Search results

  1. L

    Choosing a Workout for Muscle Definition

    Hi! I already have the Pure Strength series. I can detect an increase in strength, but I haven't been able to notice a lot of results in my definition.
  2. L

    Choosing a Workout for Muscle Definition

    Hi! I have the Pure Strength Series, so I work one body part a day during the week and then I work them all on Saturday using the Body Max DVD.
  3. L

    Choosing a Workout for Muscle Definition

    Hi, Barbara... Thanks for the advice! The Pyramid was the one I was leaning towards.
  4. L

    Choosing a Workout for Muscle Definition

    Hi, All... I only want to order one weight training DVD at this time and I am primarily interested in muscle definition. I am considering the following DVDs: 1)Supersets + Push/Pull 2)Slow & Heavy Series 3)Pyramid Lower + Upper Body Which do you think will offer maximum results? Or...