Search results

  1. L

    Anyone from MA

    I grew up in Groveland, and now live in Peabody.
  2. L

    "Clicking" triceps

    RE: Bump, as this happened again this morning.
  3. L

    "Clicking" triceps

    Hi Cathe - I have been having this problem for a long time and thought I would finally ask. My elbows "click" a lot when I am doing tricep work - mainly overhead extensions, especially lying down. They even click when I use the tricep dip machine at the gym (but oddly enough not on the high...
  4. L

    I'm 38 and just diagnosed w/osteopenia..?

    Hi Karen, I'm 24, 4'11 and about 100, and I also have osteopenia. Before I scare anyone, I have health issues and have taken steroids for over 10 years, so that is the reason for my bone loss. You have received some great advice. I also take Actonel once a week. I was also told to take...
  5. L

    Gym etiquette

    How's this? A couple months ago, a woman was dying her hair on the elliptical next to me! We were in the "Chicks Only" room, which is small, and only has 2 ellipticals, right next to each other. I almost passed out from the fumes! Luckily, she only did it for like 7 minutes!
  6. L

    highest impact workouts?

    Than you Mariangeles and Marion :-) Jen
  7. L

    highest impact workouts?

    Hi all, I am brand new to this forum, kind of new to Cathe (in the past 6 months have become a fan), but not new to working out at home! I have just been diagnosed with osteopenia, low bone density, a step before osteoporosis (but I'm in my 20's). Interestingly enough, high impact is supposed...