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  1. L

    Intensity DVD #3 Suggestions

    I love the suggestion of doing a Pyramid Down approach as the Bonus workout. I'm not sure how that differs from what others here are suggesting, since this workout would be a total body workout. I'd like to be able to do this bonus workout as either a total body workout or a shorter two day...
  2. L

    2nd DVD feeback request...

    I guess I am in the minority, but I would prefer option 1. I'd like to be able to get all the new tapes on DVD, but don't want to have to repurchase old workouts to get them. Lisa
  3. L

    Flooring for home use.

    There are various flooring options available at this web-site: The have a plyorobics pad 4' x 3 1/2' for around $45 and have some other options to cover a larger area. You can request a catalog which also includes all sorts of fitness equipment. I cannot vouch for...