Search results

  1. P

    Cathe Classics DVD (volume 1)

    Another vote for the "Step" tapes Step Heat Step Jam Step Max Re chaptering, I would love to see separate chapters for warm ups, cooldowns, and each step segment. Also, if Step Heat is included (and I really, really, really hope it is!) I would like to see the abs section with its own chapter...
  2. P

    VF Forum down ?

    Also unable to get in. Really glad to know I'm not the only one!
  3. P

    Oldies DVD?

    Thanks, Cathe!!! I know there are many of us eagerly awaiting this announcement!! ;-) Thanks for getting back to me.
  4. P

    Oldies DVD?

    Hi Cathe! Just wondered if there are any new developments regarding the DVD with your earlier tapes that had been mentioned before. I apologize if this has already been recenty discussed. But I was just looking at my "Cathe" shelf and thinking how great it would be to replace tapes of Step...
  5. P

    Option 2 is the winner!

    Thank you, Cathe and SNM!!! I've been checking your website regularly this whole day, hoping against hope that you will announce something about the DVDs! I know it hasn't been easy, and you will disappoint some people no matter what you do....but I'm definitely one of those that's thrilled to...
  6. P

    2nd DVD feeback request...

    Hi Cathe, Let me thank you again for soliciting people's suggestions *and* for really taking them into account! I am voting for Option Two. I think putting the strength workouts together in one DVD and the cardio workouts together in another DVD is great! (I admit I also don't feel like...
  7. P

    DVD Feedback Wanted

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-01 AT 02:21PM (Est)[p]Hi Cathe, (This is my first post to your forum though I've been lurking for a couple of years now!) I love the idea of your putting out more DVDs! I am so looking forward to having my Cathe tapes all turned into Cathe DVDs soon! Love the picture...