Search results

  1. M

    Step not my cup of tea

    Well, I am not sure I like stepping either, but I really haven't done enough of it to know for sure. I've tried Step Works, Body Max and MIS, and watched a few of Cathe's tapes on FitTV. I'm willing to give it a try, but I must say I prefer the weight training and kickbox type tapes to begin...
  2. M

    OT: What does your ideal exercise room look like?

    I may be in the fortunate position of adding on an exercise room to our bedroom when we remodel later this year, and I'm not sure exactly what to consider. Any and all suggestions, thoughts, ideas that you wonderful women may have about your ideal exercise room would be very appreciated...
  3. M

    Low Impact, High Intensity!!!

    YES! Please more low impact. I find the high impact very difficult at my age and with my bad knees and have to try and modify. Not easy! Tracey
  4. M

    Muscle Endurance is on right now!!!

    On my cable network it is listed as the Health Channel. Tracey ;)