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  1. M

    No sugar diet?

    RE: Check out Kathleen DesMaisons on Sugar addiction Veronica I congratulate you on controlling what you eat. However, the sugar busters books (and books like it) are trying to convince those of us who put sugar in our coffee that we have a problem as well and it minimises the severity of...
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    No sugar diet?

    RE: Check out Kathleen DesMaisons on Sugar addiction The exception does not make the rule. The books like Sugar busters are trying to convince everybody that they are addicted to sugar. If you are sensitive to sugar that is one thing. Being addicted to sugar is another issue entirely. Being...
  3. M

    No sugar diet?

    RE: Check out Kathleen DesMaisons on Sugar addiction In my personal opinion sugar addiction is the concoction of a bunch of quacks trying to sell more books. The studies they quote are either fundamentally flawed or based on people who are diabetic. Of course people who are diabetic have...
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    Cathe videos in retail

    A little bird whispered in my ear that Cathe videos may be released in retail. Should I shoot the little bird?
  5. M

    Allstep CXT

    YEAH!! If you will recall I wined and moaned that I could not do All step from the cross training set. I tried it again during the weekend and Hooray!! I could do most of it. I could not do the last section where you start from the beginning. (I can barley remember a routine I learned 5...
  6. M

    Started CTX!

    Help me, Help me!! For I have also just started the CTX and I tried volume 4 lastnight and I could not do the step routine. I would end up watching the TV trying to figure out what I should be doing. I would always end up on the wrong end of the bench using the wrong foot and facing the wrong...
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    anyone use Reebok step for Cathe tapes?

    I have a reebok step Mind you the only videos I have of Cathe's are the PS series and body max and I find the reebok step to be very good. It is only a few inches shorter and wider than the Real step. Personally I do not see much of a difference (I have used the real step in the gym) What...
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    lower back pain during lat barbell rows

    sorry to mis-lead you I do not have as much trouble with the exercise where one end of the barbell is on the floor. It is the exercise after the single arm bent row. You are bent forward with the barbell in both hands, hip width apart and you row the barbell along your legs. The...
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    lower back pain during lat barbell rows

    I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I did PS vol 3 last night and my back did not like doing lat rows with the barbell. Should I switch to one arm lat rows? I do not think the weight was to heavy, I could have even gone heavier but I do not have any more plates for my barbell. It feels like...
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    Yesterday I did Body Max, and for the first time, I am not soar today. Yahoo!! My goal is to beable to do 2 sets of 16 push ups from my toes. Right now I can do 2 sets of 16 push ups from my knees. What is they best way to go from knees to toes? Thank you Michelle