Search results

  1. P

    Allergic to sunless tanners

    Ladies, I just bought "Tan Towels". They are like wet ones. I have not used them yet but they say they exfoliate and their isn"t any smell, maybe a little lemony. They claim the towels are for all skin types and you will not have a reaction from them. I bought mine from my esthetica shop...
  2. P

    Which tapes to order?

    Thank you Barbara and Deborah, I'm Looking at Muscle Endurance,Power Hour, Pure Strength,Pyramids and Learner Legs(like the name of this one). This site is so overwhelming and yet so exciting at the same time. Thanks Again, Pat
  3. P

    Which tapes to order?

    I really need to tone and lose about 20lbs. I would like to use free weights. Work-out space is limited. I do have a treadmil for cardio. Could someone guide me into chosing the right videos? I don't have any health concerns-bad back, sore knees,etc. I don't mind starting with small weights and...