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  1. L

    exercise and asthma

    I have been away from working out for a long time, been sick, thought it was my fibromyalgia but it turned out to be astma, but now that I am feeling so much better, I am ready to get back to working out and being fit again, just one question, does anyone else have asthma and works out? if so do...
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    cardio fusion

    I was wondering if anyone had this and if they liked it and all, I just re-ordered a lot of my dvd's I realized along with my Imax 2 others went missing also, I was thinking of ordering this one workout,
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    Tell me if I was wrong

    as you know my daughter left with a guy she just met? well things are going bad for them and she cried to me and asked if she can move back home, we said yes, she then asked if her boyfriend can move in also, we said no since they are not married and I have younger children, well she came home...
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    cotton mouth

    the doctor put me on a lot of new medications and I have noticed that when I work out I have to take tons of breaks to drink water because my mouth is so dry, is there a way to help my dry mouth while working out? it is hard to do anything without having to have a water bottle with me at all times.
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    a question

    Hi Cathe!! I want to say I love your workouts! but I took a really long break and just now getting back to it, I started step jump and pump and my legs are sore. should I only do a little at time and work my way back up and not stess out my legs till the ache while working out? It feels...
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    age of marriage

    how old do you think one should be to get married? My daughter who is 18 wants to get married next month, she only knew him for 4 weeks and lived with him for 3 weeks. I was 21 when I got married, also this daughter of mine can't hold a job, everyjob she gets she quits in just a week to two...
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    Your house rules for teens

    I am interested in what rules you have for your 18 year old, I have an 18 year old, she graduated last year from school, she now works, Last night she went to see her boyfriend, she didn't come home or call to say what she is planning on doing, so that is why I am asking, and what would you do...
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    my dog died!!

    I am in tears, my show dog died suddenly, he was fine last night and I got up this morning and he had passed away, I am so sick today, he was only a year and not yet begun to show yet, I am so sad,
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    my ultrasound

    I had my ultrasound yesterday and showed no tumors, right one was normal nothing there, the left one was very fibrous and two small cysts and nothing to really alarm anyone, so I am happy there is nothing there, I am not sure about the blood though and the one that performed the ultrasound...
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    what do you think?

    What do you think? I have had really sore tender breasts, and this morning I was putting on my bra and noticed that yesterday I leaked blood from my breast. It only did it one day, so is it anything to worry about?
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    Man who fed cats to dogs

    there is an article in our news, it said there is a man that fed cats to his pitbulls!! I think that is cruel to both the cats and the dogs, because now the dogs have the taste of blood and has been taught to attack things, now the possibility of these dogs being placed in a loving home will be...
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    some good news about my son

    I just got a call from Brandon's teacher and they want to do a new IEP on Tuesday next week and they want him for 2 and a half hours a day since he is a very low reader and things, I am also taking him Friday for his evaluation with a specialist in develomental delays, we are finally getting...
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    does walking help the glutes?? because my rear hurts after yesterdays walk LOL if so I am going to walk tons!! LOL
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    Finally getting back

    I am finally getting back into working out, so I am starting out slow, so I went for a walk, I took my new dog Jack (aussie, a rescue dog) and he walked me, I think I got more of a workout than I had planned on LOL my poor hip and knee LOL they were sore by the time I got home LOL but it sure...
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    Children with developmental delays

    I have so son which I am taking to the University of Utah Medical center for an official diagnosis, He was tested in school at the preschool age and discovered he is developmentaly delayed, Now the cause we do not know, that is why we are taking him to The Hospital an hour away to get tested and...
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    What is Happening to the world??

    I was at Wal Mart and I was so shocked to see just how disrespectful people have gotten, I have been mowed over just about by women in a hurry and didn't say excuse me please, just pushed everyone out of her way, that is happening all the time now. The other day, some old man was mad and shoved...
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    Trusting people

    How well do you trust people?? I am so upset about a breeder, she sent me a puppy and doesn't even look closely like the puppy I paid for, and I still haven't recieved the papers on the puppy. so I sent her an e-mail requesting I get my money back. I haven't heard, My hubby thinks I am way to...
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    Cruel dog breeder

    I am not going to name names but here it goes, I bought a dog from a so called good breeder, it took me a month to get her, and then when I got the dog it wasn't the dog I bought!!! and didn't mail the papers so I had to pet the dog out to a really good home but I paid $2000 for this puppy. I am...
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    my poor stability ball

    I had this really nice stability ball and I stored it in my laundry when I am not using it, well, I went to do some laundry and there it was, the crime of the century LOL, My ball, laying flat on the floor with a huge hole in it!!!!!. My kids were playing with it and popped it!!
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    Go figure

    I bought this house 10 years ago and it has been great, good neighborhood and all. NOW in the last month someone broke into our house, my son came home early and must have scared them off before they could get away with anything, Now I don't know if this is related but I think it is because they...