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    Karate Chick! :o)

    What martial arts do you do?? CeeCee ****** Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    How do you get up early??

    Oh, man! I did that too when I worked on first shift. I had to do it then, for when I got home .. utter chaos and madness! Ha! Now that the time's about to change, it's too dark to think about that time of the morning as an option! CeeCee ****** Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    Any central NC people .. !

    Ha! I hear ya, woman! CeeCee ****** Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    One hour a day to devote to exercise: your plan?

    Hi, Fit .. I am a new jogger. I am trying to build up to two miles a day, three days a week to go with my Cathe/Firm regime. I am walking/running for a mile three times a week this week. I will go this phase at least another week and add a half a mile during the week of October 25th. Is...
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    How do you get up early??

    Besides setting the alarm earlier, and going to bed earlier, there's no simple recipe that just sheer determination. Since you aren't a morning person, maybe as sooon as you get home from work, jump right into it. My Hubby, sons, and dog will keep all my time if I let them. I carve out...
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    Colds, Flu and how many do you get?

    Wayne, I manage maybe one-two a year. I think it would be worse if I "Didn't" exercise! They last roughly two days if that! CeeCee Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    How do you add your picture to your profile?

    I want to do that, also .. ! CeeCee ***** Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    Three weeks of success

    Honey, You may make it sooner! Be open for a fun New Year's Eve! CeeCee ***** Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    Any central NC people .. !

    I live in Greensboro, The Triad area! Give me a shout out if you're my neighbor! CeeCee ****** Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!:D
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    WORKOUT Monday 10/11

    Cool! I did Cardio and Weights after renewing my workouts again! Talk about feeling on top of the world! Maybe I won't be as quick to fly off the handle at little stuff now! HehHeh! CeeCee Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    WhooHoo!! Talk about feeling fantastic!

    I'm back on my regime that took me about 5 months to return to. Ha! To date, I love Cardio and Weigts, and although I had to modify it some, I enjoyed myself! It felt soon good to be one of the Elite of Cathe's group again! May your day be nothing but sunshine! CeeCee ***** Slow...
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    National Friendship Week

    There's a lot of truth in that message! Thanks for sharing it with me! CeeCee Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    Suggestions for the older exerciser

    Hi, hon .. ! I would add a few tips, also. 1. Listen to your body. Take your time to learn what you need to know. Don't start out using any risers and no weights. 2. View any workout or class. By doing this, if you see any harder moves, you can think of less hectic ways...
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    How would you describe yourself?

    I love Buttercup! I have some days I'm rough around the edges!! CeeCee ****** Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    How would you describe yourself?

    I am the same as you are! I would add: a "wild woman" Earth mama flirt serious CeeCee Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!
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    Have you noticed ..

    the older you get, the busier, the more you have to "force" yourself to excercise .. even though you know it makes you feel better? It's totally weird! And I get so impatient with myself. I didn't gain anything but negativity if I only get to do "3" workouts, but it's the mental thing...
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    Our own members in Collage Video?

    Congratulations, Kathy H. !! I am a returning member to the Cathe forum. I'm also a Collage junkie. I submitted one to Collge last year. If you check on the same link, I am there, also. I should be the lower right hand corner of the success page. The best part was getting more...
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    What Is The Latest Fitness Fashions

    Hi! Is there a "fitness fashion"? I have my t-shirt, sweats, shoes and weights! I think that's a great one since I look like a sinking ship when it's all over! >Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!:D