“It’s Official! 2007 Cathe Road Trip!”

I am SO excited! Just a couple of questions...what info will be needed when registering and do you need to be a registered forum user to be able to register for the Road Trip? I do not have access to the internet at work (I have to work Friday) but my friend does and would like to register for me, my sister, and herself. We have all been Cathe freaks for years and are so pumped about going on this trip!!!!!
If I remember correctly, I thought it was just like purchasing something (Roadtrip) from the Cathe store and placing it in your cart and checking out.
Hi Ladies -

I have been working out with Cathe for several years now, but new to the forum. I have never been to a Road Trip and really want to go. The thing is is that I would be going alone. How many "trippers" go alone? The thought is sort of scary! Anybody go alone last trip?
Your thoughts.

Thanks -God Bless,

I went on the last road trip by myself. I was also scared, but everyone was so nice especially Cathe. I soon felt very comfortable and was sooo glad I decided to come!! This year I will be going by myself, hope to meet you!

Tracy :)
Thanks so much for your response! If I can make the first 105 - I am going to conquer my fear and go on this road trip.
I hope to see you there! Thanks again!
Hi Kimberly,

I believe the majority of the 2005 Road Trippers went on this trip alone but left with a ton of new friends! I'm sure this is exactly how it will be with you.
Hello Everyone!

I am very new to Cathe and her workouts, but already I am crazy about her!

She has been my inspiration for the past 3 months of working out hard core, as I am preparing for my big wedding day (5 weeks to go!).

I would LOVE to do something like this, as I have seen many of the awesome last roadtrip pictures. BUT my new husband and I are going to Hawaii for 2 weeks in July for our honeymoon(YAY!! Never been!). Therefore, money will be very tight as you can imagine.

I would love to go on the roadtrip next year. I can't wait to see all of your pictures and hear all of your wonderful and rewarding stories.

Take care and have a great time for me!
I will meet Cathe someday!

Hi Amydaisy77,

Have fun in Hawaii on your Honeymoon:)You going to have so much fun!
Post some pitures from your wedding!

Wish you the best of luck!

Take care and have a great time!:)

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