Search results

  1. T

    Vote for Cathe on Fit-tv

    I just voted and it says Cathe is at 48%, Sharon 33%,Gilad 16%. Woo Hoo!! I don't have FitTv. I've never even heard of Sharon Mann!!
  2. T

    What are the funniest websites you've visited?

    >I got a kick out of this one. Check out her workouts!!}( > >Susan C.M. WOW, Did u ever look at the photos? The Creatine ones were really interesting. I've always wondered if creatine would make a difference. She's a hoot too! And that circuit...
  3. T

    Your Fashion Pet Peeves

    >I HATE FASHION... PERIOD!! I think people should dress how >they want. Personally I hate it when people match everything >ex:red top,white skirt, red shoes...bleck! But if that's what >they like that's cool. it's just not for me. > Be yourself...judge no-one DITTO!!! I always...