“The Wagon” Checkin 4/18


Evening all!

Today was not so great for me. By seven tonight, I had only eaten a bowl of cereal and some cantaloupe. I was sooo hungry, so I had two cheese sandwiches for dinner. I know I didn’t eat enough yesterday, and this just sets me up for failure, so I really need to watch it. I’m not very hungry during the day, but I should force myself to munch here and there so I’m not starving at night. On the bright side, now that I have eaten, I will have enough energy to do GS Legs.

How is everyone else doing?
I did much better today. I had a few snacks when I was hungry during the day (a few cashews, a PB granola bar). I drank lots of water. One of my students gave me a no-bake cookie (my FAVORITE!) for his birthday and I gave it to a co-worker!!! I reached for the jellybeans in the lounge several times, but I had no unhealthy snacks today!

I still haven't exercised, but I am headed to the basement after I tuck the kids in. I kept thinking of "the wagon" all day when I was feeling like I HAD to snack. I will be better in a few days, as long as I keep it up. It is like being in detox when you eat too much junk and then go cold turkey! Ugh!

I will feel better after I exercise!

Hi, ladies.

Jenn-DETOX is exactly what I call the first 3 days after my BIG BINGE! Load up on the water and I usually get a headache that first day (just like yesterday). GREAT JOB staying the course today!

Gina-I can't believe that's all you had all day today. I would suggest some kind of snack, even if it's just a little one (I'm thinking maybe a yogurt, an apple, dry cereal). Better day tomorrow!

For me...Day 2 is just about under my belt. I got up early for my workout...a 6 mile interval run on the treadmill (played IMax2 in the DVD player so I could use the timing for the intervals, etc). Then TONS TONS TONS of yard work including 2.5 hours of push-mowing my yard...and NOT the walk-behind machines either. I literally PUSHED this thing thru my grass! I was all sweaty and tired. Here was my menu for today:

B: smoothie
S: Kashi Mighty Bites
L: Italian Bean Soup with crackers
S: yogurt
D: Kielbasa sandwich, bit of the bean soup, and a tossed salad
S: grapes with FF cool whip.

Good day for me.

Like you said, Jenn, the longer I go the stronger I feel, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow being another good one!

Way to go, Jenn! You will feel even better after working out. I just finished GS Legs & Core Max and feel really good. Have a good day tomorrow!
Well Miss Gayle, a six mile run? Intervals no less? You rock. You just plain rock. I envy anyone who runs well. It is just not my thing. I think you probably burned off any extra calorie you may have eaten last week.

You are right, I need to carry some snacks. I will plan better for tomorrow!

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