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  1. M

    Desparate for some help

    A word of thanks Cathy, Thank you for your response to my problem. I am sure it is a dilema that many women face. I am in the process of considering many of the suggestions that the wonderful visitors of your web site have posted. I have to say that I found your site quite by accident. I...
  2. M

    Desparate for some help

    Reading burns how many calories?? KathyH, Thank you for your advice. Why is it that the older you get, the harder it is to rid yourself of all those years you enjoyed eating. Don't you think it should be just the opposite? Thank you again. I will be sure to get to the library. Mar
  3. M

    Desparate for some help

    Movin and Shakin Joanne, Kathy's tapes are awesome. I had about 3 or 4 of her tapes but my *&^%^*& ex-husband got a hold of them and has yet to return them to me (he by the way looks great so I don't think I will get them back) Perhaps you would recommend some of your favorite tapes to me so...
  4. M

    Desparate for some help

    Thanks Thank you for your advise and concern. I will certainly give your idea of keeping a diary of my meals a try. Additionally I will visit the web sites you mentioned to see if they can help me. It is nice to get different ideas from different people. I am hoping all this advise pays...
  5. M

    Desparate for some help

    Cathe, I have been working out using a combination of your tapes and step classes at my fitness club on and off for 8 years. Over the past several years, I have gained weight due to the fact that I sit on my butt all day with the work that I do and unfortunately cannot get to the gym as...