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  1. N

    your workout videos

    body types Yes that did help. Thank you very much. From what I got out of this is to not worry about the body type and do the same training for all over. Thank you. Debbie
  2. N


    myoplex shakes It is my understanding that if you want to loose weight you use the myoplex lite shakes. These are designed to use as a substitute for a good nutritious meal and not to add to one. They have other shakes for adding muscle and such but the lite is for loosing weight. Deb
  3. N

    your workout videos

    response to my question I wonder why I never get a response back from Cathe on this question. I thought maybe the first two times I had posted this question in the past that it was just overlooked.....but this is the third time and I still get no response. Dont think I am doing anything wrong...
  4. N

    your workout videos

    I am told that most women are pair shaped. I was wondering if you gear your video workouts to that specific body shape. I of course am one of those that has a smaller bottom area and my top is heavier. If I am not mistaken I think I am suppose to do lighter weights and more reps for the top and...
  5. N

    Since the VF forum is down . . .

    Gilad Gilad is filming new videos? What kind is he doing and when are they due out? Deb
  6. N

    New Survey and More IntervalMax Pictures

    mini step Was wondering about using the step that Cathe has now and just adding risers to it to make a tall step up box. Thanx Deb
  7. N

    Maximum Intensity Strength and Pure Strength Series

    Hi, I am a little confused on something. This is hard for me to explain. Ok in the Pure Strength Series it says in the Collage Video Catalogue that the results are significant, visible, body changes (not just minor toning). Which of course is what I want. I guess I always thought that it would...
  8. N

    Maximum Intensity Video

    Hi, I would like to know about the calf excercises. They warm the calves up but then I don't see any specific excercises for them. Does one of the other excercises work the calves sufficently? Thank you NailsbyDeborah