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  1. W

    exercise clothes

    I had the InSport maternity short and tights (available at and loved them. If you need the extra support, I would get a maternity belt to wear under them and other clothing. Make sure you can try on the maternity belt before you buy it or if you purchase online, that you...
  2. W

    Motivation Post Baby

    What about stroller fitness? It is really helping me regain my pre-pregnancy fitness and does not require a babysitter. I was a little doubtful at first, but my legs are now looking almost as good as they were when I was bike racing! About 5 days a week, my seven month old daughter and I leave...
  3. W

    pelvic pain

    It could be the hormone relaxin starting to affect your pelvic region. As your due date approaches (and at 7.5 months, it is not that far away), the joints in your pelvis start to loosen to prepare for the delivery of the baby. I had pelvic discomfort towards the end of my pregnancy, and my...
  4. W

    Good nursing bras?

    LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-01 AT 00:18AM (Est)[p]If you are not very large chested, why do you need the extra support of the underwire? Even though you say that you cannot stand soft cup bras, it sounds like you have heard that underwire bras can contribute to clogged milk ducts. If you do decide...
  5. W

    Cats and babies

    Just an update - Jenny has been with us since Christmas Day and things are going well. Jenny was curious to start and it worried me when she would start approaching the baby and me, but she never showed any signs of jealousy or aggression. She looks at the baby alot, but keeps her distance...
  6. W

    Returning to teach (or participate)

    I am an aquatic fitness instructor and just gave birth to my beautiful daughter 10 days ago:-jumpy. I taught until 2 weeks before my due date (but then the lifeguards and my mom were getting nervous) and have agreed to be a sub for the winter session. Has anybody else instructed (land or water...
  7. W

    Cats and babies

    Our baby is now 4 days old and home with us. Jenny (our "first born")is a very jealous cat and we had already made arrangements for her to stay with my parents for the first while (she had lived there with me while I was apartment hunting and generally likes it there because it is a house with...
  8. W

    Sara Elisabeth has arrived!

    I (the "due next week but not quite ready" poster) now have a beautiful baby daughter - Sara Elisabeth, born Dec. 13, 2000 at 2:54 am and weighing 7lbs 11oz. When she was finally there, I had a feeling like I have never had before - I can't explain it, but I was half crying, half laughing and...
  9. W

    Sara Elisabeth has arrived!

    I (the "due next week but not quite ready" poster) now have a beautiful baby daughter - Sara Elisabeth, born Dec. 13, 2000 at 2:54 am and weighing 7lbs 11oz. When she was finally there, I had a feeling like I have never had before - I can't explain it, but I was half crying, half laughing and...
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    Due next week but not quite ready

    One more update - I am now 2 weeks overdue and will be induced today. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but the fetal assessment score decreased yesterday (now at 8/10, vs. 10/10 last week)so it's off to the hospital. My husband and I gave up trying to pick out names - we just couldn't...
  11. W

    Due next week but not quite ready

    Just an update - I am now over a week overdue and no sign of progress. I have had 2 fetal assessments this week and the baby is doing fine and just does not want to come out. I think that I was concentrating so hard on not having it come early that I never even considered that I would be so...
  12. W

    Due next week but not quite ready

    I am now almost a week overdue - but at least my husband is here. Maybe this is nature's way of having a bit more time for my husband and I to experience the pregnancy together. But it is a bit difficult not being able to plan anything - just taking things one day at a time. And I can't step...
  13. W

    Due next week but not quite ready

    I am due in 6 days with my first child but do not feel quite ready nor excited. I think it is because my husband is abroad and won't be arriving until Sunday, just 3 days before the due date. We were both working in a sub-Saharan African country and I returned to my hometown a month after...