suck) and I'm trying to finish up this one experiment that's been foiling me for a week. I don't know if I can even squeeze anything in by the time I get home but I'll try. Tomorrow is going to have to be extra good though...I'm going to try to dedicate 2 hrs to make up for this slacking. There's the urge to continue my Imax2 Monday thing that helps me start the week but I want to tack on some you think its ok to do a full weight workout? Or do you think I should wait and let my body recover slightly?
Joanne -- good luck with the race!
Chris -- hope work isn't too hectic!
Vilma -- I keep on forgetting you're not on fb...I will remember to put up pics of evee soon.
Beth -- YOU LIGHTWEIGHT! Are you eating enough? Alcohol hits me worst if I haven't eaten enough to counteract it. I think though Chris and I could drink you under the table...
Joanne -- good luck with the race!
Chris -- hope work isn't too hectic!
Vilma -- I keep on forgetting you're not on fb...I will remember to put up pics of evee soon.
Beth -- YOU LIGHTWEIGHT! Are you eating enough? Alcohol hits me worst if I haven't eaten enough to counteract it. I think though Chris and I could drink you under the table...