☼ May 09 Checkin 23rd - 25th * Memorial Day Weekend ☼


Just getting us started - surprise :p

Hi Vilma...and everyone!!

Great minds think alike...I was just getting on here to start our weekend thread..Thanks!

Today, I have more housecleaning to do...So, I may be resting unless I get it and the grocery shopping done in time before Lauren has to get to choir this afternoon..

Anyway, have a great day..
Wow can not believe I am starting this thread for the weekend - its been a long time ;)

Anyways no plans for us this weekend. Same ol', same ol'

Yesterday I just had no internet time to play around but I did do Punch Kick & Jam ? forget the name but it was a goodie.

Today is a short cardio followed with a Lean Circuit.

I wonder who will be around this weekend.

Kathy I was waiting for you to post ;) Maybe I should've waited? ;)

Chris to answer your question from a few days ago :eek: dh wants to sell the house to keep the Realtor commission :confused: Me I don't care I'd give the commission as long as they work for us to get the house sold in a short amount of time.

I think he's saying that now but once he realizes the work - we'll end up w/ a realtor. I just don't want to deal with that mess on top of the other stuff I'll be doing at that time frame:rolleyes:

So Hottie is your new dog yours yet?

Time for me to get my workout started.

Have a great Saturday :)

Vilma: I was just wondering the other day and forgot to ask if you were still selling and moving. I couldn't remember you talking about it. Hubby and I have never wanted to sell ourselves..The realtors do all the work and have all the connections to get people looking..I hope it works out for you though. Good luck. We have no big plans. Friends are coming over tomorrow for BBQ and hubby is taking the kids to a minor league baseball game and I am going to enjoy some quiet time...YEAH!!! ( well actually he is taking one of them tonight while I take Lauren to choir and church and then he is taking Lauren either tomorrow night or Monday)...
Oh Chris: I forgot to mention...I was looking over the rotation you are doing and I may do most of the workouts on week 2...Tomorrow or Monday I am pulling out bootcamp then do the Body Max 2 and step, jump & pump as Cathe has on the rotation...I will figure out something for the cardio days...
::yawn:: no sleep last night...just couldn't sleep right...feeding dog and trying to make her pee...have to start memorial day shopping...::YAWN::...will take nap later...plan to do LIC....good night happy weekend...
Hey Everyone!

Vilma!... what a surprise! You used to always start us off, like old times! LOL!! Punch Kick and Jam is my personal favorite from TJ's!!! Good fun sweat! I think as long as your DH knows what he's doing with all that realtor mumbo-jumbo, than selling yourself should go ok! I'm sure he'll change his mind if it doesn't work quickly enough for you guys.

Kathy: Next week's circuits look like a good run!!! I'm getting into these, so much cardio, though, don't ya think? It's a change for me. Hopefully a good change. Your day sounds nice and relaxed (except for the cleaning). Ugh!

Hottie: OMG.. Evee is here!! (I do love that name, reminds me of the robot Eve in that recent Pixar movie..what was the name of it??!!) Kind of like having a baby the first night. Get some naps in when you can today (you AND Evee!!)

to Beth & Joanne, when you get here, if you have time!!

I did STEP FIT today. First time for me! It seemed kind of easy/moderate intensity in the beginning, ended up in a good sweat. I left out the macarena step sequence/cool down out, and just did my own stretches. I ate on the low end of calories yesterday, so last night, I ended up feeling very hungry.. dipped into the PB and Cool Whip. :eek: I know I sabataged myself by eating so low. I'm going to try to have a better than usual weekend.

No plans here at all. Except regular work schedule. I get paid time and a half for Sunday night!! Gotta love that extra money!

My middle son , alex, slept over a friend's house last night and is there until about 2 today. Wow, it's SO different and quiet here. He is like the pot stirrer when it comes to his brothers.
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Happy weekend! (sorry, Chris -- what happpens with memorial day for you work-wise?) I had a nice extra hour of sleep, and then I just stayed in bed for 20 more minutes wondering if I should test my shoulder or not. I did it. Funny thing, the shoulder work seemed less hard than bis and tris for whatever reason. On the third round of overhead presses I forgot to add the extra weight on the barbell after biceps, and I'm thinking "wow, Cathe's right, sometimes the 2nd & 3rd rounds do feel a lot better!" and then I'd realized what I'd done and I felt really ripped off -- when you're only doing 6 reps, you really do need to make those reps count! Oh well!! Anyway, it was a good workout and I'm glad I didn't wait til Monday. By the way Joanne, you had a great workout yesterday with Tracy's stuff added on! (wasn't that yesterday?)

Vilma, nice to see you starting us off again! That kick punch and jam -- I just feel too uncoordinated to do Chalean's cardio. How lame I am.......

We are gearing up for our 8 guests arriving later today -- I have lots of sheets and towels to wash before then to be ready. Some food to prep. Foggy here -- hopefully it'll warm up a little.

