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  1. K


    I love this thread!!!! It's making me wanna go shop for my Winter fragrances! I love Red Door, Amarige, and Coco Chanel in the Winter, and Sunflowers or Green Tea by Arden in the Summer. KathyH
  2. K

    I'm back & need the Rotations!

    RE: GOT 'EM! I'm sorry to butt in, but what are the "rotations"? Is it a Cathe rotation? Kathy H2
  3. K

    I'm back & need the Rotations!

    RE: GOT 'EM! I'm sorry to butt in, but what are the "rotations"? Is it a Cathe rotation? Kathy H2
  4. K

    Thinking about going totally cathe

    Thank you so much for the reply. I just started back after a 2 year hiatus and I have about 15 Firms and 6 Cathes and I want more but get confused (making it harder than it has to be). I do remember a few years ago, I was overtraining. I may try the 2 days of cardio thing. Thanks! kathy
  5. K

    Thinking about going totally cathe

    Georgia - What rotation do you follow? I would love to get the Cathe tapes with weight work. Kathy
  6. K

    Thinking about going totally cathe

    Georgia - What rotation do you follow? I would love to get the Cathe tapes with weight work. Kathy
  7. K

    Thinking about going totally cathe

    Just wanted to say, I've Firmed since '91, and added Cathe in 98, and I love them BOTH! They compliment each other wonderfully! Kathy H
  8. K

    Cathe with firms?

    Hi! I know this is an old topic but I wanted to say that I get GREAT results using Cathe and the Firm! I don't have Cathe's weight tapes(except BodyMax), so I do 4 Firms a wk and the I add 1 or 2 Cathe step tapes. I've done the Firm for 12 yrs, but I just found Cathe 4 yrs ago. They're both...
  9. K

    Late Night workouts

    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading this topic. I have always been an early morning exerciser, but since I had my 2nd child and went back to work, the ONLY time I can seem to do it and stick with it is between 9 and 10. I am growing to love my evening workout. It's so...