“It’s Official! 2007 Cathe Road Trip!”

Hi everyone! This works out great for me! Can't wait to sign up!! Totally awesome!!!! Nancy~~~~p.s count me in on the peanut butter and birthday cake:9 :9 :9
YAY!!! I'm so excited to see you again!!! I already bookmarked the link to register on Friday! Thank you!
This is awesome!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What about the price for people who won't be staying in hotels? I'm really close to you... I'm in Cherry Hill so I will be staying at my house... please let me know!!!


Hi Carla! The hotel price is separate. There will be a discounted price for the Cathe group. That info should be posted within the next week. Stay tuned and can't wait to meet you!

Here is the info Cathe posted:

•Yippee,,,,we’ve been able to get preferred rates at our first-choice hotels, the Fairfield Inn Deptford and the all-suites Residence Inn Deptford, just a few miles down the road from our gym. These “sister” hotels are next door to each other, and the friendly staff is really looking forward to hosting our group. Details on how to call and book your room with our special rate will follow in another post.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
>Hi Carla! The hotel price is separate. There will be a
>discounted price for the Cathe group. That info should be
>posted within the next week. Stay tuned and can't wait to meet
>Here is the info Cathe posted:
>•Yippee,,,,we’ve been able to get preferred rates at our
>first-choice hotels, the Fairfield Inn Deptford and the
>all-suites Residence Inn Deptford, just a few miles down the
>road from our gym. These “sister” hotels are next door to each
>other, and the friendly staff is really looking forward to
>hosting our group. Details on how to call and book your room
>with our special rate will follow in another post.
>Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")
>If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You

Ok Dah.... it makes sense that it's separete hahaha!!! ok cool!!!! Thanks :)
WOW! I guess I better scrap book the 2005 trip before this one comes up! LOL I can't wait to see everybody again!

YEA!!! My calender is marked, my alarm is set (to wake up and register as I work nights on Friday), and my credit card is ready and waiting!!!

My birthday is also in August!!! This will be an early birthday present!!!;-)
I'm sooooo bummed. We are going to be on vacation then. I know I shouldn't be sad that I'm going on a cruise but I was really looking forward to going to a road trip:-( I grew up in that area and wanted to revisit my old stomping grounds. I'm so jealous but I hope everyone has a GREAT time and come back with pics and stories please!!!!
>OMG I have goosebumps! Cathe, I am so looking forward to
>seeing you & all the girls again.............and of course,
>looking forward to a good ol' fashioned sweatfest! :)

ME TOO!! :) DOUBLE GOOSEBUMPS! I am sooo excited! I really needed this to motivate me! :D

Yippee!! What great news!! Can't wait for Friday to sign up.

And thank you thank you thank you. Now I have something more concrete as a fitness goal than "get in better shape." I'm exhausted reading the schedule -- clearly, I need to up my workouts :)

I am so excited -- I didn't get to go in 2005, but hopefully can this time. Our time zone is different (central time), so I have to be sure and be at my computer at 10:59 a.m. on the 23rd (I hope I'm right -- I looked it up and Cathe's time is one hour ahead from what I can tell!).

I thought I would have to go by myself (my husband does not like this kind of stuff!), but we found out Atlantic City is very close and he loves to go gambling (about the only vacation I can get him to go on!), so he's going with me. He says he's worried about me going alone -- yeah right! At least he can be doing something while I'm having fun with Cathe's workouts!
Uh-oh!!! Sounds like I'll be spending more money on my credit card than my husband wants me to!!!}(
Oh man, a demo of the new iPod workouts!!?!?!?!?
I REALLY want to be there!
I need to start whipping myself into shape now.}(

Sounds like a wonderful weekend!!

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