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    Cathe on television

    cathe's show let's face it, everyone..... WE JUST LOVE CATHE!!!!! WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT TO HAVE A NEW "VIDEO" EVERYDAY!! CATHE IN THE FLESH....(the 'real' flesh) GO CATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whether you can commit to something like that into your life...and still 'have a life' (smile)
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    recumbent bike recommendation

    thanks!! thanks pam!!!!! i'll go check brea's only about 25 minutes away!!!! (and the mall remodel, and FOOD places are great too, huh?!) smile. thanks again!! wendy
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    whole foods cookbook

    "kathryn is happenin"!! dear kathryn, thanks for 'the face formula' \_/ i went for a 'slight modification'.....well....the jury is definitely still out on this guy! but at least he's smiling!! my husband just walked by, and was ever so impressed with my...
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    recumbent bike recommendation

    thank you! dear pam, thanks so much for your response regarding the bike. i've heard of the tunturi as well as the schwinn.....i've gone to see the schwinn...nice..(a little bit expensive, though...) but apparently, tunturi has gone out of business....and i don't know where "Copeland's" is...
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    whole foods cookbook

    dr. spocks' face practice dear kathryn, thanks for the 'formula'!!! boy, i'm gonna have to print those instructions..and practice a few times....(smile!) too bad i can't get my printer 'configured', or 'whatever'.... to actually, print something....anything!! just getting this e-mail thing...
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    whole foods cookbook

    RECIPES....YES!!! PLEEZ!!! (yipee... dear juiliet.... yeah!!!!!!! thank you for offering recipes from your kitchen....YES! YES! YES! "SHOW ME THE RECIPES!!!!!" (hee-hee). i would love to get some 'tried and true' yummy recipes. sometimes some of those cookbooks are kind of intimidating...
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    whole foods cookbook

    thanks for your recommendations! dear nancy, thanks so much for the book recommendations. in fact, i do have the book by cynthia lair and love it! i'm going to try and expand my horizons...although, i'm not very "gourmet-ish" (oh well! you never know!) i'm was interested to find out that you...
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    recumbent bike recommendation

    thanks! christine, thanks for your recommendation!!! wendy
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    recumbent bike recommendation

    hi! sorry it's me AGAIN!! but i'm at my witts end....i've been pouring over the internet looking for some recumbent stationary bikes to cross train with....i've found some....that is, if you want to fork our $1000-$2000!!!! yikes!! i mean i want good's not going to be a...
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    whole foods cookbook

    as you can see....hopeless! well beth.... it made it afterall!!! who's to know?!!! NOT ME!!!!! sorry! from, "hopelessly computer illiterate, wendy."
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    nutrition, herb,health books

    hi!! boy, my name is posting everywhere today!! it's saturday, and daddy is watching the kids!!!(smile) anyhow, does anybody out there have any 'favorite' books on nutrition, herbs,family/ children's health, sports/workout/training first aid etc..... if so, please let me know, i'm looking for...
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    whole foods cookbook

    oops, reply in wrong place! dear beth, well, good'ol wendy did it again!!! this computer thing is just NOT MY THING... i tell you, it was just 'before my time'!! i can't even find a book in the library!!! it's pretty humiliating when these 10 year olds come by 'zippin away on the...
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    healthy eating

    dear beth, thanks so much for your posting!! i'm going to look into that book...ya know, i do have a book by those authors.."prescription for nutritional healing" but NO recipes in must be from the same series or something. i'm going to see if i can find it, i really like the book i...
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    whole foods cookbook

    vegetarian cookbooks dear kathryn, thanks so much for your input regarding the vegetarian times cookbook. our family isn't "totally" vegetarian....although, i think many people might consider us as such. we eat chicken occasionally, and fish as well.... ideally, my husband would like to go...
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    whole foods cookbook

    thanks! nix 'healthy' frozen foods! dear elizabeth, hi! thanks so much for answering my post. well, i did it again with this computer thing....(frown) i had a wonderful response composed, and by some 'freak of nature' (or the fact that my sister, who's getting married in a month, came over...
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    whole foods cookbook

    hi! i just started this 'computer thing' and i think i'm really getting into the 'groove'. never mind that cathe's web site is the only one i can get to, because the address, "" is pretty foolproof...even for me!! (yeah!) i have a question... i'm looking for a "really yummy, healthy...
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    weights first, then cardio?/supplements, chitosan?

    thanks! dear cathe, donna and kathryn, thank you so much for your input regarding the 'ever controversial'..."cardio or weights first" thing. donna, sounds like your husbands's protein drink is working for him....and 'you'!!!!(smile!) i don't quite know what it's doing for me....but i 'do'...