Hottie, Evee looks like a fun dog!! You will soon gain confidence that she can make it through the night, I'm sure.

Have a great day!!

Beth! You owe me a beer!!

Glad you were able to sleep in AND do STB's today!!! LOL at forgetting to put that extra weight on!!

Hope your day gets nicer and you enjoy the company.

Work is as usual this weekend, though I got an email from a co worker telling me the census is extremely low, and they've been canceling nurses. My turn should be tonight, but I'll pass it up, and hope MAYBE for tomorrow... But whenever you WANT to be canceled , it usually doesn't happen. Zach plays with his band in the parade on Monday, and I didn't get to go last year, I'd love to see him this year! ...

think good thoughts for a cancel for me tomorrow!!!! (can you channel something somehow ? you and hottie are good at that! LOL!)
Chris, ok, I owe you a beer -- good thing I stocked up yesterday! :D

I will think good thoughts about correct cancelling! It is crazy how things like that somehow don't work out the way you want them to -- but this time will be the exception!!!

How's all the sniffly crud at your house, anyway? I hope everyone is feeling better!

Oh, forgot to tell you guys..... I did do the extended stretch today -- liked it better than my memory -- I think it's really all about expectations for me, or something.

Isn't step fit an oldie? But you did it for the first time -- new for you, I take it? I don't think I have that one (or if I do, I didn't like it well enough to make it a regular).

What? Are you all out enjoying the day or something?! :p

I needed a break..... four sets of sheets washed and back on the bed. One salad made. The house a little cleaner. I need to go wash more veggies, but I'm getting tired! Already starting to feel sore from the morning workout!

Hope you're enjoying your days.......

thanks Beth!!! (I like Corona Lights w/ lime please!)

Hmmm..the sniffly snotty cruds seemed to have let up . though DH is still coughing awful. No other symptoms though...

I think I do like the extended stretch when I do it too!..

Step Fit IS an oldie! It's on "Classics" I think ... it was "ok",, but the Macerana arms got to me in the cool down. I never was a Macerana kind of girl (never did it even!)

off for my pre-work napparooni!!

have a good one girls!
I just got in.... and I beleive I caught my youngest's cold :(

She got home from school complaining of sore throat and headache , this morning she had a fever. Now I feel it in my head and neck = blah.

I did do Lean Circuit 2 and it was a great one :eek:

whoops my mom is calling bbl......
Macarena arms sound familiar, but maybe that's just cause I've heard others talking about it. I have plenty of cold coronas -- help yourself, but you might have to bring your own lime!!

Vilma, so sorry to hear about the crud hitting your house!! At least you got in a good workout!

HI everyone...

Ended up resting yesterday except for the housecleaning chores...Today I did the original bootcamp...NOw, we are expecting company for a BBQ...

Talk to everyone later..
Hi All;

Yup feeling ick over here but I still did my workout today.

Just finished doing my bathroom and floors. Now my head is acting up :( ah well Moms can't get sick - right?

Here's hoping Beth and her company are having a good visit and Kathy enjoys her BBQ.

Hottie hows Evee doing today?

Chris did you have to work last night?

I think I'm going to lay down a bit soon and see if I feel any better later as I have to cook dinner in a few hours here.

Take Care & Be well

Hey Girls!

Quickie drive by..

Yep, I'm working... Same weekend schedule as usual...

Rest day for me today, tomorrow Bootcamp!

Hope you all enjoy Mem Day BBQ's or parties... Vilma , feel better!!
No, Vilma, moms cannot get sick! But, I sure hope you get well soon!!

We had a great time with our friends (they're almost out of here), but only one family came. The other family didn't make it because they were riding their bikes yesterday and the girl fell, so they spent all afternoon in the ER.

......just had a couple of hours interruption..... I'm sure I owe everyone a beer by now!

Anyway...... we just had the one family and we did have a good time, but it wasn't quite the same. I had a couple of glasses of red wine and really regretted that -- I've become such a wimp -- not a bad thing, I'm sure, it's just that now when I do drink it's really hard on my body it seems. Feedback!

We had a lazy morning -- the friend who was here is the one who does Cathe -- we were going to workout together, but the kids were in the exercise room and her husband was feeling like he had to get to work, so we were just lazy. After they left I ended up going Imax 2 -- you know, it's so funny.... that workout just seemed so crazy intense the first few times, and by now it just seems like a workout. It's amazing to me. I thought it was very hot, but Dylan was cold while he sat there, so I said he should do Cathe with me and that would warm him up and he politely said "no thank you". :)

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Vilma, feel better!

Joanne, I'm probably too late for this, but good luck with the race tomorrow -- it is tomorrow, right? And was it your son playing in the parade, or Chris'? I used to March in the Memorial Day parade when I was a kid in Michigan, but it's been years since I've seen one of those! I don't know if we have them in California -- we must, but I've not heard of one.

And Happy Anniversary weekend to the lovebird couples!! :)


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