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  1. K

    Postpartum Rotation?

    What did you guys do after having your babies? I know you're supposed to take it easy the 6 weeks after giving birth, but I have to be in a wedding 3 weeks after I deliver and I want to look my best! The dress I'm wearing is strapless, so I think I'll just do non-strenuous upper body work with...
  2. K

    Postpartum Rotation?

    I'm due to have my baby in about a month and a half. Now, I know you're supposed to take it easy for the 6 weeks after delivery, but what have some of you done as far as activity after having a baby? The only reason I'm more concerned with this pregnancy is because I've done a great job of...
  3. K

    Sore pubic bone?

    Thanks DebbieH! It's nice to know that I'm not alone! I guess I'm just going to really listen to my body and take it easy on the ol' legs! Thanks again! Penny
  4. K

    Early signs?

    About a week after "doing it" I felt a real bad menstral like cramp on just one side of my back (I get back cramps when it's TOM and I had back labor with my first). I kept thinking, "What is going on here?" It was very painful, and very noticeable. I think it was just when my little one was...
  5. K

    Sore pubic bone?

    Thanks for the replies! I suppose it could be some kind of ligament "down there", but I'm not sure. If I lay off the lunges and leg work, it feels better, but even step aerobics tends to irritate it. I mean, the pain could be worse, but I just don't want to really injure myself! :o
  6. K

    Sore pubic bone?

    I am 8 1/2 months pregnant and have been working out the entire time. However, lately it feels like my pubic bone or pelvic bone or whatever is down there next to my groin!:D gets sore whenever I do lunges, squats, or do lying down floorwork. Is anyone else experiencing this? Does anyone have...